Official catalogue of the New York Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. 1853.

(New York :  G.P. Putnam & Co.,  1853.)



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Miscellaneous Manueaciures, etc.—Classes 26, 28, 29.    176

Decorative Furniture and Upholstery, including Papier-Mache, Paper-

Hangings, and Japanned Goods.

1   A work-table and convenient furniture for an invalid.—Gabriel Ebersold
tnatiu. Berne.

2  Table, bureau, (fee, of painted wood.—J. "VYirtz, painter on tvood, 185 Grand
Rue, Berne, Switzerland.

Manufactures from Animal and Vegetable Substances, not woven, felted,
or otherwise  specified.

X Straw trimmings, of all descriptions; mixed bair and straw trimmings,
braids; laces, and various fancy articles; straw flowers; embroideries in straw
upon blondes, &o.—J. Geissmas & Co., tnanu, Woblen, Canton Argovie.

2  Specimens of horsehair, double and single tress.—Hurtbr & Bdhelzee,
manu. Lucerne, Canton Lucerne.

3  Specimens of cabas, cigar cases, tassels, and straw ornaments ; straw ropes ;
bleached straw, &c.—Sulzberger, Akermann & Co., manu. Meistersehwanden,

4  Variety of rich straw and hfeir braids, tresses, trimmings, and embroider¬
ies upon blonds, lace, &a.—Isler & Otto, manu. Willdegg, near Aarau, Canton
Argovie, and imp. 38 Broadway, New York City.

5  Samples of twisted or braided straws, cigar oases, tassels, &c.—J. L. Meyer
& Brothers, manu. Wohlen, Canton Argovie.

6* Groups of figures, cottages, cups, bowls, and other objects, carved in white
and red wood ; various objects in painted wood.—Kehkli, Brothers &,
carvers, Giessbach, near Meyringen, Canton Berne.

7   Glove boxes; vases of flowers, fancy boxes, &e., richly carved in white
wood.—^A. Baumann, sculp. Brieutz, Berne.

8  Fancy boxes, and other articles iu carved and painted wood.—D. "VVegelin,
ttianu. Tlioune, Berne, Canton Berne.

9  Fancy boxes, fans, <fec., in carved and painted wood.—Jn. Wirtz, artist,

10 Table, Swiss cottage, group of chamois, and various other objects in carved
wood, &9.—Kehrli, Brothers, carvers, Brientz, Berne.

Miscellaneous Manufactures  and Small Wares, Perfumery, Oonfeutloa-
ery, Toys, Taxidermy, &c.

1   Flacons of superior eau-de-botot; syrup of punch; hair oil, of Swiss herbs;
curaf oa; extract of absynthe, and cream of mint.—^A. H. J. Wald, manu. 'Eea-
a^atA.—Agent, M. Martin, 80 Nassau street. New York City.

2  Specimens of aromatic cacliou, for sweetening the breath.—f. Knaz, manu.
212 Grand Rue, Geneva, Switzerland.
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