Berkson, Isaac Baer, Theories of Americanization

(New York :  Teachers College, Columbia University,  1920.)



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Table of Contents

  Page [VII]  


Introductory......................................      1

I.   The Doctrines of Democracy......................      9

1. The Scope of Democracy; 2. The Basis of Democracy;
3. The Quintessence of Democracy; 4. The Criteria of
Democracy;   5. Democracy and Minorities.

II.   Theories of Ethnic Adjustment....................    49

1. The Jews—A Minority Ethnic Community; 2. The
*Americanization' Theory; 3. Americanization as Like-
mindedness; 4. The'Melting Pot'Theory; 5. The'Feder¬
ation of Nationalities' Theory.

III.    The 'Community' Theory...........................    97

1. The Cultural Basis of the 'Community' Theory; 2. Its
Relation to the Family; 3. Its Relation to Zionism; 4.
Variability in Retention of the Ethnic Heritage.

IV.    The Value op Ethnic Groups........................  121

1. The Basis of Evaluation; 2. Sincerity of Outlook; 3.
Loyalty to a Minority; 4. Multiple Culture Loyalty;
5. The Hebrew Language and Literature; 6. Jewish His¬
tory;   7. The Jewish People—An Internation.


V.   The Relation of Ethnic and Church Schools to the

State.............................................  147

1. Sect and Ethnos; 2. The Parochial School; 3. Re¬
ligious Instruction in the State Schools; 4. Supplementary
Ethnic and Religious Schools.
  Page [VII]