Perry, Rufus L. Sketch of philosophical systems

([s.l.] :  [s.n.],  [1918?])



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Krug,   William   Traugott,   49.
Knowledge     systemized,    4.
Knowledge   defined,   4.

Leibnitz,    Gottfried    William,    26,

28,  34, 49.
Locke, John, 26, 34, 49.

Man,  44, 46,  48.
Maimon,  Solomon,  49.
Maimonides,  Moses,  49.
Malebranche,   Nicole,  26,  49.
Megaric,   School,   13.
Mendelssohn,   Moses,  49.
Mesmer,  Frederic  Anthony, 49.
Metaphysical Philosophy, 4, 12.
Middle   Academy,   16.
Modern  Philosophy,  22,  24.
Montaigne,   Michel   de,  49.
Montesquieu,     Charles     Sccondat

Baron   de,  49.
Moses,  42,  44,  46,  49.

Neo-Platonism,   19,   22.

Newton,  Sir  Isaac, 28,  30,  ,32,  34,

New Academy, 18.
Nietzsche,   Frederich  Wilhelm,  49.
Number;   the  force  of  Nature,  7.

Pascal,  Blaise, 49.

Parmenides,  of  Elea, 9,   13.

Pericles, 6.

Plato, 9, 10, U, 18, 19, 22, 48.

Philo, of Alexandria, 49.

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica (Scholium Gen¬
erale)   28,   30,   32,  34.

Philosophy,   Defined,   3.

Philosopher,   Defined,   7.

Physical   Philosophy,   4.

Plotinus,  22.

Problem   of   the   Philosopher,  4.

Prodicus,  of  Ceos,   10.

Protagoras,   10.

Pythagoras,  7,  8,   16.

Reid, Thomas,  36.

Reinhold,  Karl   Leonhard, 49.
Relation    of    Philosophy    to    So¬
ciety,  48.
Rousseau, Jean  Jacques, 49.

Saunders,   T.   Bailey,   38.

Scepticism,   19,  22.

Schelling,   Frederick   Wm.   Joseph

Von,  36,  49.
Science,     employed     in     practice

Art, 4.
Scholasticism,  22,   24.
School  of  Common   Sense,  36.
Schopenhauer,   Arthur,   38,  40,  42,

Scotch, School, 36.
Sensus  Communis, 42, 44.
Socrates, 9,  10,  12,  13,  14,  19, 48.
Sophists,   10,   12.
Spencer,   Herbert,   38,  49.
Spinoza,  Baruch,  26,  49.
Stewart,  Dugald,   36,  49.
Stilpo,   1.3.
Stoa,  19.

Stoic  School,   14,  19, 20, 21.
Stoicism,   19,   20.
Swedenborg,   Emanuel,  49.

Thales, 5, 48.
Truth,   Defined,  4.
Themistocles,  6.

Universe,  8,  19,  20,  38.

Voltaire,    Francois    Marie    Arouet
de,  49.

Water, principle of all things, 5.
Will  and  Idea,  38, 40,
Wilson,   Woodrow,  6,  49.
Wolf,  Christian, .34, 49.

Xenophanes,   8,   9.

Zeno,  the   Eleatic,  9,  48.
Zeno, the  Stoic,   19, 20.
Zoroaster,   7.

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