Douai, Adolf, Better times !

(New York :  Published by the Executive Committee of the Socialistic Labor Party,  1884.)



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  Page 28  

It is for that reason that we depreciate and shun all violence, all
wanton disregard of existing laws, how bad so ever they be, and all
bloodshed, unless we be provoked and wantonly attacked, and
forced to resist.



Labor being the creator of all wealth and civilization, it rightfully
follows that those who labor and create all wealth should enjoy the full
results of their toil.   Therefore we declare:

That a just and equitable distribution of the fruits of labor is utterly
impossible under the present system of society. This fact is abundantly
illustrated by the deplorable condition of the working classes, which are in a
state of destitution and degrading dependence in the midst ot their own
productions. While the hardest and most disagreeable work brings to the
worker only the bare necessaries of life, others who labor cot, riot in labor's
production.   We furthermore declare:                                      - -,„

That the present industrial system ot competition, based on rent, profit-
taking and interest, causes and intensifies this inequality, concentrating into
the hands of a few,all means of production, distribution and the results of
labor, thus creating gigantic monopolies dangerous to the people's liberties;
and we further declare:

That these monster monopolies and these consequent extremes of wealth
and poverty supported by class legislation are subversive of all democracy,
injurious to the national interests and destructive of truth and morality.
This state of affairs, continued and upheld by the ruling political parties is
against the welfare of the people.

To abolish this system, with a view to establish cooperative production,
and to secure equitable distribution, we demand that the resources of life,
namely Land, the means of production, public transportation and exchange,
become as fast as practicable the property of the whole people.
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