Catalogue of the books belonging to the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New-York

(New York :  Printed by J. & J. Harper,  1830.)



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iVew XoVk(c. h-j J -. Mercantí ie !'; brar i

WE, the subscribei'S, Merchants' clerks in the city of New-York, being
desirous to adopt the most eíEcient means to facilitate mutual intercourse;
to extend our information upon mercantile and other subjects of general
utility ; promote a spirit of useful inquiry, and qualify ourselves to dis-
charge with dignity the duties of our profession and the social offices of
life,—have associated ourselves for the purpose of collecting and esta-
blishing a lAbrary and Reading-Room, to be appropriated to the use of
young men engaged in mercantile pursuits ; and have, for our govern-
ment, adopted the foUowing Constitution :—

Aet. 1. This Assoeiation shall be known by the name of " The

Art. 2. The OfBcers of the Association shall be a Presiãent, Tice-
President, Secretary, Treasurer, and eight Directora; to be elected an-
nually. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, by
separate ballot; the Directors by general ticket.

Aet. 3. The President shall preside at the meetings; preserve order
therein ; and in case of an equal division of the members on any question,
give the casting vote.

AĸT. 4. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the Pre-
sident, and perform all the duties of that officer.

Aet. 5. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the transac-
tions of the Association ; and, under the superintendence of the Board
of Direction, conduct its correspondence.

Aet. 6. The Treasurer shall receive all dues and donations in money;
páy all drafts on him when signed by the Secretary, and countersigned by
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