Tafur, Pero, Travels and adventures 1435-1439

(London :  G. Routledge,  1926.)



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  Page 126  


Adrianople.—Description  of the   Grand  Turk.—The  Black  Sea.—
Arrival at Trebizond.

Having returned to Conftantinople, I asked leave
of the Despot Dragas, who now represented the Em¬
peror, to go to Adrianople, the greateft city in Greece
except Conftantinople, where the Turks had their
armies. The Despot sent for certain Genoese mer¬
chants who were there, and direfted that they should
arrange for me to see the Grand Turk, his ftate and
person, and return without danger. It happened that
a brother of one of those merchants had arrived, who was
very acceptable to the Despot and was much trufted by
him, and this merchant agreed, in order to serve the
Despot, to carry me with him and show me everything.
We departed in three days, taking the road to Greece,
and passing certain small places which need not be
described here, until we arrived at Adrianople, a nine
days' journey. Here I lodged with the Genoese who
had his house in the city. The Grand Turk^ sent for
me to enquire when and how the Emperor had de¬
parted, and in what ftate, and in whose ships, and
accordingly, while telling him these things, I saw his
person and household and people. He muft be about
45 years of age, of good ftature, and handsome of
feature. He seemed from his bearing to be a discreet
person, grave in his looks, and he was so handsomely
attended that I never saw the like, for he had with him
all his forces, which amount \o 600,000 horsemen,
and, left it should appear that I am exaggerating, I
refer to those who gave me the information. In good
faith, I am afraid to repeat all that was told me. There
is not a pedeftrian in the whole country, but all go on
horseback, on very small and lank horses.

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