Milne, A. A. Mr. Pim passes by

(New York :  S. French,  [c1921])



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  Page 47  

Scene.—The same and furniture exactly as in Act IL

(Mb. Pm is below settee l. standing in same position as at the end
of Act II. George Marden is in centre of stage and Lady
Marden is at foot of staircase. Their attitude is the same as
at the end of Act II« and oQ are concerned about Olivia's

Oeorgb.   Dead I   Dead I

Pm. Oh dear t Oh dear I I'm afraid I broke the news
rather hastUy. The double shock of losing one husband and being
restored to another------

Lady Marden (coming to George). A dispensation of Provi¬
dence, George. One can regard it in no other Hght. (Moves
to R. of writing-table.)

George (coming to Pm). Yes ! Yes I WeU, I'm much obHged
to you, Mr. Pim, for having come down to us this afternoon, and
you understand that your news, though tardy, has been very welcome.
Be Mortuis, and so forth.

(Lady Marden crosses at hack of writing-table to L.)

Pim (sadly repeating).   Be Mortuis------

George (shaking hands—anxious to get rid of him). WeU, good-bye,
and again our thanks.

(Crosses below and to i*. of Pm and rings bell below fireplace.)

Pm (crossing to centre). Not at aU. I shouldn't have broken
the news so hastUy. (Catches sight of Lady Marden up l., and
with a profound bow.)   Croodrbye, Lady Marden.

Lady Marden (equaUy profound).   Grood-bye, Mr. Pim.

Pim. I'm afraid I broke the news too hastily. (Goes to table
B.C. and takes up George's cap in mistake for his hat and is moving
towards double^doors when George, noting this, picks up Pim's hat
from L. of stage where it has been left from previous Act, and crosses
with it to PiM.)

George.   Mr. Pim, excuse me, but I think this is yours.

Ym (he takes it and looks at it closely, comparing it unth the cap).
TioB Isn't my hat at aU.    (Puts George's cap down on table again.)

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