Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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L. A, NEWCOME      (ESTABLISHED  18761 World Bniltling, New York City.

Late Post-Office Inspector. \    UceoEed by the State of New York   J    Tel. 22S7 John.  Res. Tel. 394 Mad, Sq,



Ginzbourger Brothers (Achille fi Theodore Ginz-

bourger) 448, Sth av.  fi 715 Coiumbus av.
Giovannini P.   £ Go.   (Peter Giovannini.  no Co.)

144 Centre
Gippert  A.   fi   Co.    (Alexander   Gippert   fi   John

Isaacs) 51 WhitehaU
Girard Fire Ins. Co,  (Pittsburg. Pa.)  (Ackerman,

Deyo £ Hilliard, agenta) 41 Fine
Girbau & Mora (John Girbau A Lauro Mora) 122

B. llth
Girdwood James A Co.  (James Girdwood, no Co.)

28 White
Gischia   fi   Campomenosi   (Frank   G.   Glschia   fi

Antonio Campomenosi) 48'7 W. B'way
Gisholt Machine Co.  (Madison,  Wis.)  (Walter H.

Foster, agent) 126 Liberty
Gitenstein A. A Brother (Abraham £ Israel Giten-

stein) 11 Walker
GItskey fi BastianelU (Isaac M. Gitakey fi Adrian

Bastianelli)   21 Wash'n pl.
Gltsky Brothers (Isaac £ Joseph £ WUliam Git-
sky) 463, 2d av.
Gittelman,   Elrenboum'   £   Flshbeln   (no  inf.)   24

Gittelson H,   & Son  (Harris fi Morris Gittelson)

200 Varick
Gitterman Henry fi Co. (Henry & Jesse W, Gltter-

nian £ Eugene Banner) 273 Church
GiuUan Brothers (dissolved)  256 Wash'n
Giveen John S. £ Co. (John S. Giveen fi A. Mon-

teith Richardson) 97 Franklin
Giveen   Mfg.   Co.   (N,  Y.)   (Levi  L.   Gans,   Pres.;

Howard   S,   Gans,   Sec.    Capital,   $250,000.    Di¬
rectors: Jacob A. Von Gericbten, Howard S. &

Levi L. Gans) 71 Leonard
Givernaud Brothers (N. J.) (Celestino Plva, Pres.;

Louis   Givernaud.   Treas.   Direetbrs:   I^uis   &

Etienne   Givernaud,   Emanuel   Gerli,   Celestino

Fiva) 71 Greene
Glaccum Wiiliam £ Sons (William £ William. F,

fi Thomas E. fi James C. Glaccum) 302 E. 45th
Gladding A Meyer (William J, Gladding A Hans

Meyer) 130 Pulton
Glaoe & Muller (Henry H. Glade A Christian Mnl-

ler) 317. 1st av,
Gladstone Pure Oxygen Co, (A. F. A C. H. Atkins

proprs.) 1298  B'way
Gladwin S.   M.   & Co.   (Stephen M,  fi Arthur B,

Gladwin) 83 Duane
Glaenzer Georges A.   £ Co.   (N.   J.)   (Georges A.

Glaenzer, Fres.; Gustav TIscher, Sec     Capital

$18,000.    Directors: Georges A. Glaenzer, Victor

Genez,  Gustav Tischer,   Kate Gerry,  George D,

Mumford) 33 E. 20th
Glaenzer £ Co.   (Paris,  Prance)   (Glaenzer Freres

£ Rhelnboldt. agents) 26 Wash'n pl.
Glaenzer Freres £ Rhelnboldt (Frank fi Camllle

Glaenzer A Charles J. Rhelnboldt) 26 Wash'n pl.
Glaeser'g P..   Sons   (John fi Henry  fi Valentine

Glaeser) 529 Huson
Glanckopf J.  fi E.   (Jetty A Emilie) 32 Bond
Glardon £ Patterson (Edouard Glardon fi Samuel

D.  Patterson) 146 B'way
Glas £ Balke (Henry Glas £ William Balke) 100,

Glasco Ice Co. (not inc) (Charies Mulford, James

Williamson £ WilUam H. Simmons) ft. W. 15th
Glaser M. ,A Son (Manuel A Sarauel Glaser) 296.

1st av.
Glaser A Harrison (n'o inf.) 122 Greene
Gl'asgo Lace Thread Co.   (consolidated with Am.

Thread Co., which see) 260 W. B'way
Glasgo Thread Co. (consolidated with Am, Thread

Co., which see) 260 W.   B'way
Glasgo   Yarn   Millla  Co.   (consolidated   with Am.

Thread Co.. which see) 260 W, B'way
Glasgow   Iron    Works    (Andre-w    Philip's   Sons,

proprs.)  29 West
Glasgow   Woolen   Mills  Co.   (Glasgow.   Scotland)

(represented   by  Patrick   M,   Sweeney)   260  W.

Glasotype Photo Co. (W. Va.) CWailter Pack, Pres.;
T. Arthur Smith, Sec; Williarai P, Herbst.
Treas. Capital. $5,000. Directors: Walter Pack,
T. Arthur Sraith, Williara P. Herbst) 1272 B'way

Glass Dealers' Protective Assn (N. Y.) (Robert
S. Morison, Pres.; Frank S. Waller, Treas. Di¬
rectors: Daniel A. Vanhorne, Harry HoUDrook.
Hobart Cleveland. Robert S. Morison. James J.
FitKpatrick, Frank S. Waller, James Lucas, Sig¬
mund J. Bach) 260 W, B'way

Glass Henry A Co. (Henry Glass A Leopold Louis)
286 Church

Glass John fi Son (inf. unattainable) 426 W. 23d

Glass £'McManus (George Glass £ James W. Mc¬
Manus) 289 W. llth

Glasscoe fi Cc (Edwin W. P. £ Edwin P. Glass-
coe fi Henry Lichtenberg) B2 W. 39th

- "    "; Son (Morris £ Jacob Glasser) 2659,

Sth a



Public Accountants and Auditors


Telephone, No. 2675 John

Glasser Brothers (Paul A Henry Glasser) 160 W.

Glassheim L & Co.   (Isidor £ Eva Glassheim) 523

Lenox av. fi 650 B. 9th
Glassheim J. £ Sons (Jacob £ Abraham' fi Nathan

Glassheim) 136 Eowery
Glastonbury    Knitting    Co.     (Glastonbury,     Ct.)

(John P. Faure, N. Y, manager) 346 B'way
Glatman  &  Lefkowitz   (dissolved)   161   G'wich  £

3 B. 125th
Glauber M.  A Co,   (Max Glauber -fi David Blum)

317 B, 58th
Glavitzky   &   Pekary   (James   Glavltzky   &   John

Pekary) 227 Hudson
Glaze & McCreedy  (Thomaa B.   M«Creedy,   only)

16 El Uth    .
Glean' Brothers (WUliam A.   & Louis M.   Glean)

211 E. 73d
Gieasing H.' A Son (dissolved) IS James si.
Gleason E. P., Mfg. Co: (N. Y.) (Elliott F. Glea¬
son, Pres.; Blias Whitney, Sec; Olin F. Glea-

aon, Treas.    Capital.  $26,000.    Directors: Elliott

P. fi M. Wilfred fi Charles P. £ Olin P. Gleason.

Elliott C.   Albee.   Elias Whitney,   Francis Bil-

Unghara) 20 W. Houston
Gleason Edward fi Son  (Phila., Pa.)   (Sanville £

Co., agenta) 51 Leonard
Gleason Bdwin P. fi Son (Edwin P. £ Charles K.

Gleason) 472 Broorae
Gleason Realty Co.   (N.   Y.)   (Joseph J.   Gleason,

Pres.    Capital,   $100,000.    Directors:   Joseph   J.

Gleason, David O'Brien, Bdward Barry, Eugene

Sprague, Michael J. Drummond) 208 E. 128th £

W, Farms rd., Westchester
Gleason Thomas Jay,   Co.   (Thomas Jay Gleason,

propr.) 107 B. llth
Gleason  F.   C.   A   Co.   (Fernando C,   Gleason   fi

John H.  Patten) 113 W.  125th
Gleason   A   Bailey   Mfg,   Co.    (N.   Y.)   (EUiott   P.

Gleason,  Pres.; John A, McKay,  Sec; Olin F,

Gleason.    Treas.    Capital.    $100,000.    Directors:

Elliott P. A Olin F. Gleason, John A.  McKay,

Wallace Drew, James C, Ryan, Frank C, Beebe)

20 W. Houston
Gleason, Petera Air Pump Co. (Elliott P. Gleason,

propr.) 20 W, Houston
GledhiU Henry £ Co.   (branch of NaUonal WaU

Paper Co., which aee) 541 W, 34th
GledhiU Luke fi Co.  (Huddersfleld. En'g.)  (Albert

Heppenstall. agent) 13 Astor pl.
Gleeson M. A Brother (Michael & Patrick Gleeson)

183 Christopher
Gleich £ Bawer (dissolved) 32 W, Houston
Gl'eichenhaus   &   Gordon   (Louia   Gleichenhaus  A

Philip Gordon) SB Monroe
Gleicher   Etothers   (Max   A ~Louis   Glelcher)   118

Glen'Cove Line (Idlewild Steamboat Co.. proprs.)

Pier 24 (old) E. R.
Glen Island Line (John H. Starln, propr.) Pier 13

(new) N. R,
Glen' Knitting Co. (Glens Falls, N. Y.) (Althea B.

Knickerbocker, agent) 726 B'way
Glen Line  (London,   Eng.)   (Henderson Brothers,

agents) 19 B'way
Glen Mills. Paper Co. (Phila., Pa.) (John W. Cave,

agent) 61 Eeekman
Glen Tablet Co. (no inf.) 310 B'way
Glendale Elastic Fabrics Co. (E, Hampton', Mass.)

(E. P. Dickerman, agent) 68 Worth
®endale Mills (Glendale, Mass.)  (George E, Cal¬
lender. agent) 132 Nassau
Glendale  Mining  Co.   (Mo.)   (Theodore   D.   Dale.

Pres.;   W.  C.   SVi-anwlck.   Sec;   N.   K,   EUiott,

Treas.    Capital,    $100,000.    Directors:    Theodore

D. Dale. Chase Andrews, N. K. Elliott, W. C.

Swanwick) 35 Nassau
Glendlnning,  McLeish A Co.  (Robert G. Clendin¬
ning,   George McLeish £ Joseph B.  Hanna) '46

Glendora   Knitting  Co.   (New Haven.   Ct.)   (Am.

TexUle Co., agents) 396 B'way
Glenny J. E., Co. (not yet organized) 76. 4th av. ■
Glen's   Falla   Co.    (Glens   Fails,    N.    Y.)    (Jointa

Lime Co., agents) 26 Cortlandt
Glens Falls Ins.  Co.   (Glens Falla   N. Y.)  (Timo¬
thy Y. Brown, agent) 77 William                    ;
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