Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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  Page 205  


At Iron Uirectory Offlce, 2t CniTersity Place, Manhattan, H. Y. CHj            9o.OU

HUT                        205                        IDA

Hutchins A. S. fi W, (Augustus S. £ Waldo) 69

Huicnlns £ Curtis Co. (Aubum, Me.) (WUliam
D. Martin, N,  Y. man'ager) 127 Duane

Hutchinson John £ Sons (John A. fi Charles W.
£ Matilda Hutchinson, only) 2383, 1st av,

Hutchinson W. H. £ Son (Chicago. HI.) (repre¬
sented hy Frederick P. Morrill) 167 Duane

Hutchinson A Criswell (dissolved) 52 E'way

Hutchinson & Latimer (Thoraas H. Hutchln'son A
James M. Latimer) 101 Beekman

Hutchinson. Pierce fi Co. (N. Y.) (Henry B.
Fierce. Pres.; Charles D. Hoyt, Sec. Directors:
Henry B, Pierce, Charles D. Hoyt, Ira Cole.
George S. Brown, Chariea Q. Fierce, William
A, CurUs. Charles H,  Phelps) 836 B'way

Hutchison fi Heuatis (Providence, R. I.) (George
C. Booth. N, Y, raanager) 3 Maiden la.

Hotter L. fi S. (dissolved) 433 E. 77th

Huttlinger £ Vivie (Oscar Huttlinger A Ernst
H. VlvIe) 101 Pearl £ 04 Stone

Hutton Charles E. £ Co. (Charles E. Hutton fi
George W. Waddell) 31 B'way

Hutton E. F. A Co. (Bdward P. A Francis L.
Hutton) 71 B'way

Huxford Co. (Sarauel H. Huxford, propr.) 149

Huyler'a (N. Y.) (John S. Huyler, Pres.; Charles
J. Coulter, Treas. Capital, $15,000. Directors:
John S. Huyler, B. Frank DeKlyn, Charles J.
Coulter, P. DeKlyn Huyler) 64 Irving pl., 150
A 863 B'way & 21 W. 42d

Hyama Leonard A Erother (Leonard fi George W.
Hyams) 38 W. 3d

Hyams Waiter £ Co. (Walter fi George W.
Hyams) 38 W.   3d

Hyams A. A Co. (Albert Hyama A Max Benja¬
min) 398, 3d av.

Hyams  D.   £  Co.   (Fannie  Hyama,   propr,)   1206

Hyama £ Bell (Joaeph N. Hyams A Herbert Bell)
2142 E'way £ 313 Amsterdara av.

Hyama fi Marks (David Hyams £ Harry Marks)
690 B'way

Hyams A Myers (Frank Myers, only) 113 Maiden

Hyatt Roller Bearing Co, (N. J.) (John E,
Searles, Pres.; Francis "V. M. Hudson. Sec; Al¬
fred P. Sloan, Treas. Capital, $2,000,000. Di¬
rectors; John E. Searles, J. Otto Donner, John
W, Hyatt, Henry E. Neise, Francis V. M. Hud¬
son, Winthrop M. Tuttle, Alfred P. Sloan) 133

Hyatt School Slate Co. (Bethlehem, Pa.) (C. H.
Turner fi Son, agents) 76 Eroad

Hyatt S. G. A Co. (Stiles G, Hyatt fi Noah S-
Barnum) 1686 B'way

Hyatt fi Darke (Charles E. Hyatt A Danby Darke)
341. 5th av.

Hyatt A Taylor (Daniel P, Hyatt £ Charles W,
Taylor) 11 B'way

Hyde Henry G. A Co. (dissolved) 176 B'way

Hyde A. G, fi Sons (Albert G. A Seymour J, fi
Albert F. Hyde) 361 B'way

Hyde Brothers (J. Ellsworth A Courtney Hyde)
113 E. 27th

Hyde A Co. (Harry W, Hyde, no Co.) 55 W.

Hyde A Gload Mfg. Co. (Ltd) (Herman H. Baker,
assignee)  1123 B'wav

Hyde A Leonard (Lewis H. Hyde A William D,
Leonard) 141 B'way

Hydeman Brothers (Edwin M. & Moses M. Hyde-
raan) 637 B'way

Hydes Mark A Co. (Liverpool, Bng.) (represented
by Thomaa Hydea) IBO Nassau

Hydraulic Construction Co. (N. J.) (Williara D.
H, Washington, Pres.; Samuel Worthlngton,
Sec; Bassett W, Mitchell, Treas. Capital,
$260,000. Directors: William D. H. Washing¬
ton, Bassett W. Mitchell, Bdward Phillips,
Sarauel Worthlngton) 1 B'way

Hydraulic Hat Co. (Jacob Bandler, propr.) 95

Hydraulic Hat Pressing fi MEg, Co. (no inL) 62

Hydraulic Press Brick Cos. (St. Louis. Mo.)
(Fredenburg  fi  Lounsbury,   agents)   1  Madison

Hydraulic Press Mfg. Co. (Mt. Gllead, 0.) (Blzy
B. VanAtta, N, Y. manager) 39 Cortlandt

Hydro-Pneumatic Disinfecting Co. (N, Y.) (Fred¬
erick J. Mitchell, Pres.; Leopold B. Pollak,
Sec; Martin B. Cohn, Treaa. Capital, $12,000.
Directors: Frederick J, Mitchell. Leopold B,
Pollak. Martin B. Cohn) 221 Mercer

Hydro-Pneumatic Pump Co. (inf, unattainable)
101 Walker

Hygela Distilled Water Go. (N, Y.) (James G.
dePorest jr., Pres.; Augustua C. Smith, Sec.
Capital, $200,000.    Directors:    James G.  dePor¬

est jr., Augustus C. Smith, Harris D, Colt, Sam

Sloan   jr,,    Edwin   A.    McAlpln,    Bdward   M.

Carll,  Arthur F.  Sturges)  351  W.  12th
Hygeia Mfg.   Co,   (Maybelle Hoff,  propr,)  20 W.

Hygiene & Kalology Co. (inf. unattainable) 247 W.

Hygienic Chemical Co.  (N. J.) (James E. Heller,

Pres.;   Adolph   Hirsh,   Treas.     Capital,   $160,-

000.    Directors: James E. Heller, Ai.oiph Hirsh)

62 Wililam
Hygienic   Fleeced   Underwear   Co.   (Fhlla.,   Pa.)

(Willard   P.   Warriner  fi   George  M.   Bertram,

agents) 396 B'way
Hygienic Supply Co. (WllUam E, Llptrott. propr.)

29 W. 42d
Hygienic   Wheel   Co.   (Phila..   Pa.)   (repreaented

by Charlea R. Chute, V.-Pres.) 220 E'way
Hygienic Wood Wool Co. (N, J.) (Joseph W. Kay,

Pres.;   Mark   K.     Hamilton.. Treas.      Capital,

$100,000.    Directors:   Joseph W. Kay, Robert H,

Nellson. Mark K,  Hamilton) 45 B'way
Hyland £ Zabrlskle  (Nelson Zabrlskie,   only)   4B

Hylands. Spencer A Yeager Co. (N. J.) (Leonard
G. Spencer. Pres.; Rollin G. Wooster, Sec;
Frederick Hylands, Treas. Capital, $16,000.
Directors: Leonard G. Spencer, Harry Yeager,
Rollin C. Wooster, Frederick Hylands) 33 W.

Hyman Albert L A Co. (Albert I. Hyman, no Co.)
25 Frankfort

Hyman C. M. £ Co. (Charles M. Hyman, no Co.)
432 Broome

Hyman J.  £ Co,  (no inf,)  621 B'way

Hyman J. A, £ Co. (Joseph A. Hyman £ Jere¬
miah L. McCaU) 1278 Lex. av.

Hyman L. £ Son (Louia £ Harry Z. Hyman) 2

Hyman S. fi Brother (dissolved) 13 E. Houston

Hyman Brothers (cigars) (David £ Henry Hyman)
696, Sth av.

Hyman Brothers (furs) (Morrla & Juliua Hyman)
61 Eleecker

Hyman Brothers (mers.) (San Francisco, Cal.)
(represented by Michael Hyman) 32 Warren

Hyman Brothers (tailors) (Benjamin fi Morris
Hyman)  275 Delaneey

Hyman £ Brown (Myer Hyman A Anne E. Brown)
66 E. 13th

Hyman A Ginsburg (Isaac Hyman A Louis Gins¬
burg) 1190 Madison av.

Hyman £ Oppenheim (Gerson Hyman A Manuel
Oppenheim) 103, 4th av., 54 W. 14th A 636
German pl.

Hyman A Sollitto (dissolved) SSS Broome

Hyman A Swetnick (dissolved) 221 Rivington

Hyman, Rosenberg A Co. (Adolph Hyman,
Adoiph Rosenberg fi Pauline Meirowitz) S6 Can-

Hymes C. fi Co.   (Cornelius Hymes A Adolph J-.

Guttenberg) 433, Sth av.
Hymes,   Woytisek   A   Schaap     (Bdward   Hymes,

Vincent  W,   Woytisek   A  Michael   Schaap)   820

Hyndman A Moore (Phlla., Pa.) (Felix J. Mc-
Cosker.  agent)  18 E.  17th

Hyne Construction Co. (N. Y.) (Jaraes S. Fonner.

Fres,; Paul ZoUner,  Acting Sec.    Capital, $50,-

000.     Directors:      Jaraes   B.   Stewart,    Charles

Whiting,    Percival   r>.   Moody,   Paul    ZoUner,

-. Fonner) 1123 B'way

Hyne Williara M. fi <jo, (dissolved) 2611 B'wav

Hyvea F,   fi H.   (Pauline & Hermance)  481.   5th

I.  S. Knee Panta Co.   (Isaac Scheinman,   propr.)

554 B'way
I. X. L. Printing Go. (Lazarua Isselbacher, propr.)

177 WUllam
lannaccone   C.   £   Brother   (Carmine   £    Joseph

lannaccone) 319 E. 115th
lapaolo £ Falladino (Salvatore lapaolo £ Ottavio

Palladlno) 204, 5th
Iba  fi  Altschul   (Jacob  Iba £  Samuel  Altschul)

171 Wooater
Ibbotson & Robbins (Samuel Ibbotson fi John N.

Robbins) 26 Eeaver
Ichel Gustav £ Co. (no inL) 76 E. 4th
Idaho Cons.  Copper Mines Co.   (W,   Va.)   (Floyd

B.  Wilson, Prea.; Frank J. French, Sec.; Jaraes

C.  Aiken, Treas. Capital, $LOOO,000. Directors:
Franklin Edson, Floyd B. Wilson, James C.
Aiken, William R. Ailing. Charlea F. Hath¬
away, Prank J. French) 30 Broad

Idaho   Cona.   Mining   Co.   (W.   Va.)   (refuaed)   63

Idaho   Exploration   A   Copper   Co.    (refuaed)   115
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