Annual report of the Police Department of the City of New York. (1889)

(New York :  Martin B. Brown, printer and stationer  )



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Report of the Trustees of the Police Pension Fund.
Receipts for the  Year Ending December 31,  1889.

By balance, cash on hand...........................................

By cash,   Officer Neaiy, Twenty-eighth Precinct, donation...............

"     Dakon, First Precinct, donation.......................

"     Downs, Twenty-ninth Precinct, donation...............

William Murray, Superintendent, witness fees.................

Officer Bates, Tenth Precinct, donation.......................

"     Borst, Eleventh Precinct, donation....................

"     Kehoe, Sixth Precinct, donation.......................

William Murray, Superintendent, ball permits, ending January 7.
Van Tassell & Kearney, sale of two horses ; one  from Thirty-
third Precinct, one from Thirty-first Precinct..............

Officer Hoar, Twenty-first Precinct, donation..................

Capiain Brooks, Thirty-third Precinct, sale of manure..........

William Murray, Superintendent, ball permits, ending January 14

"                           "            donation, Police Relief Fund..

"                           "            ball permits, ending January 21

Comptroller of the City of New York, percentage excise moneys,

from October I to December 31, 1888...................

Officer McGinley, Twentieth Precinct, donation...............

William Murray, Superintendent, ball permits, ending January 28
"                           "■                           "                February 4

Sergeant Mullin, Sanitary, donation..........................

OfficerMillhouse, Twenty-first Precinct, donation..............

Logan, Sixteenth Precinct, donation...................

McCarthy, Sixth Precinct, donation....................

Tessaro, Detective, reward............................

Roche, Fourth Precinct, donation.....................

Connolly, Thirty-first Precinct, donation................

Wingardner, Thirtieth Precinct, donation...............

McCue, Thirtieth Precinct, donation....................

Board of Police, fines for month of January...................

"             absence for month ot January................

"             sick for month of January....................

William Murray, Superintendent, ball permits, ending February 11
"                           "■           pistol permits for January......

"                           "           ball permits, ending February 18

Board of Police, unclaimed salaries for year 1886...............

1887   ..............

Board of Police, Tenement and Lodging-house Squad, balance

for year 1888.........................................

William Murray, Superintendent, ball permits, ending February 25

Certificates of inspection of steam boilers for January............

Officer Hogan, Tenth Precinct, donation......................

"    Volk, Tenth Precinct, donation.......................

Sergeant Kirclmer, Thirty-second Precinct, donation...........

Certificates of inspection of steam-boilers for February.........

Officer Fellows, Thirtieth Precinct, donation..................

"     Schulum, Twelfth Precinct, donation...................

"     Fenker, Fourth Precinct, donation....................

William Murray, Superintendent, ball permits, ending March 4.

Officer Bicknell, Thirty-fourth Precinct, donation..............

"     Naton, Fifth Precinct, donation........................

"    Costeilo, Twenty-second Precinct, donation.............

12,905 05

2 46

2 46

2 25

28 00

3 28

4 92

2 46

125 00

76 75

2 73

12 00

375 00

94 79

235 00

64,265 00

3 28

645 00

775 00


4 09

3 28

4 93

40 00

2 46

2 46

3 28

2 73

579 00

593 74

4.259 5°

560 00

162 50

525 00

127 93

119 30

273 24

920 00

714 00

2 46

3 28

6 57

670 00

3 28

2 46

3 28

485 00

4 93

3 28

4 10
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