Tafur, Pero, Travels and adventures 1435-1439

(London :  G. Routledge,  1926.)



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^' '                   NOTE AS TO DATES

/* "^ Certain dates can be ascertained from Tafur's narra¬
tive, and it may be useful to give them now (Tafur
mentions no dates).

Leaving out the vexed queftion of the year of the
attack on Gibraltar, as to which see ch. i, note i, Tafur
must have sailed from Spain towards the end of 1435.

1435,  December {after 2^th).—Tafur was at Genoa
during the rising againft Milan (ch. ii, note 6).

1436,   May 17 {Ascension Day).—He sailed from
Venice for the Holy Land (ch. v).

1437,   October 29.—He was at Rhodes when the
Grand Ma^er, Antonio de Fluvian, died (ch. xii, note 4).

1437,   November 24.—He was at Conftantinople
when the Emperor sailed for Europe (ch. xiv, note 2).

1438,   May 22 {Ascension Day).—He returned to

1439, January 16.—Having completed his European
travels, Tafur was back in Ferrara on the day when
the Pope and the Emperor departed for Florence
(ch. xxviii, note i).
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