Harrod, Samuel Glenn, Latin terms of endearment and of family relationship

(Princeton :  [s.n.],  1909.)



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54                                    A   LEXICOGRAPHICAL   STUDY

2. Mother: Using the same basis for forming an estimate
that we used in the case of the father, we may say that inscriptions
to the mother constitute about 6 per cent, of the total number of
inscriptions in honor of the members of the family group. The
words used to express the relationship are:

genetrix (8) : 1135 dominae nostrae venerabiH Helenae Augustae genetrici
d. n. Constantini, 1134, 10971, 25084, 25128, 25369 pater mei et genetrix germana
oro atque obsecro desinite luctu, 30128, 32031. In 6 times out of the 8,
genetrix appears in metrical inscriptions. mamma^ (45) : (mama 6571—
mammia 11714) 4567 Flaviae Zosime Agathemerus mammae b. m., 4639, 54^5
C. Hostilius C. f. Chronius Hostilia Philematio mamma, 6571 Statilia Lychoris
hie sita est. T. Statiliu. Carus cum mama sua, 6973, 7726, 10368, 12019 T.
Antonio Syncletico v. a. XVI fee. Claudia Syntyche mamma, 12321 Aristiae
Festae v. a. XXXV.. .Aristia Aprulla man^mae suae, 12771, 12840, 13831,
15326, 15345 Claudiae quae v. an. VI lorte mamma, i5349j i55o7j 15585, 16043
Cominia Eusebia Primitive mamme sue b. m. et Atheneus coiux fecerunt,
17026 Domitiae Palestrice... Domitia Anicetiana mammae pientissimae, 17223,
17439, 17800, 18032 P. Flavio Crescenti... Flavia Euphrosyne mamma idem
nutrix, 18698, 19473, 20318, 20575 luliae Nice Ti. Claudius Polyclitus mammae
suae bene merenti carissimae fecit, 20603 luliae Filete lulia Aephyre mamme
et patrone suae, 20632, 21405, 22227 Maria C. f. Castricia T. Livius Primigenius
V. a. Ill hie est conditus cum mamma sua, 23350 Octaviae Nereidi Octavia
Montana mammae b. m. f., 23556, 23801, 2^276 M. Quintilianus Pacatae 1.
Helius Callityche conlibertae suae et Quintilia Primitiva mammae pientissimae.
25808 Salvidiena Q. 1. Hilara Salvidienae Faustillae deliciae suae.. .reliquisti
mammam tuam gementem plangentem plorantem, 26001, 27208, 27827, 27844,
28241a, 28447, 29634 Zetho Corinthus tata eius et Nice mamma f., 33538.

mammula^^ (3): 4850 Caeciliae.. .Helpidi Licinia Restituta mammulae
suae bene merenti sua pecunia fee, 20909 luniae Saturninae Flavia Elpis
mammula eius donum dedit, 24239- Plotiae Amarylidi fee. Atenais mammulae
b. m. mater.-^"^ Very frequent. Usages worthy of note are: 32323 matres
familiae, 25841 Salviae Primigeniae coniugi vix. ann. XXXVIII et C. Gallio
Vero fiho vixit ann. XV et C. Salviae Valentinae filiae pientissimae vixit
ann. XXXV... C. Gallius Valentinus pater et C. Gallius Victor frater et
Valeria Viventia mater natur... .kariss. bene mer. fee.   Viventia is apparently

^ mamma, like tata, is not a definite word of relationship. It may be used to designate
any woman who has had to do with the young child—^mother, grandmother, nurse or mistress
(domina). Therefore as in the case of tata and for the same reasons (Of. note 44) we include
under Mother not only the inscriptions which surely-refer to the mother but also all those
in which there is no evidence to show in what relation the person referred to as mamma
stands. Mamma is used as a proper name in 20823 M. lunius Phepsi 1. Philotecnus luniae
Mamme contibern, suae. 11397, 11487 and 35270 are so fragmentary that nothing can be made
out as to the meaning of mamma in them.

^^ In none of the inscriptions here quoted is there any proof that the mammula is the
mother. I have placed them here because of the great probability that in some of the cases
mammula does mean mother and in these, such may very well be the meaning. In 21910
mammula is the pet name of a young girl: Mammulae vixit annis XIIII Marcia Hellas filiae
piissimae posuit.

^7 Cf. 10234 mater collegi.
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