The Great metropolis ; or guide to New-York for 1848.

(New-York: :  H. Wilson,  [c1847])



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Table of Contents

  Page [137]  


1.   For conveying a pas engtr any diKtaiu* not exceeding one mile, 37^
cents ; and for evtiy additional passenjier, 'lli cents.

2.   For conveying a pa.^seiig£v any dist uce exceeding a mile, and within two
miles, 50 cents;  end lor every adciiional pa.-.senger, 25 cents.

3.   tW conveying a i)assenger lo the ISew Ahi;s lioufse, and returning, 75
cents ; and for every ad..ili(/jiai passenger, 37^ cents.

4 Fo: conveying one }>a^iM.iiger to 4(nh street, Jind remaining half an hour
an 1 reluming, 1 dol.j  aiul fur cveiy attditjona) passenger, 25 tents.

5,  F. r ct.uvcying ane passeng-er to tiist sti'eet, aiid remaining | of aii hour
ajid returning, 1^ dul.;  aiin forevery atniitional passej:ger, 37^ cents.

6   For conveying on« ].«,ssenger to Siith ijti'eet, and an hour and
returnii g, 2 d<'!.;  and'for every a-dditiuua.1 passenger, 50 cents.

7    For <onveying one or more ps-ssenge. s to iiarlem, aud returning, with the
privilege -of rentitiniug three Louis, lour dol.

8.   Fur co.:veying t-ne or more passengers to King's Bridge, and returning,
with the privilcijc ol keeping tlie Carriage or Cab all (iay, tiv,e dol.

9.   For the use ot a Ihitkncy Coach, Carriage, orCalj, by the day, with one
or more passengers, .five dol.

10.  For the use of a i a kj,ey Coa, h, SiC, hy the l)Our, with one or more pas¬
sengers, with tite privilege of going from place to plat-e, and of stopping as
often as may he required, as t'Lijlow.s, viz.:—for tlie hour, 1 dol.j ibr the
seooiia hour, 75 cents; and for every sncteeding hour, 50 cents.

■11. in all cases where the hiring ot'a Hacki.ty Coach, &c., is not at the time
thereof spet ified to le by tbe day or hour, it shall Le deiimad to be i y tlie mile.

i2. For cbildren between two ami fourteen years of age, half price is only to
be chaiged ,  ami for ch.luren under two years of age, no charge is to be m;ide.

13.  V\ benever a Ha( kney Coach, kc , shall i* t.elained, excepting as afore¬
said, the owner or driver sball be alluwe.d ai"ter the rate of 75 ceiits for au i our,
3*^ce'its for every eubKcquent hour, and so on in proportion for any part of the
first a  .1 -snbseq-ient hotir whit b the-same may be so detained.

14.  For attending a fui>e. al within the Ljuup aud Watch Oist., C dol.; and the
Pottci's .Field, 3 -dob; which cliarge shall include for the necessary detention
and returnin-g with }>AS.--eng(-rs.

1.   Ill ca^ of disagretuient a« to -distance or price, the same shall be deter
mined !>;' the Mayor or Superiittend'ent-of Hackney (.'oaehes, &,c.

2.  The owner of any Ha( kuey Coach, &<e , «haU not demand or receive any
pay fur the conveyance of any assenger, unless the uumi er of the carriage,
avid tlie rates aau pric<* of fere, shall be fixed a:.d plated in a manner herein
after directt d by secti n 2d of title Jlh of this law, at the time.

3.   The owner or driv*:r of any Hackney Coach, fc>:e., shall r.ot be entitled to
recovor or receive any jiay from any person from whom iie shall have dfimand-
ed any greater ])nce or rates than lie may be authoiized to receive.                       !

4.  IJ, on tlie trial of any cause commenced for the recovery of any of the,
aforesaid prices ur rates, it shall be incumbent upon the plaintiff or plaintiffs
in such actions, to prove that the number and pr:oe.s or rates were placed and
fixed in pnrsnance of tl)e provisions of this law, at the tinie the services were
■rendeixHi for which the suit may be brought.

■5. Every driver or owner of a Flackncy Cogch, &Cm shall carry, transport, or
eonyey in or upon his coach, &c., in addition to the person or persons therein,
one trunk, valise, aa-.dle-l ag, carpet-bag, portmanteau, box, bundle, basket, or
■other.artiilts used in travelling, if he be requested so to do, without charge or
■compensation therefor; but for every tvunk or other euch nrt.cle as atiove
nauied, more than one, he shall beentit'edto demand and receive the sum of
.siK cents, if conveyed wit.,in the distance cf one mile ; and if more than one
mile, the sum of twelvp aiid a half cenis.

6. !N'o owner oi' driver of any Uarkney Coach, &e., in the city of New York,
shall ask, demand, or receive, any larger sum than he or they may be entitled
to leceive as afur-^said, under the penalty often dollars for every such uhence,
|.o be sued for an recovered from tiif; owiicr or owners, or drivers of any
§uGh Hackiiey Coach, &<:,, severally an^ rt-spectively,

Sujjsrmfe/jrfe;^^—GEORGl*: W. MAT3ELL, Chit>f of Police. OfTjce, new
Ciiy Hall. To whom complauiis of any violauon of the Hackney Cqach I^aw
may be made.

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