Scoville, Joseph Alfred, The old merchants of New York City

(New York :  Carleton,  1864-70.)



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  Page 330  

330                    THE  OLD MERCHAJVTS


Proposals were advertised, but it proved a lamenta¬
ble failure.    Only $3,985,400 was offered.

Finally a few merchants, headed by the celebrated
Jacob Barker, opened a subscription list, and among
them Henry C. De Rham subscribed $32,300.

Many of the names mentioned in these chapters took
part in this loan.

Harman Hendricks took $42,000. He died leaving a
large property. The loan prospered him. His sons
continue business.

Boorman & Johnson took $10,000. That firm still

John F. Delaplaine took $10,000. He is dead, but
his son Isaac lives —is very rich, and a member of Con¬
gress from this city.

Stephen Whitney took $10,000. He is dead. Henry
A. and John G. Coster took $100,000. Both of them
are dead.

Bradhurst & Field took $5,000. One was John M.
Bradhurst, who died rich. Mr. Field '«'as father of the
Fields.    B. & F. were wholesale druggists.

Jacob M. & John M. Hicks took $2,000. They died
rich.    They were Quakers.

W. H. Ireland took $2,000. He is rich and pros¬

Majahre & Tardy was an old and wealthy French
house. John G. Tardy was the partner. He was father
to the present John A. Tardy, noticed in a formei

James McBride took $10,000. He was an Importer
of Irish linens. Lived In College place many years.
His daughter married .ludge Vanderpoel.

Peter Crary took $10,000. He was one of the great
dry goods house of P. & I. S. Crary & Co., in Pearl
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