The Greater New York Charter as enacted in 1897

(Albany :  Weed-Parsons,  c1897.)



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§§ 216-217]          Leases for Public Purposes.                     lot

any Item or source of the revenues of any of the sinking funds of
said city, or of the general fund which may tend to a diminution
of the receipts from such source of revenue, or either of them,
and all the revenues of said corporation not by law otherwise
specifically appropriated, shall, when received into the city treas¬
ury, be credited to the general fund.
L. 1882, ch. 4 0, § 179 ; L. 1890, ch. 138.

Applications for leases for public purposes; statement by comptroller.

§ 217. All apphcations to lease any real estate for the purposes
of The City of New York, including the premises required in
accordance with law for armories and drill-rooms and places of
deposit for the safe-keeping of arms, unIform.s, equipments,
accoutrements and camp equipage of the national guard, must
be presented to and passed upon by the commissioners of the
sinking fund of said city. It shall be the duty of the comptrol¬
ler, after due inquiry to be made by him, to present to the said
commissioners a statement In writing of the facts relating to any
real estate proposed to be leased, the purposes for which such
lease is required by the city, with his opinion, and the reasons
therefor, as to the fair and reasonable rent of said premises. The
said commissioners, upon such report and upon such further
Inquiry as they, in their discretion, may make, may authorize a
lease of such premises as shall be specified in their resolution, at
the rent therein set forth, for a period not exceeding five years,
but such lease shall not be authorized except at a fair and reason¬
able rent, and unless the commissioners are satisfied and shall so
express that it would be for the interests of the city that a lease
of the premises for the purposes specified should be made. With¬
out the consent of the said commissioners the premises leased
shall not be used during the period of the lease for purposes
other than specified In said resolution. If the city shall, prior to
the making of the lease, have entered upon the possession of the
property, the lease may be made to commence as of the date
when the occuj^ation commenced.

L. 1882, ch. 410, §181.

(a) As to prerequisites to lease of 583; Ford v. The Same, Id. 587 ; Bol-
premises for armories to make same ler v. The Same, 40 N. Y. Super. Ct.
vahd, see Fallon v. The Mayor, 4 Hun,     (J. & S.) 523.
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