Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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L. A. NEWCOME      f ESTABLISHED 18761 World BalliltDg, Ifew Tork Citj.

L&te PoSt>Office Inspector. X    Liceaecd b; the State ot Hew York   /   Tel. S-iSl Joha.  Ues, Tel. »94 Htd. Sq.


Copartnership - Corporation



Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx,

March, 1900.       CITY OF  NEW YORK.       Vol. XLVIII.

For Names ReceiTed too Late for Regular Insertion, see last page.


al alley: Alex Alexander; Am American ; Aefin Association ; Atty Attorney : &r avenne; bldg building;
Bway Broadway ; c corner; C. H. Oourt-Hoiiee ; Cath Catharine ; C. I. City Island ; Cons Consolidated;
ct wiirt; E. Dnet; E. It. East River; Ex Exchange; Bxch pi Exchange place; It foot; Gt Great; gr
Kreeii: Owich Greenwich ; (inc) incorporated; JefE Jeffevson: la lane; Laf Lafayette; Lex. Lexington;
L, I. Long Island; (Ltd) Limited : Mfp Manufacturing; mkc market; Mt Mount; n near ; N. North;
N. E. New England ; N. J, New Jersey; N. K. NortH River; N. Y. New York; opp opposite; pk park;
pi place ; P. O. Post Ollice; r rear; II. B. Railroad; S. South; S. I, Staten Island ; si sliii ; Soc Society;
B(l aqnave; Sta Staiion; ter terrace; Tomp Tompkins; Transp Transportation ; Vandbt Vanderbilfc; W.
West; Washn Washington; Wmsbridge WiDiamsbridge.

NOTE, The words " (no inf.)" after a name signify that the firm or corporation
so quoted was not found at the address printed, and that definite information as to
their present location was unattainable ; the words " (inf. unattainable) " signify that,
notwithstanding due effort was made on our part, we were unable to secure the
desired information,    {i^ee also page opposite.)



ABC Guide Co. (inf. unattainable) 90 W. B'way
Aalholm  M.   (Joseph  J.   &. Thomas O.   Aalholm)

!J3 John
Aaron John J. & Son (John J. & Montague Aaron)

191 Grand
Aaron  Brothers   (leather)   (dissolved)   224,   2d
Aaron Brothers (tailors) (Edward & Isaac Aaron)

665,   8th  av
Aaron  & Aaron   (dissolved)   150  Nassau
Aaron  & Corn   (David L,   Aaron  & Louis  Com)

209 G'wlch
Aarona Alfred E., Amusement Co.  (not inc.)  (Al¬
fred   E.   Aarons   &   Louis   H.   Donnelly)   1402

Aarons  Neckwear Co.   (dissolved)  42 B.  12th

Aaronson Credit Centre (M. A. & L. E. Z.
Aaronson,  proprs.)   62 Bowery & 157 Canal

Aaronson M. A. & L. E. Z. (Moaes A. & Lionel
E.   Z.)  62 Bowery & 157 Canal

Aaronson S. & Son (Simon & David Aaronson)
118   Division

Abarno G, & Co. (Gustavo Abarno, no Co.) 182
W.   Houston

Abbate & Berardinelll (Vlto Abbate & Gennaro
Berardlnelii) 25 University pi.

Abbe Max P.. Mfg. Co. (N. Y.) (Max F. Abbe.
Pres.; Paul 0. Abbe, Sec.; Frank A, Cave,
Treas. Capital, $30,000. Directors: Max F.
Abbo, Frank A, Cave, Frank E. Wallace) 26

Abberley John J. & Brother (John J. & Harmon
D.  Abberley)   63 W.   22d & 223 E.   21st

Abbey Effervescent Salt Co. (N, J.) (Richard
Arnold, Pres.; Theodore B. Otis, Sec. Capi¬
tal SI,000,000;    further Inf.   refused) II  Murray

Abbey Press (not Inc.) (Charles F. Rideal &
Carlos   Martyn)   114,   Bth  av.

Abbey & Imhrle (Charlotte M, Imhrie, only) IS

Abbiati Brothers (Luigi AbbiatI, only) 74 Mac-
do ugal

Abbot-Downlrg Co. (N. H.) (Lewis Downing jr.,
Pres.;    James  C,   A.   Hill.   Sec.;    Gerald  Wy-



Public Accountants and Auditors


Telephone, No. 2675 John

man,   Treas.    Capital,   5400,000.    Directors:    T.

Quiney   Browne,     Lewis    Downing  jr.,   Gerald

Wyman,    Abbot   Treadwell,    Samuel   C.   East¬
man,   Howard   Scribner,   Arthur   M.   Merriam)

120 W.   30th
Abbot-Gamble  Contracting  Co.   (St.   Louis,   Mo.)

(represented   by   Frederick   W.   Abbot,   Pres.)

41 Park row
Abbott   Alkaloidal   Co.   (Chicago,   III.)   (Norman

B.  Harris,  N. Y. manager) 93 Broad
Abbott Mfg.  & Water Co.  (N. Y.) (Hugh C.  Fox.

Pres.;   Thomas M. Mayer, Sec.    Capital, Sl.OOO.

Directors:    Hugh  C.   Fox.   Thomas   M.   Mayer,

Warren M. Abbott) 24 Vesey
Abbott & Co.  (Charles A. Abbott, no Co.) GO Ann
Abbott & Eckrich (dissolved) 386 Columbus av.
Abbott & Happ  (Peter G,   Abbott & T.  Leonard

Happ) 870, 9th av.
Abbott,   Duerrenfeld  & Co.   (dissolved)  566  Hud-
Abbott's   M..   Sons   (Charles   1.   &   Philip   H.   &

Richard  H.  & Reuben F.   Abbott) 137,   8th av.

&  636 Coiumbus av.
Abd-Bl-Nour   &   Maloof   (John   Abd-El-Nour   &

Najeeb N.  Maloof) 39 B'way
Abeel Brothers  (George & John   H.  & Henry F.

Abeei)  190 South  & 365  Water
Abegg & Rusch (Henry Abegg & Adolph & Henry

A.  Rusch) 30 Grand
Abel Bernard & Co.   (Bernard Abel,  no Co.)  324

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