The Greater New York Charter as enacted in 1897

(Albany :  Weed-Parsons,  c1897.)



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Ixii                   Table of Acts not Repealed.

Legislative Department.


1883.  An act to amend chapter 504 of the Laws of 1870, entitled
" An act to authorize the construction of a railroad in One
Hundred   and   Twenty-fifth   street,   and   in   certain   streets

and avenues in The City of New York."..................  309      217

Compare Charter, § 45.

1884.  An act relating to the board of aldermen of The City of
New York [providing for election of additional alderman,
to be known as president of board of aldermen, and
regulating removal and suspension from office of same, and

duties   of   vice-president   of   board]........................     74        73

Amended   L.   1888....................................   273      490

Superseded,  Charter,   §  26.

1887.  An act relating to the board of aldermen of The City of
New York [providing for election of twenty-five aldermen,
besides president of board, one for each of the twenty-three
assembly districts, and two in twenty-fourth assembly dis¬
trict] ......................................................   292      36S

Superseded by Charter, § 24.

1888.  An act to prevent the use of certain parks and streets
[West End avenue above Seventy-first street, or any street
bounding on Morningside park, except One Hundred and
Tenth street and Tenth avenue] in The City of New York

for  railroads...............................................  256      42a

Amended L. 1894.....................................518    110^

1888. An act to regulate the keeping of intelligence offices,
employment agencies or other places where a fee is charged
for the procuring of employment or situations in The City
of   New   York..............................................  410      681

Amended   L.   1891......................................  330    65»

Compare Charter, § 49, subd. 20.
1888, An act to authorize the construction [by Madison Square
Garden Company] of an arcade over certain sidewalks
[bounded by East Twenty-sixth and Twentj'-seventh
streets, Madison and Fourth avenues] in The City of New
York   ......................................................  534     835^

See Charter, § 49, subd. 3.
1888. An act to provide for the establishment and maintenance
of a public market-place for farmers and market-gardeners
[the nineteenth ward, above Fifty-seventh street and east
of First avenue] in The City of New York, for the acquisi¬
tion of lands for this purpose, and for the regulation and
management  of  the  same.................................  540     892

Compare Charter, §§ 48 and 416, subd. 7.
1SS8. An act to authorize the use of sand upon tracks of street
surface railroads, in cities of this state having a population
of five hundred thousand or more..........................  560     918
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