The Greater New York Charter as enacted in 1897

(Albany :  Weed-Parsons,  c1897.)



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provisions     RELATING     TO     THE     COUNTIES     AND     REPEAL


Title i. Provisions relating to the counties.

2. Repeal provisions.


provisions relating to the counties.

Sec. 1577. Wards in the borough of Brooklyn; how designated.

1578.  Wards in boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx; how desig¬


1579.  Towns and villages in Richmond county abolished.

1580.  Wards in the borough of Richmond.

. 1581. Towns   in   Queens   county   abolished;   wards   in   borough   of

1582.  Municipal assembly; power to change boundaries.

1583.   Salaries of county officers in New York, Richmond and Kings

counties; how met.

1584.  Election of county officers required by the Constitution not


1585.  Public administrator of the county of ^STew York.
1586. Devolution of powers vested in boards of supervisors.

1587.  The   office   of   county   treasurer   of   the   county   of   Richmond


1588.  Proportion of the debt of the county of Queens assumed by

The City of New York; power of board of supervisors of said
county to bind that part thereof included in The City of New
York restricted.

1589.  Proportion of the debt of the town of Hempstead to be assumed

by the city; power of town board of said town to bind that
part thereof included in The City of New York, restricted.

1590.  Disposition of real and personal property owned or held in

trust for the town of Hempstead.

1591.  Proportion of funds and moneys received by the city which

should be returned to Queens county or paid to the comp¬
troller of the State; how determined.

1592.  Board of siipervisors of Queens county not to levy any tax upon

that part of said county "\vithln the city,

1593.  Comptroller of State to determine amount of county charges of

Queens county to be borne by that part of said county within
the city.
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