Valentine's manual of old New York 1924

(New York :  Valentine's Manual Inc.,  1924, c1923.)



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Abbey, Edwin  A.,   II,  23,  358.
Abbey, Henry E.,  158.
Academie des lieaux-Arts, 301.
Acadeniie   des   Inscription   et   Belles-

Lettres,   310.
Academie   des   Sciences,   Morales   et

Politiques,   310.
Academy of Design,  92,  309.
Academy of Music, 28,  114, 158, 260.
Ackerman, Wm. G., 324.
Adams,  Henry,   101.
.'Vdams Street, 258, 268.
Ahasimus,  228.
Alabama Avenue, 262, 268.
Albany,   57,   72,   76,   130,   181,   286,

320,  328.
Albany  Legislature,   157.
•■Albany,  The,"  327.
Albee, E. F.,  182.
Albemarle,  The,  98,  112.
Alexander, Jas.,  150.
Algerian Pirates, 211.
"Alida, The,"  334.
Alken,  Fred,  288.
Allen, Ethan,  362.
Allerton,  Isaac,  Id.
Alpine,  320.
Alpine  Grove,   327.
Alteras,  Jan Claessen,  341.
"Anien"  Corner, The,  101, 162.
America,   191,  279,  311,  312.
American  Academy of Arts and Let-

ters,  298.
American Army,  346.
American Citizenship, 126.
American Commonwealth,  297.
American Democracy,   359.
American  Flag,  The,   211,   222,   223,

224,  243.
American Freedom,  224.
American Geographical   Society,   122.
American History, 93.
American  Society   of   Arts   and   Let-

ters,  122.
American  Spirit, The, 302.
American Telephone    and   Telegraph

Co., 217, 295.
Amsterdam,   47,   283,   287,   288,   292,

Amsterdam   Chamber  of  West   India

Co.,  342.
Amsterdam  Classis,  286.
Amsterdam Council, 292.

An Act,   188.

Anderson,  Capt.  A.  E., 328.

Andre,  Major,  264.

Andros, Sir Edmond, 50, 292.

Ann Street, 223, 224.

"Anna, The," 334.

"Antelope, The," 327.

Appomattox, 89.

Arcadian Club, 89.

Arenzen, Hendrick, 76.

Arietsen, John,  275,  276.

Armbruster,  Eugene L.,  265.

"Armenia, The," 327.

Armies of the U. S. A.,  126.

.■\rmory Hall,  168.

"Arms of Amsterdam, The,"  IZ

Arnold,  Benedict, 264.

Arsen, John, 272.

Arthur,  Chester A., 98,   114,  1.59.

Artícles   for  Colonization  and Trade,

Ashland, The,  157.

Ashman, -------,  157.

Aspinwall, -------,  31.

Aspinwail Gallery, 31,  182.

Assembly, The,   134.

Astor,  Jacob,  232.

Astor   House,   82,   84,   89,   114,   156,

226,  244.
Astor  Mansion, 214.
Astoria,  214.

Atlantic Avenue, 262, 268.
Atlantic, The, 72, 74, 210.
Attwood, Dr.,  134.
Auchincloss, Jas.,  218.
Auchmuty,  Mrs.  Richard T.,  187
Audubon  Quadrangle,   112,  298.
Auerbach, J.  S.,  181.
Augustus Street, 249.
Austria, 310.


Backer, Jacob, 76.
Backus,  Billy,  164.
Bahamas,   74.
"Balance,  The,"  75.
Balfour, Lord, 298, 307.
Balzac, 210.

Baptist Meeting House, 229.
Barclay,  Mrs.,  145.
Barclay  Street,  11.
Barnum Museum, 221 to 226.
Barnum, P. T.,  34, 221, 226.
Barrow, A.  C,   181.

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