Valentine's manual of old New York 1924

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1924, c1923.)



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  Page 153  

Twenty-sÍxth  Sírcct and  Madison  Avcnuc.


By James L. Ford

As we grow older we are apt to realizc that the most
deeply etched and warmly treasured of the memories
that have survived the passing years are those connected
with places of merriment of good cheer, such as theatres,
hotels and restaurants, and I will venture to say that few
old New Yorkers do not look back with afĩectionate regret
to the hotels that flourished when they were young and
the town was a better place to live in than it is now.

Most of those hotises of entertainment have loiig since
made way for the steel and cement skyscra]3ers, for
which the city is famotis, but neither they nor the land-
lords have been altogether forgotten.    There are scores

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