Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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At Trow Ulrectori Office, 21 University Place, Maoiiattaii,
GIB                          160

. Utj


Gibson A Stapler (Hanson C. Gibson £ Henry B.

B. Stapler) 48 WaU
Gibson A Wesson  (Henry S,  Gibaon fi Frank B.

Wesson)  59 William
Gidia Giovanni £ Marlannlna, 16 Spring
Giebel John £ Son (John A Henry GiebeU  3198,

3d av.
Giegerich  J.   £  C.   (Charles   Giegerich,   only)   15

Giese August  £ Son   (August £ Otto E,   Giese)

2   Cedar
Glealer A Co.   (Avize.  France)  (M.  R.  Haffenden

fi Co.,  agents) 79 Broad
Giesse   Glass   Sign   Works   (Herman   H.   Giesse,

propr.) 147 Duane
Gifford  A  Bull   (Livingston   Gifford  A J.   Edgar

BuU)  141 B'way
Gifford,    Stearns    fi    Hobbs   (James   M.   Gifford,

Jesse Steams £ Charlea B.   Hobbs)  56 Pine
Gifu Cono £ Co.   (Cono Gifu,  no Co.) 96 Thomp-

Gignoux fi Gignoux (Robert M, £ Claude Gig-
noux)  31 Nassau

Gilbert Elliott Law Co. (N, J.) (Omar Powell,
Pres. ; Daniel L. Cady, Sec Capital, $8,000,
Directors:   Omar Powell,   Daniel  L,   Cady)   206

Gilbert George H., Mfg. C9. (Ware fi Gilbertville,
Mass.) (George O, Leavitt, agent) 6B Worth

Gilbert Mfg. Co. (N. Y.) (Orlando P. Dorman.
Pres.; Harry H. Dorman, Sec.; Henry B. Bab¬
cock, Treaa. Capital, $395,000. Directors:
Orlando P. Dorinan, Henry E. Babcock, Otis N.
Fierce,   James O.   Sweet,   John Waterman)   380

Gilbert Printing Co. (N. Y.) (James D. Stuart,
Pres,; Mary S. Gilbert, Sec. Capital, $10,000,
Directors: James D. Stuart, Wallace H, £
Mary S. Gilbert) 141 W. 24th

Gilbert William L., Clock Co. (Winsted, Ct.)
(George B. Owen Jr., N, Y, manager) 37 Maiden
la. £ 8 Gold

Gilbert & Barker Mfg. Co. (Mass.) (John F.
Barker, Pres.; WilUam T. Rayner, Sec; WUl¬
lam C. Clarke, Treas. Capital, $40,000, Di¬
rectors: John F. Barker, C. M, Pratt, W. P.
Howe, William G. Clarke) 82 John

Gilbert fi Beecher (dissolved) 26 Reade

Gilbert fi Bennett Mfg. Co, (Ct.) (Edwin Gilbert,
Pres; David H. Miller, Sec. Capital, $500,000,
Directors: Bdwin Gilbert, David H. £ Samuel
J. Miller, George H. Brown, Bdward F, Jones)
44  Cliff

Gilbert A Co. (Louis Gilbert, no Co.) 158 W, 27th

Gilbert A Kraver (dissolved)  226 CUnton

Gilbert £ Smltman  (dissolved)   100 W.   73d

GUbertson W.  £ S.   (no inf.) 23 Grand

GUbey W. fi A. (Ltd) (London, Eng.) (Max
Oberfelder, agent) 84 Broad

Gllbreth Seam-Face Granite Co. (Boston, Mass.)
(WUliam J. Judd, N. Y. manager) 160, 5th av.

Gilchrist C. A. £ Co. (Boston, Mass) (Frank J.
Lightbody, N, Y.  manager) 487 B'way

GUdersieeve M, R. fi Co. (N. Y.) (Peter Kouwen-
hoven, Pres.; Charles H. Voorhees, Sec. Capi¬
tal, $2,600, Directors: Peter Kouwenhoven,
Charles H, Voorhees, Moses R, GUdersieeve,
Stephen P. Voorhees) Pier 24 (old) B, R.

GUdersieeve Press (George R. Little, propr.) 19

Gildersleeve J. F, fi Co. (Jamea P. GUdersieeve,
no Co.) 112 South

GUdersieeve A Rolf (Alger C. Gildersleeve A
Bernard Rolf) 39 Cortlandt

Gilderaleeve fi Smith (Augustus Smith, only) 39
Cortlandt fi 215 W. 125th

Giles Co. (consolidated with Am. Lithographic
Co..  which  see) 50 E.  19th

Giles Lawrence fi Co. (Stephen Worth Giles, only)
76 Park pl.

Giles P. S. fi Co. (F, Seymour Giles, no Co.) 6G

GUI Bdward £ Go, (Edward A Williara H, Gill)
ft B.  107th

GUI Engraving Co. (N. J.) (Emlyn M. Gill. Pres.;
George M. GUI. Sec. Capital, $30,000. Direct¬
ors; Emlyn M. £ George M. Gill, Frederic
Cromwell, Charles S. Husted, Jaraes Timpson)
104 Chambera

Gill George C, Paper Co. (Holyoke, Mass.)
(George H. Souther, agent) 317 B'way

Gill WUllam P. fi Co. (William P. fi James H.
Gill  £  Bdward   M.   Gridley)  18  Greene

GUI F. £ Co. (Francis GUI, no Co.) 320 Broome

Gill R. fi Sons (William H. Gill, only) ft E. 106th

GUI Brothera £ Co. (Steubenville, O.) (John Beis-
wanger,  agent)  35 Warren

Glllam A Shaughnesay (dissolved) 6 Beekman

Glllen A Greene (Gustave fi John Greene) 230

GUlespie T, A.,  Co.,   (Pittsburg.  Pa.)  (Frederick

J. Gubelman, N. Y. manager) 26 Cortlandt
Gillespie S.  W.   A Co.   (Samuel W.  A Samuel S,

Gillespie)   138 Front
Gillespie   Brothers   (Michael   H.   fi   Thomas   A.

Gillespie)  158 W.  23d
GUlespie fi Hume (dissolved) 20 Broad
Gillespie fi McKenzie (no inf.) 155 W. 29th
GUlespie Brothers & Co.   (London,  Eng.)   (repre¬
sented   by   WUllam  A.   Grlffln)   4   Stone   A   19

Gillespie's J. W., Sons (Charles H. £ Jamea M.
Gillespie)  52  John

Gillet Joseph Allston A Brother (Joseph Allston
fi Sully Gillet) 91 Wall

Gillette Clipping Machine Co. (N. Y.) (George W.
Gillette, Pres,; George H. Gillette. Sec. Capi¬
tal, $100,000. Directors: George W. £ George
H, fi Fanny L. £ Lina Gillette, Richard N.
Cotter) 114 W. 32d

Gilley P. W. Jr., £ Go, (Franklin W. A Bdward
S. Gilley, only) 1 Nassau

Gillies Coffee Co. (Anna E. Gilllea, propr.) 233
Wash' n

Gilllea Edwin J. A Co. (Bdwin J. Gillies A
James H. Schmelzel) 247 Wash'n

Gillies Wright fi Brother (Wright £ Homer R.
Gillies)  12th av.   c W,  132d £ 2018 Amsterdam

Gillies Brothers (Frank E. A William F. Gillies)'

220 W. S3d A 2700 B'way
Gillin  Printing   Co.   (N.   Y.)   (Robert  F,   Gillin,

Pres,;   Francis   Handy.   Sec.     Capital.   $40,000.

Directors;     Robert   F.   Gillin.   Francis   Handy,

George F. Morgan) 128 W. 33d
GllUnder fi Sons (Phila.. Fa.) (Clarence E. Mar-

ter, agent)  52 Park pl,
Gillis   J,   W..   Go.    (Rochester,   N.   Y.)   (Joaeph

Simon, N. Y. manager) 10 E. 17th
Gillis   fi   Geoghegan   (Stephen   J.   £   Charles   A.

Geoghegan; special partner;—Frederic S. Gillis,

$50,000;   terminates,   2Sth   Feb.    1909)   537   W.

Gilliss  Press   (GiUisa   Brothers,   proprs.)   141   E.

Gilliss  Brothers  (Walter £ Frank  LeG.   GiUisa)

141 B. 26th
Gillott Joaeph fi Sona (Birmingham, Bng.) (Henry

Hoe, N. Y. manager) 91 John
Gilman A.   £  Son   (Aaron  A  Joseph  Gilman)   35

Gilman A Randall (dissolved) 13 Astor pl.

Gilman. Son fi Co. (Theodore & Winthrop S. Gil¬
man, no Co.)  62 Cedar

Gilmore J. fi Co. (William Bogert, only) 60 Stone

tiilmore A Tompkins (Edward G. Gilmore £
Eugene Tompkins) 2 Irving pl.

Gilmore's Famous Band (no inf.) 1133 B'way

Gilmour R. M., Mfg. Co. (N. J.) (Robert M. Gil¬
mour, Pres.; Harold S. Slndle, Sec. Capital,
$100,000. Directors: Robert M. Gilmour, Har¬
old S. fi Stephen Sindle) 84 John

Gilpatrick G. & G. (refused) 67 E. 69th

Gilroy & Bloomfield (Louis K. Gilroy £ Samuel
Bloomfield) 17 W, 3d

Gilaon, Collins fi Co, (N, J.) (David B. Collins,
Fres.; George C. Lavery, Sec. Capital, $100,-
000. Directors; David B. Collins, George C.
Lavery, W. H. Baxter, James 0. Hesa. Colin
Richards) 39 Cortlandt

Gimbel Brothers (Milwaukee. "UTs. £ Phlla., Fa.)
(George M, Butler, agent) 377 B'way

Ginger Skylight Co. (WUllam Ginger, propr.) 218
W, 37th

Gingold Brothers (Isaac fi Thomaa Glngold) 128

Ginn £ Co. (Edwin Ginn, George A. Plimpton,
Lewis Parkhurst, Osmyn P. Conant, Thomaa W.
Gilson, Henry H. HUton, Fred B. Ginn, Selim
S. White, Ralph L. Hayea, Frederick M. Am-
broae fi Richard S,  Thomas) 70,  6th av.

Ginna £ Co. (Stephen A. £ Daniel F. GInna &
Richard A. Donaldson) 63 Beach fi 40o G'wich

Glnnel Henry fi Co. (WilUam S. Ginnel fi Fran¬
cis R. Simmons, only) 31 Maiden la.

Ginoris Mfg, Co, (Joseph Ginoris. propr.) 7 Laf.

Ginsberg A. A Brother (Abraham fi Max Gins¬
berg)  168 E.   B'way

Ginsberg B. fi Co. (Barnett Ginsberg. Samuel
Cohen, Samuel Bryck £ Abraham Lebevltz) 14

Ginsberg A Adelson (Isaac Ginsberg £ Harry M.
Adelson) 508 Eroome

Ginsberg & Baumgarten (disaolved) 263 W. 15th

Ginsberg fi Wlttcoff (no inf.)  131  Essex

Ginsburg Simon £ Brothers (Simon £ Harris
Ginsburg) 22 Lispenard

Ginsburg  £  Mathot  (dissolved)   132  Nasaiu

Glntzburg-Goldln Mfg. Co. (no Inf.) 363 W, E'way
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