Curry, Lily. Anti-syllabus

(New York :  Julius Bordollo and Company,  1886.)



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Per year,

BALTIMORE, MD.—The Free Press; weeMy; Trades Unions.....................$1 OO

BAY CITI, MICH—The Labor Vindicator; weekly ; Trades Unions..............  1 00

BOSTON, MASS.—Liberty; fortnightly: Anarchist; Single copies, 6 cents........  1 00

*'              —The Index; weekly; Free Beligioiis; Single copies, 7 cents.....   3 00

BUFFALO, S. T.—Sunday Truth ; weekly; Trades Unions........................  2 50

BUELINOTON, IOWA.—Morning Justice; daily..................................   6 00

CHICAGO, ILL—The Sentinel; weekly; Greenback..............................  1 00

"             —The Alarm; weekly; Anarchist.................................  2 00

"             —Vorbote; daily and weekly; Anarchist.......................... ------

CLEVELAND, O.—The Carpenter ; monthly; Carpenters and Joiners..............      60

CINCINNATI, O.—The Unionist; weekly; Trades Unions........................   1 50

DBCATUB, ILL.—Labor Bulletin; dally..........................................  5 00

DENVER, COL.—Labor Enquirer; weekly; Socialist; Single copies, 5 cents......  2 00

DETROIT, MICH.—Labor Leaf; weekly: Trades Unions..........................      50

DURHAM, N. C—Workman....................................................... ----

EUREKA, CAL.—Western Watchman; weekly ; Knights of Labor.................   1 50

GALVESTON, TEX.—Daily News; daily, $10.00; weekly.........................   1 60

HAMILTON, ONT.—Palladium of Labor; weekly; Trades Unions...............  1 00

HARTFORD, CONN.—The Examiner; weekly; Knights of Labor.................  1 00

HAVERHILL, MASS.—Laborer; daily; Knights of Labor.........................  5 00

KANSAS CITY.—Sun and Globe; weekly ; Trades Unions.........................  1 00

KEY WEST, FLA.—El Jomalero; fortnightly ; Trades Unions....................   1 00

LEWISTOWN, ME.—The Labor Advocate; weekly; Trades Unions................  1 00

LITCHFIELD, MINN.—The Radical; monthly; Anti-monopoly..  ...............------

LONE OAK, MO.—Western Farm Journal; monthly; Greenback................."■   25

LOUISVILLE, KY.—The Post; weekly; Trades Unions............................  125

LYNN, MASS.—The Knight of Labor; weekly; Knights of Labor.................  I 50

MANCHESTER, N. H.—Budget; weekly; Trades Unions..........................   200

MILWAUKEE, WIS.-Arminia; monthly ; Free Religious........................  1 00

"                 —Freidenker; weekly.........................................  3 00

NASHVILLE, TENN.—The Liberal; monthly; Free Religious....................      76

NEW HAVEN, CONN.—Workmen's Advocate; weekly; Trades Unions............  1 OO

NEW ORLEANS, LA___Vindicator; weekly; Trades Unions.......................  1 60

HEW YORK CITY.—Baeckerzeitung; weekly; German Bakers....................  1 50

"               —Boycotter; weekly; Trades Unions..........................      50

"              —^DerSozialist; weekly; Socialist..............................  2 00

'*               —Freiheit; weekly; Anarchist.................................  2 00

''               —-JFurniture Workers' Journal; fortnightly.....................      75

"               —-Irish World; weekly; Single copies, 5 cents..................  2 50

"               —John Swinton'3 Paper; weekly; Single copies, 3 cents........  l 00

'*               —Our Country; weekly; Anti-monopoly.......................  1 50

"               —-Progress; monthly ; Cigarmakers............................  /   30

"               —^Spread the Light; monthly; Free Soil.......................     50

'*               —-The Day Star; weekly; Liberal; Specimen copies free.......  2 OO

"               —The Truth Seeker; weekly ; Free Thought and Reform.......  3 OO

"               —Volkszeitung; Socialist; daily, $7.50; weekly................  150

PATEESON, N. J.—Labor Standard; weekly; Trades Unions......................  2 00

PETERSBURGH, ILL.—Voice of Labor............................................ ------

PHILADELPHIA, PA.—Tocsin ; weekly; Trades Unions...........................  ------

"                   —Der Hammer: Trades Unions.............................. ------

"                    —Tagblatt; daily; Socialist.................................  7 50

PITTSBURGH, PA.—Labor Herald; weekly; Trades Unions......................  150

RICHMOND, VA.—Southern Artisan; Trades Uniors.............................. ■-----•

KOCHESTEK, N. T.—Sunday Truth; weekly ; Trades Unions....................  2 OO

SALAMANCA, N. Y.—Freethinkers' Magazine; bi-monthly.......................   1 50

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—Public Opinion; weekly; Liberal.......................   2 50

ST. LOUIS, MO.—Die Parole; monthly- Anarchist...............................      50

"              —The Union; weekly; Trades Unions............................  1 OO

ST. PAUL, MINN.—Herald; weekly; Trades Unions..............................  1 60

SEDALIA, MO.—Union; weekly; Trades Unions..................................  1 OO

TOLEDO, OHIO.—The Industrial News; weekly; Knights of Labor...............      50

TOPEKA, KANSAS.—Citizen; daily...............................................------

WABASH, INDIANA.—Labor Advocate........................................'.... ------

WASHINGTON, D. G.—The Craftsman; weekly; International Typographical Union  1 OO

WHEELING, W. VA.—The Ohio Valley Boycotter; weekly; Trades Unions.......  1 00

We are preparing a complete list of Labor papers, and will be thankful to receive
,name, address, jrice, natui'o,otc., of any paper not published in our list.

JuIiliH Bordollo * €0 , r05 Broadway, i^ew York.
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