Perry, Rufus L. Sketch of philosophical systems

([s.l.] :  [s.n.],  [1918?])



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The Universe and the Supreme Power that controls it,
is a problem that has provoked more discussion and wild
speculation, than any other subject that has attracted the
attention of man from the beginning.

It commenced with philosophy; and the primary prin¬
ciples advanced in the systems of its votaries are as much
a matter of dispute to-day, as they were, when Thalcs an¬
nounced that water was the simple substance of all things
visible,—the prima materia.

This dispute must always be, for the problem of the
Universe cannot be solved on principles of philosophy. The
aim of philosophy will never be achieved. Science sought
the solution, but found the problem beyond its reach, and
reason surrendered the task, as beyond its power.

Man cannot fathom the fathomless; the mind of man
cannot penetrate the impenetrable. There is a limit to
mental capacity; there is a bound to reason; yet as long as
man exists, will he strive to know the unknown. Posidonius
observes, that a man might as well be content to die, as to
cease philosophizing.

Philosophy   and   also   Science   arose   in   the   attempt   to

explain all phenomena; but the advancement made in science

has  by  far  exceeded   that  of   philosophy.     The   reason   for

this is plain; one was rational inquiry, the other irrational.

:          To seek the foundation of all existence, and the eternal

V     relation of things, is a task at once audacious and vast, yet

—   fascinating and sublime.

,           In   the   systems   of   the   philosophers   from   Thales   to

Schopenhauer, a sketch of which is presented, the problem
' of the Universe is found still unsolved, and it must remain
'^   unsolved.    In Job we read.

"Canst  thou  by  searching find out  God?  Canst   thou
Find out the Almighty unto perfection?

It is as high as heaven; what canst  thou do?
Deeper   than   hell;   what   canst   thou   know?"

Rufus  Lewis  Milford Hope  Perry.
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