Valentine's manual of old New York 1924

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1924, c1923.)



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  Page 189  


for the Borough of Manhattan in respect to maintaining
the said Gracie Mansion now iraposed upon hira by law
shall be performed. In the event that the said agreement
or lease is entered into bctween the City of New York,
acting by its park commissioner for the Borough of
Manhattan, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment
may, in its discretion, appropriate to the use of said
Gracie Mansion, such sum or sums as it may deem
adequate for the purpose of restoring and repairing said
Gracie Mansion and of raaintaining it, in so far as possible,
in its original condition, and may annually, in its discretion,
include in its budget for the then ncxt ensuing financial
year a sum or sums to the use of and for thc adequate
support, maintenance and protection of the said Gracie
§2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Perhaps the new Museum will be something of a
scandal in the Museum line. Already our Director wants
Blackwell's Island and Ward's Island cleared of its present
inmates and restored to the city as public playgrounds. As
the Museum is located directly opposite the Island, he can
see the vast benefit that would accrue to the city by the
adoption of his suggestion and can see no possible argu-
ment in favor of their present use.


Our genial, lovable, delightful, old friend is now no
more. What a loss he is to antiquarian New York! His
deep and abiding interest in all things historical made him
a fascinating raconteur and his store of anecdotes was

The old Hudson River has løst a powerful and pictur-
esque figure; his admirers, a companion whose loss can
never be replaced, and the Museum a staunch supporter.
Peace and loving kindness be with him!

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