Curry, Lily. Anti-syllabus

(New York :  Julius Bordollo and Company,  1886.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 11  


KARL MARX—Capital; first English translation in 27 parts at 10 cents; subscrip¬
tion price for the whole work...................................$2 50

"            —Das Kapital.    Vol I., $3.60 ; Vol. II., $2.50.

"            —Wage-Labor and Capital; i8 pages ..............................     10

"           —Extracts from '* Capital "..........................................      10

"           — The Communistic Manifesto.................................,.....      C5

H. M, HYNDMAN—The Historical Basis of Socialism in England.................. 2 fiO

'*               —England fur All...............................................      20

"               — Coming Revolution in England..............................      20

"               - Socialism and Slavery.........................................      20

"               —Social Reconstruction of England...........................      29

HTNDMAN and MORRIS-Principles of Socialism..............................      15

WILLIAM MORRIS—Chants for Socialists........................................      05

*  *'                -Useless Work versus Useless Toil; Qi pages.................     05

JOHN SKETCHLEY—A Review of European Society; with an exposition and vin¬
dication of Social Democracy;  with an introduction by

William Morris;   240 pages.........paper, 60c.; cloth. 1 00

J. L. J0YNE3—Socialist Catechism ; 2i pages....................................      05

"              Socialist Rhymes...............................................      05

LAWRENCE GRONLUND—The Cooperative Commonwealth;  An Exposition of

Modern Socialism..............paper, 25c.; cloth. 1 00

ALEXANDER JONAS—Reporter and Socialist: An interview explaining the Aims

and Objects of Socialism ;  60 pages (per 100, $6.00)...      10

HENRY GEORGE—Progress and Poverty.......................paper, 20c.; cloth.      35

"                —Social Problems............................paper, 20c.; cloth.      35

"                —The Lajid Question.........................paper, 10c.; cloth.      35

"                —Crime of Poverty : Address delivered before the K. of L.......      05

*'                —The Rights of Man...........................................      05

"               —Land and People..............................................      05

WENDELL PHILLIPS—Speeches, Lectures and Letters ; 562 pages................      50

*^                   —The Labor Question....................................      25

AVELING and HEADLAM—Christianity and Capitalism.........................      10

EDWARD AVELING and ELEANOR MARX-AVELING—The Factory Hell.......   - 05

FERDINAND LASSALLE—The Workingman's Programme........................      20

AUGUST BEBEI^Woman, in the Past, Present and Future....................... 1 80

HERBERT f PENCER—On Socialism............................................      05

JOHX STUART MILL-Chapters on Socialism; 65 pages.........................      03

ELISEE RECLUS—Evolution and Revolution....................................      05

"               —An Anarchist on Anarchy......................................      10

PAUL KRAPOTKIN—An Appeal to the Young.....................................      05
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