Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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L. A. NEWCOME      fESTABLISHED (8761 World Bnilding:, New Tork City.

Late Post-Office inspector. 1    Licensed by the Slate ot New York   J   Tel. 2237 Jobn,

BUS                         65                            C

I. Tel. 391 Had. (

Busch & Rutty (Peter Busch fe Frederick W.
Rutty) 396 B'way

Busch's I., Sons (dissolved) 41 B. 59th

Busching fi Grotheer (Ernest Eusching fe John
Grotheer) 761. Sth av.

Euse fi Co. (dissolved) 19, 3d av,

Buse fe Miller (Frederick Buse & Herman Miller)
2243   3d av.

Bush 'co. (Ltd) (N. Y.) (Irving T. Bush, Pres. ;
Herbert Boughton, Sec. Capital, $100,000. Di¬
rectors: Irving T. fe Wendell T. Bush, Herbert
Boughton) 27 William

Bush W. J. fi Co. (Del.) (Baron de Bush, Prea.;
C. Blair Leighton, Sec. Capital. $500,000;
further inf. unattainable) 5 Jones la.

Bush fi Gerls (Chicago, III.) (Owen L Turtle,
agent) 126 B.  23d

Eushby fe Berkeley (Jaraes C. Bushby fe Lance¬
lot M. Berkeley) 120 B'way

Bushee A. fe Co. (Attleboro, Mass.) (Jaraes B.
Hills & Co.. agents) 237 B'way

Bushell George W. ft Co. (George W. ft Mary A.
Bushell)   374,   2d  av.

Bushnell Alvah. Co. (Phlla,, Pa.) (Hezeklah
Bushnell,   N.   Y.  manager)  310 B'way

Bufchneli Mfg, Co.   (dissolved)  43 Cedar

Bushwick Glass Works (Brookfield Glass Co.,
proprs.) 220 B'way
' Business Address Co. (N. Y.) (WUllam H. Par¬
sons, Pres.; Samuel S. Evans jr.. Sec Capital.
$100,000. Directors: Robert W. de Forest, Otto
T. Bannard, Samuel S. Evans jr., Wiiliam H, '
Parsons) 9 Barclay

Business Publishing Co. (N. J.) (Craig R. Guerin,
Pres.; Louis P. Eggers, Sec Capital. $25,000.
Directors: Craig R. Guerin, Louis P. & John
H. Eggers) 32 Laf. pl.

Busk & Jevons (Frederick T. Busk, Thomas E.
Jevons fi Lorenzo Daniels) 301 Produce Ex.

Buss Henry & Co.  (Henry ft Henry Buss jr.) 467

Bustard A.   M.,   Co.   (not inc.)   (Solon Palmer &

Alexander M.   Bustard) 157 Wililam
Bustillo Brothers fi  Diaz  (Tampa,   Fla.)   (repre¬
sented by Jose M. Diaz) 66 Murray
Butcher   W.    &   S.    (Shefileld,   Eng.)   (John   W.

Hughes, agent) 29S B'way
Butler   Bible  Work   Co.   (N.   J.)   (J.   Glentworth

Butler,    Pres.;    further   inf.    unattainable)    85

Bible h.
Butler  George  P.   ft Brother  (George P.   fi  Ar¬
thur W.  Butler fi J.  H.  McClement) 15 Broad
Butler Hard Rubber Co.   (name changed to Am.

Hard Rubber Co.,  which see) 9 Mercer
Butler Joseph C, Co.  (N. Y.)  (Joseph C. Butler,

Pres.; PhlUppa AbbiatI.   Sec.    Capital,  $25,000.

Directors:   Joseph   C.   Butter,   Jiohn   MfcGeary,

Franz Baeder) 101 Beekman
Butler T. fe P. (Inf. unattainable) Bronxwood pk.,

Butler  Brothers   (Chicago,   111.)   (represented   by

Charles C. Lloyd) 495 B'way
Butler fi Cleland  (Frederic W.   Butler fe Henry

E. Cleland) 422 Columbus av.
Butler & Kelly (Orlando W. Butler & Thomas W.

Kelly) 46 Beekman
Butler,   Notman.   Joline   Sc   Mynderae   (William

Allen Butler, John Notman,   Adrian H.  JoUno,

Wllhelmua Mynderae, Williara Allen Butler Jr.,

Henry   W,   Calhoun   &   Adrian   H.   Larkin)   54

Butler,   Schutze  Co,   (San   Francisco.   Cal.)   (rep¬
resented by William O. Butler) 640 B'way
Butler, Sheldon & Co.   (N.  J.) (Edgar H. Butler,

Pres.; George M. Sayre, Sec.; Adam Thompson.

Treas.    Directors:  Edgar H.  Butler. Joseph K.

Butler.    George   M.    Sayre.   Adam   Thompson,

Henry M.  Snyder Jr.)  43 E.  12th
Butler's   E.,   Sons   (Michael   B.   ft  Philip   J.   &

Daniel Butler) 32 South
Butt Henry A. & Co.  (Henry A. Butt & John H.

Barlach)   48  Mhtn.   av.
Butt Photo Engraving Co.  (Charles Butt, propr.)

112 Pulton
Butt fi Sanders  (Christian Butt ft Charles San¬
ders)   272  Grand
Butte   Electric  Railway  Co.   (W.   Va.)   (Capital,

$1,000,000; further inf. unattainable) no address
Butte ft Boston Cons. Mining Co. (Boston, Maas.)

(Lewisohn Brothers, agents) 81 Fulton
Buttell ft Palmer (disaolved) 82 Lincoln av.
Buttercup Dairy (Milton J. Van Tassell,   propr,)

155.   3d av.
Butterfleld Fred fe Co. (Edward A. Price fi Petera

B. Worrall, only) 727 B'way
Butterfield H.  A.   & Co.  (Henry A. Butterfleld &

David A. Barry) 81 Crosby
Butter'ck  Publishing   Co.   (Ltd)   (N.   Y.)   (Robert

S. O'LouRhlin. Pres.; William H. Hudson, Sec.;

Charles D.   Wilder,  Treas.    Capital,   $1,000,000.

Directors:    Rfibert  S.   O'Loughlin,   George  W.



Public Accountants and Auditors


Telephone, No. 2675 John

Wilder, William H. Hudson. Charles D. &
Benjamin F. Wilder. C. W. Morse) 9 W. 13th,
18 W. 14th & 118 W. 23d

Eutterworth Edwin fi Co, (Manchester, Eng.)
(Jamea Plrnie & Abraham S. Demarest, N. Y.
managers)   132  Nassau

Butterfleld W. J. (WilUam J. Butterfield:—special
partnera, Charles W. McCutchen, N. Pialnfleld,
N. J., fe Leonard J. Busby, Glen Cove, L. I.,
each $37,500; terminates 1st Jan., 1901) 106 Wall

Euttlar Robert & Co. (Robert Buttlar, no Co.)
623 Hudson

Buttle Parquet Floor Co, (George M. Buttle,
propr.) 37 W. 27th

Buttle & Van Emburg (dissolved) 37 W. 27th

Euttner  Misses  (Mary  D.  Austin,   only)  15 Broad

Buttre J. C, Co. (N. J.) (George Probst, Pres.;
Chester Buttre Probst, Sec. Capital, $15,000.
Directors: George Probst, Mary J. Buttre,
Frank E. Francisco, Chester Buttre Probst)
17   E.   16th

Buttrick & Elliman (Charles A. Buttrlck &
WlUlam EHlman) 18 Wall

Butts fi Ordway Co. (Boston. Mass.) (represented
by N. Frecker) 107 Chambers fi 91 Reade

Eutzel Frank J.  ft Co.  (dissolved) 32S Church

Butzel & Ernstthal (Frank J. Eutzel ft August
Ernstthal) 328 Church

Butzel's J. L., Sons (Saugertles. N. Y.) (repre¬
sented by Frank J. Butzel) 338 Church

Buxbaum Brothera  (dissolved)  S46 Columbus av.

Buxton ft Losee (no inf.) 481 Courtlandt av.

Buxton, Heins fe Co. (George I. Buxton, Charles
L. Helns ft W. Shepard Newton) 13 Spruce

Buyer ft Chronicle Co. (Del.) (Joel A. Kraus,
Pres.; John F. Herman, Treas.; Louis Bobbe,
Sec. Capital. $50.000; further Inf. unattain¬
able) 396 B'way

Buyer ft Reich Co.  (dissolved) 81 Walker

Euyera' Aasn. ot America (N. Y.) (George M. But¬
ler, Pres.; Joel A. Kraus, Sec.; Emil M. Sost¬
man, Treas.) 396 B'way

Buyers' Reference Co. (N. Y.) (Nelson W. Gage,
Prea.; William T. Call, Sec. Capital, $25,000.
Directors: Nelson W. Gage, William T. Call,
Richard D. McCartle) 123 Liberty

Euzzell T. D. fe Co. (dissolved.) 317 W. 59th

Eyck Brothers (Paul J. ft Max Eyck) 130 Fuiton
fi 158 B. 125th

Byers Epauletted Ventilation Co. (inoperative) 5

Byers A. M, fi Co, (inc) (Pittsburg, Pa.) (Ed¬
ward F. Keating, agent) 452 Water

Eyers & Levine (Lehigh, L T.) (no N. Y. repre¬
sentative) 302 Church

Byers & Parmelee (Boston. Mass.) (represented
by William P. Parmelee) 41 Union sq. W.

Byrne C. B., Piano Co. (Cornelius E. Byrne,
propr.) 525 W.  23d fi 324 W. 26th

Byrne Brothers (Peter C, Byrne, only) 22S W.

Byrne ft Daughters (no Int.) 445 W.  57th

Byrne fi Heidloff (dissolved) 623 W.  48th

Byrne fi Murphy (Thomas F. Byrne & John S.
Murphy) 890 Park av,

Byrne, Parsons & Co. (PhoenixvlUe, Pa.) (S.
Hazard Haisted, agent) 377 B'way

Byrnes ft Brady (Henry L. Byrnes & Patrick
Brady) 445,  7th av.

Byron  & Sanborn   (dissolved)   104 Bleeeker

Bystrom Lewis & Go. (Lewis Bystrom, no Co,)
301 W. 134th

C. A. C. fi Co.   (dissolved) 4 B. 14th

C.  C. Chemical Co.  (N. Y.)  (Stephen R.  Branch,

Prea.; William P. Ferguson, Sec.   Capital, $10,-

000.     Directors:   Stephen   R.   Branch,   G.   W.

Knight. William P. Ferguson) 261 B'way
C. C. S.  Cloak Co. (Louis Cohen, propr.) 308 Canal
C.   O.   D.   Printing  House   (Charles   W.   Sturges,

propr.) 312 E. SOth
C. O. L. Mfg. Co. (N. Y.)  (Frederick G.  Mueller,

Pres. ;   Charles   O.   Lovell,   Sec.     Capital,   $500.

Directors:   Frederick   G.    Mueller,   Charles   O.

Lovell, Charles A.  Mills) 18 Wall
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