Tafur, Pero, Travels and adventures 1435-1439

(London :  G. Routledge,  1926.)



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Parenzo.—Return to Venice,—The fresh pilgrims.—Tafur's goods are
seized and released by order of the Doge.—The ceremony of the
Marriage of the Sea.—St, Mark's treasure.—The Emperor Bar-
bar oss a and the Pope,

We departed from Spalato and came to a town called
Parenzo, which is at the point of Dalmatia opposite
Venice, and it is ruled by the Seigniory. The ships
desiring to reach Venice anchor there firft, to await the
opportunity to enter by the narrows between the two
caftles, and in all that coaft there is good shelter, and
excellent anchorage. The next day we sailed into the
harbour of Venice, and found many ships outside
waiting to sail, and among them the galley for the
Holy Sepulchre which we recognized by its banners.
We asked why everything was in such readiness, and
they told us that it was Ascension Day, and that after
Mass and the Blessing each one was to go to his ship
to prepare for the voyage. It was on that day, at that
hour, two years previously that I had set out for
Jerusalem.-'^ I enquired if there were any Caftilians
among the pilgrims, and they told me that Gutierre
Quixada and Pero Barva de Campos were going to
Jerusalem, and that they were in the city watching the
celebrations which were going forward. We entered
and disembarked before St. Mark's and went at once
to the church to hear Mass, where we found a great
concourse of people, since it was on Ascension Day
that the Venetians gained a great viftory over the
Emperor Barbarossa, as I shall hereafter relate. There
I found Gutierre Quixada and Pero Barva and Luys
Vanegas and Juan de Angulo, brother to Fernando
de Angulo, and many other Caftilians with whom I
had much pleasure, and they no less with   me, and

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