Catalogue of the books belonging to the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New-York

(New York :  Printed by J. & J. Harper,  1830.)



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Table of Contents

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Aet. 1. The Library and Reading-Room shall be open from 10
o'clock, A. ji., until 10 o'clook p. si., every day, except Sundays, the
Fourth of July, Annual Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New-Year's.

Aet. 2. The Librarian shall give seeurity in the penal sum of one
thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and
shall hold his office at the pleasure of the Board of Direction,

Aet. 3. He shaU register, in a book prepared for that purpose, and
to be kept in the Library-Room, the name of each member of this Asso-
ciation ; and shall in no case deliver a book to any member, until the
name of such member shall have been so registered.

AĸT. 4. He shall enter ĩn a book, to be kept for that purpose, the
No. of every volume delivered by him ; the name of the person to whom
delivered ; thetime of taking and returningthe same, togetherwith the
forfeitures arising from every default.

Aet. 6. He shall keep a full and accurate catalogue of the books
belonging to th'e Association, and a duplicate of the same, which shaU at
all times be open to the inspection of the members.

Aet. 6. He shall collect all forfeitures incurred by the members,
and account for the same to the Treasurer, on the first Thursday of
each month.

Aet. 7. He shaU, from timo to time, report to the Board of Di-
rection the names of such members as may refuse to pay their forfeit-
ures, lose or damage any book belonging to the Library; and at their
first reguĩar meeting in March, June, September, and December, report to
the Board the names of all deUnquents, with the amount of dues remain-
ing unpaid.

Aet. 8. He shall suíFer no person, except members of the Board,
to remove a book from its place in the Library, without his permission.

Aet. 9. He shall replace the books in proper order upon the shelves,
as soon as may be, after they are returned, having first examined them
with care, and ascertained whether they have been injured or defaced.
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