The Greater New York Charter as enacted in 1897

(Albany :  Weed-Parsons,  c1897.)



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Sec. 370. Police board; commissioners; salary.

271. Police board; authority; bux-eau of elections.
373. Id.; to make and enforce rules and regulations,

373.   Boards and offices abolished and forces consolidated.

374.  Police department; powers and authority transferred to.

375.  Property to vest in the city of New York and be managed by police


376.   Police force; composition.

377.   Id.; members of former forces in New York city transferred.

378.  Id.; members of former forces in Brooklyn transferred.

279. Id.; members of former force in Long Island City transferred.

380.  Id.; members of former force in Richmond county transferred.

381.  Police board;  authority over members transferred  by preceding

sections; rank of transferred members.

2B2'. Id.; authority over employes of former boards; duties and salaries
of such employes.

383. Id ; power to appoint and remove members and employes; salaries
and fines.

284. Police force; qualifications of members; publishing names and resi¬
dence of applicants and appointees.

385. Id.; warrant of appointment; oath.

286.   Id.; chief of police; first appointment.

287.   Id.; other officers; first appointments.
388. Id.; promotions.

289.   Id.; increase of.

290.   Id.; central office; bureau of detectives.

291.  No member of department to be interested in other office,
393. Chief of police; duties and powers.

293.   Id.; absence 01'disability of.

294.   Police surgeons; duties and districts.
395. Police board; president and treasurer.

296. Id.; duties of treasurer; bond; deputy treasurer.

397.   Id.; to pay salaries and dischai-ge obligations of department.

398.   Id.; copy of minutes, when evidence.

399.  Salaries of officers and members of force.

300.   Police board; rules, etc., for government and discipline of police

department and police force ; dismissals.

301.   Police commissioners, etc., may issue subpoenas;  who may admin¬

ister oaths.

302.  Police board ;   punishments by;   limitation of suits for reinstate¬

ments, etc.
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