The Great metropolis ; or guide to New-York for 1848.

(New-York: :  H. Wilson,  [c1847])



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Observe that tlie arrangement is Alphabetical.

Bloomingdale Lcnatio, connected with the New York Hospital,
and located at Bloomingdale, or on One Hundred and Seventeenth
street, west of Aventie Tenth, 7 miles from the City Hall, is a large
and fine building, attached to which are 46 acres of ground, laid out
in gardens, pleasure grounds, and gravelled walks, from which Is a
fine view of the Hudson river and the surrounding country. The
principal edifice is of stone. 210 feet long, and 60 feet wide. As-ii-
lum Committee : Sieplien Allen. Jas, Lovett, Jas. I. Jones, Wm, M.
Halsted, D. S, Kennedy. Jas, Donaldson,

Colored Home, for the Aged and Indigent, is located in Forty-
second street, c. Av. 5, Offi,cers : Miss Mary Shotwell, 1st Direct¬
ress; Mrs, P. G. Arcularius, 2d Directress ; Mrs. W. W. Chester,
Sec; Dr. J. D, Fitch, Treas.

Deaf and Dumb —The Deaf and Dumb Asylum, on Piftieth-st.,
near Avenue Fourth. SJ miles from the City Hall, is 110 ft. long and
60 feet wide, and will accommodafe a large number of pupils, with
the teachers and family of the principal, ll is under a principal and
eight professors. The charge for a pupil is $131) per year, incluiiling
all expenses, except clothing and travelling expenses. Persops who
wish to visit it by the public conveyances, should proceed to tlhft
jiinciion of Chatham and Centre-streets, opposite the City Hall.
From this point the cars for Harlem leave every 15 minutes during
the day, and pass directly by the Institution, where they stop to re¬
ceive aiid land passengers.

Home for the Friendless, 35 First Av., cor. of Second-street.
Adult fenuiles, of good moral character, destitute of funds, friends
or home, shall be received into this institution by order of any two
of the managers, till suitable situations can be found for them; also,
girls under Ihe age of sixteen, and over two years of age, and bo,\s
Under six and over two years old, either orphans, half orphans or
abandoned by their parents, may be received and provided for, ui.til
permanent homes in Christian families can be secured for them by
adoption or

oi/- Those ipplying fiir children or adults must in all cases fur¬
nish satisfactory reference.

Mrs, C, W, Hawkins, Pres,; Mrs. S. R, Ingraham, Cor. Sec; Mrs,
M, Dve, Rec, Sec ; Mrs, J. M. Hubbard, Treas. Mrs. John M'Comb, P, Ward, Mrs. J. C. Angell, Mrs, A. B, Eaton. Mrs P, L.
Osborn, Mrs. A, C. Loveland, Miss IVI. Shotwell, Miss E. A. Balch,
Executive Com.

Institution for the Blind—Is located on Avenue 9th. near
Thiity-third street, where 32 lots of land" were presented to the In¬
stitution by Jas. Boorman, Esq. The Legislature in 18.39 appropri¬
ated $15.1101) toward the erection of the buildings, beside which con¬
siderable donations have been made by individuals, particularly
$12,000 by the late Miles R. Burke, The pupils are taught the usu¬
al branches of English education. There is a manufacturing depart¬
ment, where they learn basket making, weaving, band box work, &c.
There are usually about 60 pupils at the Institution. Officers : A
G. Phelps. Pres.; Is.aac Wood, V. Pres,; S, Brown, Treas,; E, Jones,
Cor, Sec; G, F, Allen, Rec, Sec; J, W. G, Clements, Physician;
Isaac Wood and J, C, Bliss, Consulting Physicians; J, Kearney
Rodgers, Consulting Surgeon.
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