Haynes, George Edmund, The Negro at work in New York City

(New York,    1912.)



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Bibliography of the Negro American, Atlanta University Pub. no. lo.
W. E. B. DuBois, editor, Atlanta, Ga., 1905.

Bibliography of Negroes.   U. S. Congr. Lib., 324.

American Woman's Journal, July, 1895.   The Story of an Old Wrong.

Atlanta University Publications, W. E. B. DuBois, editor.

No. I. Mortality among Negroes in cities, pp. 51.    Atlanta, Ga.,

No. 3. Some  efforts  of  American  Negroes  for their  own  social
betterment, Atlanta Univ. Press, Atlanta, Ga., 1898, pp. 72.
No. 4. The Negro in Business, pp. 77, Atlanta,  Ga.,  1899.

Brackett, J. R. Status of the Slave, 1775-89. Johns Hopkins Univ.

Bulkley, William L. Industrial conditions of the Negro in New
York.    Annals, Amer. Acad., 27: sgo-6.    igo6.

Chapin, Robert Coit. Standards of living among workingmen's fami¬
lies in New York City. New York, 1909 (Russell Sage Founda¬
tion Publication).

Collin, G. L. A city within a city: St. Cyprian's parish. Outlook
(N. Y), 84: 274-7.   1906.

Colored Orphan Asylum and Association for Benefit of Colored Chil¬
dren.    Annual reports, 1896—N. Y., 1896.

Commissioner of Education. Special report on the conditions of im¬
provement of Public Schools in the D. of C, Washington, 1871,
PP- 5-850, indices. (Schools of the Colored Population, pp. 193-
400).   U. S. Print.

Goodell, W.   American Slave Code.

Griffin, Maude K. St. Mark's and its social work for Negroes. Chari¬
ties, 15: 75-6.    1905.

Horsmanden, D. The New York conspiracy or history of the Negro
Plot, New York, 1742.

Hansall, Geo. H.    Reminiscences of New York Baptists.

Kellor, Frances A. Out of Work. A study of employment agencies,
their treatment of the unemployed, and their influence upon
homes and business.    Knickerbocker Press, N. Y., 1904, pp. 283.

---------Southern colored girl in the North.    Charities 13: 584-5.    I905-

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