Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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I ^"' ="'^!aS"V5 i%'.'°' ■='"• I CLEANSING


Guiterman, Rosenfeld A Co. (Sigmund Guiter¬
man, George Rosenfeld £ Albert L. Guiterman)
36  S.   WUliam  fi 33  Stone

Guibenkian Gullabi £ Co. (Gullabi fi Badrig A
Haroutiun  Guibenkian)   869   B'way

Guibenkian Frerea & Co. (Constantinople, Turkey)
(represented by Gullabi Guibenkian £ Co.) 869

Gulf City Construction Co. (Ala.) (Frank M.
Stratton, Pres.; H. H. Lane, Sec. Capital,
S2B0.0UO. Directors: Prank M. Stratton, S. F.
Parrott, Tliomas T, Roche, R. P. Ezzell. 11.
H.  Lane)  100 B'way

Gulf  Terminal   fi  Navigation  Co,   (dissolved)   29

Gulf,  Colorado fi SanU Fe Railway Co.  (Galves¬
ton.   Tex.)   (James S.  Bartle.   agent)  377 B'way
Gulich   J.   G.    fi   Sons   (Walteradorf,   Gerraany)

(Henry W. A. Page, agent) S6 Worth
Gulick R. M. £ Co. (Richard M. Gulick A Henry

M.   Bennett)  S44  B'way
Gulick, Woodruff £ Marsh (Alexander R. Gulick.

Frederick   S,    Woodruff   A   Ralph   Marsh)    35

Gumbiner & Fox  (Nathan J.   Gumblner £ Jacob

Pox)  661 B'way
Gumbinner Alfred fi Co.   (Alfred Gumblnner,   no

Co.)  415 B'way
Gumbinner   Paul.   Co,   (Paul  Gumbinner,   propr,)

466 E'way
Gumbieton   fi   Hottenroth   (Henry A,   Gurableton

£ Adolph C.  Hottenroth)  271  B'way
Gumpel J.  £ Son (Julius £ Morris Gumpel)  B33

fi 767. Sth av. fi 243. 411 A S41. 6th av.
Gumpert  Samuel  £  Co.   (Samuel  Gumpert  £ Ed¬
ward Ashhelm) 627 B'way
Gumpert    £    Goldenson    (Max    M.    Gumpert   £

Samuel   Goldenson)   362   Wash'n
Gumpert  fi Lipmann  (dissolved)   423 G'wlch
Gun   Bore   Treatment   Co.    (not  Inc.)   (Arthur   F,

Rice, Herbert L, Luques A G. Lenox Curtis) 7

Gundlach   £   Koch   (Henry   Gundlach   fi   Henry

Koch) 204 B. S6lh
Gundlach-Bundschu   Wine    Co.    (Cal.)    (Charles

Bundschu. Fres.; Henry R. Gundlach, Sec. Cap¬
ital,   $420,000.     Directors:     Charles   Bundschu,

Henry R.   fi Carl Gundlach)   451 Wash'n
Gunneil F. S. E. A Co. (Francis S. E. £ Louis H.

Gunnel!)   105 Hudson
Gunning John & Son (Belfast, Ireland) (Edgar E.

Steele,  agent)  256 Church
Gunning  R.   J..   Co.   (Chicago,   III.)   (Donald   G.

Ross, N. Y. manager) 253 B'way
Gunning P.   H.  £ Co.   (Frederick H.  Gunning A

Robert  B.  Potter)   679  Madison  av.
Gunning £ Holmes (Wililam Gunning £ Michael

E.   Holmes)  398 G'wlch
Gunnison   A.   fi   Co.   (St.   Louis,   Mo.)   (Francis

Granger,   agent)   26 Cortlandt
Gunsel's  Theodore.   Son  £  Co.   (William   Gunsel

£ Leo Zltzman) 2,  4th av.
Gunst J. M.,  Disinfecting Co.  (inf. unattainable)

48 University   pl,
Gunther George G. A Co. (Reading, Pa.) (Howard

M.   Durant,   agent)   396 B'way
Gunther Hosiery Co.   (Reading, Pa.)   (Howard M.

Durant, agent) 396 B'way
Gunther C.  B.  £ Brother (Charles B,  A John J.

Gunther) 3 Wall
Gunther A Co.  (music) (Louis Gunther £ Charlea

Preusch)  63  Duane
Gunther £ Co.   (shoes)   (Charles M.   Gunther,  no

Co.) 715, 6th av.
Gunther £  Co.   (sponging)   (dissolved)   56 W.   3d
Gunther  A   Stucke   (Nicholas  Gunther  A   Henry

Stucke) 428 B, 19th
Guntheris C.   G.,   Sons  (N.   J.)   (Capital,   $1,000,-

000.      Directors:     Louis   F.    Georger.    William

H, fi Franklin L, £ Bernard G. Gunther; further

Inf.   unattainable)   1S4.   6th  av.
Gunton Co. (N. Y.) (George Gunton. Pres.; WlU¬
lam   B.    Gunton,    Sec.     Capital,   $20,000.     Di¬
rectors;    George fi W'llllam B.   Gunton.   Hayes

Robbin's) 41 Union sq. W.
Gunzendorfer Brothers   (Adolph  £ Ludwig  Gun-

zendorfer)   12  W.   4th
Gurdln   £   Stleglltz   (Louis   Gurdin   A   Abraham

Stleglitz)  116 Worth
Gurian P. £ Son (Philip & Philip Gurlan Jr.) 318

Gurley Investment Co. (Denver, Col.) (repreaented

by Charies D.  Gurley, Pres.) 2 Wall
Gurnee W.  S. jr. £ Co. (Walter S. Gurnee Jr. £

LeRoy A Benalah Y. Frost) SO E'way
Gurney  Heater  Mfg.   Co.   (Boaton,   Maas.)   (Isaac

G. James, N. Y. manager) 111, 5th av.
Gurney Richard A Co. (Richard Gurney & Charles

S. Langdon) 68 Broad
Gurvitz   £   Fecbarsky   (Jeaae   Gurvltz   £   Moses

Pecharsky) 55 Hester


15 ParK Eow

Sxpert on



Gurwitz B. £ B. Friedlender (Barnett Gurwltz fi

Barnett Friedlender)  68 Gouverneur
Gustam L. fi Co. (dissolved) 194 Front
Gustln E. W. £ Co.  (Eugene W. Gustin. no Co)

4S9, Sth av.
Guterman fi Schutak (no inL) 24 A 67 Pitt
Gutfreund Brothera (S.gmund £ Isidor A Arnold

Gutfreund) 450, 2d av. £ 619, 9th av.
GuthmuUer   WUllam   A   Co,   (dissolved)   249,   Ist

Guthrie fi Co. (Samuel Guthrie, no Co.) 225 Front
Gutierrez A., Co.  (N. Y.)  (Oscar S.   Veil,  Prea.;

Albert Rosendahl.  Sec.    Capital. $5,000.    Diree¬
tora:  Oscar S.  Veit.  Antonio Gutierrez,   Albert

Rosendahl) 9S Chambers
Gutlohn Fur Co.   (refused) 16 W, 14th
Gutman   Joel   &   Co.   (Louis   K.   Gutman,   Pred

Nassauer A Bertha Gutman. only) 79 Grand
Gutman   D.   fi   Co.   (David   Gutman   &   Bernard

Weinsteln)  300 Church
Gutman R. & Son (Jonaa Gutman £ David Haus-

mann. only) 59 WllUam
Gutman  Brothers  (Abraham A Sandera Gutman)

462 B'way
Gutman   fi   Margulles   (Harris   Gutman   A  Jacob

Margulies)  29 Ridge
Guttman   fi   Schoen   (Henry   Guttman    A    Jacob

Schoen) 2152, 3d av.
Gutmann  Carl   A   Co.   (Carl  Gutmann   £   Samuel

Leopold) 102 Franklin
Gutmann   Investment   Co.   (San   Francisco,   Cal.)

(lepresented by Ernst PUhuber) 220 B'way
Gutmann, Straus A Levy (Isaac Gutmann,  David

J.  Straus A Joseph E. Levy) 47B B'way
Gutstadt £ Meyer (Isidor Gutatadt A Louis Meyer)

23 B. B'way
Gutta Percha fi Rubber Mfg. Co. (N. Y.) (Amadee

Spadone,   Pres.;  Matthew Hawe,  Sec    Capital,

$1,000,000. Directors: Amadee A Henry E.  Spa-
done,  Matthew Hawe,  Dorman T. Warren, Ed¬
ward H. Landon) 126 Duane
Guttag    A    Cole   (dissolved)   White   Plains   rd,

Gutter B.  £ Co.   (Bernhard Gutter,  no Co.) 449,

6th av.
GuttUla   Brothera   (Antonio   A   B.   GuttlUa)   271,

10th av,
Guttmann J.   fi Co,   (Julius Guttmann £ Arthur

Spitzer)  2 Stone
Gutwillig  Brothers   (Sigmund  &  Atola  fi  Alfred

GutwUUg) 47 Cedar
Guyon,   Woodhouse  A .Co.   (Sidney C.   Guyon   A

Vasconellos   H.    Woddhouae:~special   partner,

Thomas H.   Bopp,   $7,000:   terminates 1st Dec.

1902)  464  Broome  A  251  W.   67th
Guzy Brothers (no inf.) 269, 2d
Gwalter H. L. A Co.  (Henry L. Gwalter, no Co.)

16 Mercer
Gwathmey   A   Co.    (Archibald   B.    A   James   T.

Gwathmey) 49 Cotton Ex.
Gwendohrslt Plantation Tea fi Coffee Co. (W. Va.)

(Capital.   $100,000.    Directors:   E.   W.   Monahan.

G.  W.  Robinson. J.  E.  White.  C.   F.   & R.   C.

Durrow; further Inf. unattainable) no address
GwlUira A Meyers (Reese B. Gwillim A John G.

H. Meyers) 150 Nassau
Gwyer £ Co. (no Inf.) 130 Front
Gwynne   fi   Richardson   (Henry   W.   Richardson,

only) 569 Hudson


H.   0.  Co,  (N.  Y.)  (Edward Blsworth,   Pres.; C.

P.   Wolverton.   Sec.;   Glraud   Blsworth,   Treas.

Capital.  $500,000.    Directors:  Edward  A Glraud

Blsworth,   C.   P.   Wolverton,   Alfred   E.   Rose,

L. E. Harmon) Produce Ex. D 1
H. £ S, Corset Co.  (not inc.) (Samuel Strauss A

Leon  Weil)  496 B'way
H.   £ V.  Fub.   Co.   (Henry A.  Smith,   propr.)  17

Park   row
Haaf John £ Son (John Haaf, only) 83 John
Haag F. £ G. fi Co.  (estate of Gustav K. Haag,

only) 172 Centre
Haag  fi Parras  (Phlla.,   Pa.)   (Edward  P,  Pfaff,

agent) 29 Spruce
Haake  A.   &  C.   Baasel   (Albert   Haake   A   Julia

Baasel, only) 31 Rector
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