Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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11554: 33XtOja.X>"OT-.^4-"S',

I                  Telei.lioDe, :!T6—;iMli St.

:rie and sth sts., Jersey City.

Teiephoue, 1S5 J. C.





W. Erunn. Alfred Roelker, Karl Meissner.
Ewald Fleltmann, Charles A. Zoeblsch. Ernst
Steiger, Casimlr Tag, Percival Knauth, Carl
Goepel, -Robert Reutter, George F. Victor,
George Gudewill, Dallas E. Pratt, Hugo
Schumann, James Speyer. George Sherman, Oscar
P. Zolllkoffer, R. Van Der Enide, Edward C.
Schaefer,  Ogden Mills) 100 E.  14th

German Shoe Repairing Co. (David Aronowitz,
propr.) 3S4, 10th av.

German Soc of the City of N. Y. (N, Y.) (Gustav
H. Schwab. Pres.; Ernest Lemcke, Sec; Daniel
Schnakenberg, Treas.) 13 B'way

Germania Bank (Bdward C. Schaefer, Pres.; John
A. Morschhauser. Cashier; Francis J. Miller.
Notary. Capital. 8200,000. Directors: Bdward
C. Schaefer, Daniel Brubacher, John Eheln-
frank, Conrad Stein. Henry W. Schmidt, Bern-
hard Reinecke, Henry E. G. Luyties. Charles A,
King, Gustav L. Jaeger, Otto M. Eldlitz, Fred¬
erick Polz, Louis P. Bach, George E. Mott.
Oscar F, Zolllkoffer, Gustav Llndenmeyer) 190

Germania Fire Ins, Co. (N. Y.) (Hugo Schtimann,
Pres.; Charles Ruykhaver, Sec. Capital, $1,-
OOO.OOO. Directors: Frederick A, VonBernuth.
Steffen Dleckmann. George B. Edwards, Ernest
HaU, Henry A. LIndgens, John Moller, G. Rams-
perger. J. Eugene Robert. Alfred Roelker,
Charles Ruykhaver, E. ScheitUn, Hugo
Schumann. A. Sondern, Bdward Uhl, Carl
Victor, Marcus L. Ward, C. A. Zoeblsch) 62

Germania Importing Co, (George Staber, propr,)
127 Duane

Germania Knitting Works (WiUlam Reichman,
propr.)   100 Franklin fi 440 Canal

Germania Life Ins, Co. (N. Y.) (Cornelius Dore¬
mus, Pres.; Hubert Clills, Sec. Capital. $200,-
000. Directors: Thomas Acheli=. Ewald Bal¬
thasar. Henry A. Caesar. Hubert Clllis. Albert
F. D'Oench, Cornelius Doremua. Ewald Fleit¬
mann. Herman Marcuae. Albrecht Pagenstecher,
Alfred Roelker, Hermann Rose, WlUiam
Schramm, Hugo Schumann, Carl Schurz, Casi¬
mlr Tag, F, A. Von Lingen, Karl fi Max A. &
Hugo Wesendonck) 20 Nassau

Germania Loan Assn. (no Inf.) IBO Nassau

Germania Mills (Holyoke, Mass.) (W. Stursberg.
Schell £ Co.. agents) 81 Leonard

Germania PubUshing Co. (Milwaukee, Wis.) (Otto
Koenlg, agent) 17 Park row

Germania Real Estate fi Improvement Co. (N. Y.)
(Henry A. Mever. Pres.; Henry W, Dreyer, Sec.;
August W. Schmidt, Treas, Directors: Henry
A, Meyer. Henry W. A John F. Dreyer, August
W.   Schmidt)  3S Park row

Gerraania Roofing Qi. (Charles Eurkelman, propr.)
32   SuUivan

Germanlan Mills (Haulenbeek Roasting A Milling
Co., proprs.) 170 Duane

Germann J. A. £ Co. (John A. Gerraann, no Co.)
108 Grand

Germansky & Rodbell (Abraham Germansky fi
David Rodbell) 167 Canal

Germantown Tool Works (Newark, N. J.) (Un¬
derhill,  Clinch fi Co..  agents) 94 Chambers   ,

Germany Basket Mfg. Co, (Max Lory, propr.) 350

Germeck's Carl, Sons (Carl fi Frederick Germeck)
ISl  E.   nsth

Gernau fi Jost (Paul Gernau £ Peter Jost) 216 Av.

Gernsbym Henry A Brother (Henry A Max Gern-
shym)  73 Franklin

Gerome Co,  (dissolved) 139. Bth av.

Gerry £ Murray (Theodore L, C. Gerry A Charles
Murray)  33  Broad

Gershel H. A Son (Heyman- A George Gershel)
21 W. 4th

Gershel L. fi Brother (Leopold fi Solomon A
Maurice L. Gershel) 191 Pearl

Gershel & Frankfort (William Gershel fi Joseph
Frankfort)  118 Maiden la.

Gershven ft Wolpin  (dissolved) 436,   3d  av,

Geraon £ Goldstein (Jacob Gerson £ Samuel Gold¬
stein)   93   Att'y

Gerson, Sellgman .fi Co. (Clnn., O.) (Ludwig M.
Obly. N. Y. managert 619. 6th av. £ 1358 E'way

Gerson'a  Millinery  (refused)   783 B'way

Gcrst B. fi Co. (Louisville, Ky.) (no N. Y. rep¬
resentative)   365   B'way

Gersfel fi Tockar (Michael Gerstel £ Solomon
Tockar)  28  Bleeeker

Gersiendorfer Brolhers (Max £ Albert Gersten-
eorfer) 43 Park pl, Sc 26 Reade

Gerstle R. H. £ Brother (Rafael H. Gerstle, only)
288  Bowery

Gerzog A Co.  (dissolved) 318 E. Houaton

Geacheldt Medical Co. (estate of Charlea .A.
Gescbeldt,  propr.) 33 Park row


15 ParK Bow

Kzpert on
(      Taxes.

Gesner fi Monaghan (Albert O Gesner fi Thomas
Monaghan)   152 W.  56th

Gessen A. fi Sons (Abraham & Morris fi Louia
Gessen) 306 Bowery

Gessert C. P.. Co. (N. J.) (Wililam M. Thacher,
Pres.; Charles F. Gessert, Sec. Capital, $40,000.
Directors; Wiliam M. Thacher, Charles F. Ges¬
sert,   Thomas  S.   Crane)   42  Dey

Gessford £ Van Brunt (Joseph G. Gessford £
Adelaide Van Brunt) 31 Union aq. W.

Geaswein F. W., Co. (N. Y.) (WUllam Dixon.
Pres.; George F. Kroehl. Treas. Capital, $128.-
500. Directors: William Dixon, R. C. Rupp,
George F. Kroehl) 39 John

Getgcod Brothers (WiUiam F. £ George J, Get-
good) 249 W. 126th

Gever Sc Rosa (Frederick P, Geyer fi Emil Rosa)
340, 6^1 av.

Ghames A Losere (James Ghames A Leon Losere).
S71 Brook av.

Ghelardl C. fi Brothers (Can'ona A Cherubino £
Btisebio Ghelardl) 467 W. 165th

Ghelfl fi Fornasarl (Marco Ghelfl fi Giuseppe
Fornasarl) 2 Varick pl.

Gherardi G, fi Co. (Gulseppe Gherardi £ Adolph
ft Anastasio Fugglti) 14 Minetta

Ghigllone A, P., Marcaronl Co. (N. Y.) (Edward
F. ShoU, Fres.; Thoraas E, Lindsay. Sec, Capi¬
tal, $35,000. Directors: Angelo F. Ghiglione. Ed¬
ward P. ShoU, E. B. Colraan, Thomas B. Lind¬
say) 807,  Oth

Ghilonl  L.   £  Co,   (no inf.)  443 W.   19th

Ghiioni  & Pleri  A Co.   (disaolved)   97  Thompson

Ohio £ Rovlra (ApoUonio P. Ohio fi Benito Ro-
vira)   209 E.  37th

Glanattasio M.  £ Son (dissolved) 364.  Oth av.

Giandalia M. A F.  (Michael A Frank) 77 W. 3d

Giannlni A Sergardl (Bdward E, Giannini A
Pablo B. Sergardl) 378. 2d av

Giant Cigar Co.   (Leo C.   Mack,  propr.). 1059.   3d

GIbb Brothers A Moran (N. Y.) (Matthew Gibb,
Pres,; Alexander W, Glbb, Sec ; Michael Moran,
Treas. Capital. $40,000. Directors; Matthew
fi Alexander W. fi James A. Glbb, Michael
Moran, John Flnnegan) 45 Rose

Gibbons John V. & Brother (John V. A Ernest
A. Gibbons) 133 G'wich

Gibbons £ Khnball (George W. Gibbons, Daniel
T.   Kimball  &  Francia Houghtalin)   243  B'way

Gibba Dr. John Wilson, Go. (John Wilson Gibbs.
propr.)    1370   B'way

Glbbs George W. fi Co. (San Francisco, Cal.) (no
N. Y. representative) 146 B'way

Gibbs & VanVleck (Harry E, A. Glbbs A WiUiam
C. VanVleck) 12 Dutch

Glbba fi Williams Co, (inL unattainable) 68
New Chambers

Gibbs A Williams Lithograph Co. (Del.) (Capi¬
tal. $100,000; further inf. unattainable) 68 New

Gibbs. KeUy fi Co.  (no inf.) 35 Warren

Gibbs-Brower Co. (not inc.) (William W, Glbba
£ Ogden   Brower)   160 Nassau

Gibney £ Brennan (dissolved) 66 Eowery

Gibson Art Co. (O.) (Charles R. Gibson. Pres.;
"WUliam H. Gibson, Treas. Capital. $50,000.
Directors; Charlea R. £ William H, Gibson)
. 50 University pl.

Gibaon Glass Co (dissolved) 142 E.  3,M

Gibson James W,, Co. (inf. unattainable) 35

Gibson John M. £ Co. (John M. Gibson £ S.
Dudley Bennett) 56 Liberty

Gibson Joaeph W., Co. (W. Va.) (Josenh W.
Gibson. Pres.; Charles T. Root. Treas.; Vincent
F. LeQueane. Sec. Capital, $160,000. Direct¬
ors: Joaeph W. Glhaon. Charles T. Root,
Charlea  E.  Phillips)  19  Union  sn.  W.

Gibson Mfg. Co. (N. Y.) (Otto Bowskl, Prea.;
further Inf, unattainable) lOS G'wlch

Gibson Piano Mfs;. Go. (N. Y.) rcharle^ B.
Boothe. Prea.: William F. Boothe. Tre?s. r^npl-
tal. $10,000. Directors: Charles E. fi William
F. fi Laura 0. Boothe) 204 fi 209 E. 49th

Gibson A Lange (Samuel Gibson A Henry Lange)
178 Chambers
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