Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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D.   L.   RAINC


EetabUehcd 1872



FACTS only.


^"■^im TO'S'''^   ) BANKERS' & BROKERS* (At the Trow Directory Office,
CLASS OF WOBE.      f CIRCULARS  DELIVERED \        21 University Place.

'A      _____________J^C

Israel H. £ Co.  (no inL) 191 Delaneey

Israel Brothers (dissolved) 18 W. 3d

Israel £ Co. (no inf.) 476 Lenox av.

Israel £ Harris (.Morria larael £ Abraham Harria)

849,  9th av.
Israel fi Simon  (Meyer larael  A  Morris  Simon)

23 W. 3d
larael,   Keith    £    Rothschild   (Abrahara   Israel,

Boudinot   Keith   fi   Meyer   D,   Rothschild)   32

larael. Pine & Jacobowltz (Max Israel. David
Fine fi Jacob Jacobowltz) 145 Mulberry

Israels £ Harder (Charles H. Israels A Julius P.
Harder) 194 B'way

Israelson, Loewith £ Co. (Nathan Israelson, Paul
Loewith A Louis Meyer) 590 B'way

Issaquah Coal Co.   (inf. unattainable) 80 B'way

Isseks Brothers (Abraham A David Isseks) 488

Isthraus Lloyds (no Inf.) 60 Cedar

Italian Catering Co.  (dlaaolved) 660 Morris av.

Italian Charaber of Commerce In N. Y. (N. Y.)
(Antonio Zuzza, Pres,; Cesare L. Sconfletti.
Sec.; Ignazio Mercadante, Treas. Directors;
■Vincenzo ■ Ciocia. Darlo Colombani, Giuseppe
Cutietta. Giuseppe Francolini, D. V. Maffei,
Luigi Paturzo. Celestino Plva, Francesco Zano-
llni) 4 Stone

Italian Cigar £ Tobacco Co. (Scanga Brothers,
proprs.) 145 Mulberry

Italian Contract Labor Co. (not Inc.) (John J,
Frescbl. Albert Purpura A Peter Nocito) 280
B'way fi 176 Elizabeth

Italian Co-operative Bldg. fi Loan Assn. (N. Y.)
Peter Arata, Pres.; James Bona, Sec; Benito
Maspero, Treaa. Directors: Primo Flovano,
Louis Eallerlni, Michael Eisso. Henry Cardon,
SerlfQno Riasetto, Paul Toraasla) 407 Canal

Italian Dairy Co, (Frank Alleva, propr.) 67 Mott

Italian Emigrant Aid Soc. (no inf.) 100 Park

Italian Land Improvement Co. (dissolved) 211

Italian National Tobacco Co. (Rocco Lobravico,
propr.) 186 Prince

Italian Real Estate Co. (Gahrmann A Co., proprs.)
42 Duane

Italian Savings Bank (Joseph N. Francolini,
Pres.; Constantino J. Dondero, Sec. Trustees:
Joseph N. Francolini, Domenico Saladlno, Rocco
M. Marasco, Celestino Plva. Jaraes J. Slevin.
Angelo Zucchi, Pasquale Prancolini, Antonio
C, Astarita, James E. March, John B. Way-
land, Bernard J. McCann, Domenico Abbate,
Henry Schnepp, A, Zucca. G. TuoU, Vito Con-
tessa, Edward Cole) 48 Spring

Itaio-Am. Conservatory of Music (Francesco Toecl,
propr.) 208 Grand

ItalO'Am. Express Co. (N. Y.) (WlUlam Hartfleld.
Pres.; Alessandro Bolognesl, Sec. Capital, $12,-
000. Directors; Alessandro Bolognesl. WllUara
Hartfleld, Pietro Alvino, Luigi Roversl, Eenato
Mevoglioni, Carl Steiner, Joaeph VanVeen) 29

Itsagood Co. (N. J.) (Charles F. Jones, Pres.;
Prank F. Llaleckl, Sec; Frederick Sheffield.
Treas. Capital, $450,000. Directors: Charles P.
- Jones, Frank F. Lisieckl, Freder.ck ShefQeld,
A. A. Leach, William M. Morton, Joseph M.
Cooper, E. French. Williara C. Hartmann, Ken¬
neth K. McLaren) 32 B'way
ven-Brandenburg Co. (Rochester, N. Y.) (repre¬
sented by Joseph I. Brandenburg) 66 Reade
vers M. J. A Co. (James SuUivan, only) 379

versen fi Dlsmot^ (Ives H. Iversen £ Pred DIs-
more) 76 W. 125th

ves Edwin £ Sons (Edwin £ Edwin S.  £ John
N. Ivea) 26 Howard
ves Hobart  B.   fi Co,   (New Haven,   Ct.)   (John

H.   Graham & Co., agents) 113 Chambera
vea £ Williams Co.  (dissolved) 682 E'way
ves, Upham & Rand (Merlden, Ct.) (James A. R,

Husband, agent) 53 Frankiin
Vina EUwood, Tube Co. (Phlla., Pa.) (represented
by George I. Cook) 487 B'way

Ivins, Dietz fi Metzger Co. (Phlla.. Pa.) (P. J.
Donovan & Co.. agents) 874 E'way

Ivina. Kidder £ Melcher (William M. ivins,
CamlUus G. Kidder. John S. Melcher A Benja¬
min J. Downer) 27 William

Irwin Mfg. Co. (N. J.) (RusseU M. Irwln, Pres.;
Walter F. Smith, Sec. Capital. $100,000. Di¬
rectors: Russell .M. Irwin, Walter F. Smith, L.
H. Fisher) 123 Chambers

Irwin Thomaa A Sons (Henry & James D. Irwin,
only) 48 Wall

:rwln & Co. (Thomas C. £ Emma L. Irwln) 90

win   A MUler  (Thomaa   H.   Irwln A  Henry J.
Miller)   SI  Centre
rwin,   McBride,   Catherwood  £ Co.   (Andrew F.
£ Robert P. Irwin, James W. McBride. Daniel
B. C. Catherwood S^George B. Keester) 92 Front

Twin-PhlUlps Co.   (Keokuk,  la.)  (repreaented by
Gyrus E.  Pbilllps) 51 Leonard
aac I. £ Co.  (laidor laaac £ Leopold £ Samuel
Loewy) 131 Mercer

laac fi Jacobs (Solomon Isaac £ Abraham
Jacobs) 485 Broome

aacs Leon £ Co, (dissolved) 62 Liberty
laacs   A.    £   Co.    (Max   Werthelmer,    only)   58

aacs A. & Son (Anne A Louis Isaacs) 48 Baxter
.aacs M. S. fi I. S. (Myer S. fi laaac S.) 27 Pine
laacs H,   A Brother  (Reuben  Isaacs,   only)   588

aacs S. fi Co. (Solomon Isaacs £ Brail fi Charles
Caiman) 299 Pearl

laaca S. G. fi Brother (Samuel G. £ George G.
Isaacs) 491, 2d av.

(aacs fi Wittenberg (Moses Isaacs A Blanche
Wittenberg) 424 Broome

:aacs, Vought A Co. (Richard R. Vought. Fred¬
erick Berenbroick, Frederick W. Burns, Samuel

A.   Cramer A WUllam Patrick, only) 69 Wall
laacs' A.  L.,  Sons (Leo A Isaac Isaacs) 300 W.

Adolph £ Son (Adolph & WUliam Isaao-
) 64 Fulton

Brolhers  (Harris £ Max   Isaacson)   149

saacson £ Dreyer (Jacob Isaacson fi Michael
Dreyer) 183 Canal

lacowita & Rosenberg (Hiram Isacowitz fi Meyer
Rosenberg) 83 Bleeeker

:Bbell-Porter Co, (N. Y.) (Charles W. Isbell,
Pres.; Adolph F. Wehner, Sec.; Arthur H.
Isbell, Treas. Capital, $400,000. Directors:
Adolph F. 'Wehner, Jamea S. Greves, Charlea
W. A Arthur H. Isbell, S. Frank Hay) 245

Iselin Wililam fi Co. (WllUam E. Iselin, Alfred
Vonderrauhll £ James W. £ Lincoln Crom¬
well, only) 1 Greene fi 472 Eroome

Iselin A. fi Co. (Adrian jr. £ Columbus O'Don¬
nell Iselin. only) 36 Wall

Isensteln fi Elsman (Otto laensteln A Milton M.
Eisman) 36 B. 12th

Isensteln A Rosenberg (Max Isensteln fi Louia M.
Rosenberg) 388 B'way

laer fi DIemer   (Mary  Iser  A John Diemer)   191

B.   Houston
Isham's Water Co.   (San Diego,  Cal.)  (Alfred H.

Isham, N. Y, manager) 119 E. 15th

Ishie G. fi D. Simon (George Ishle £ Domeath
Simon) 43 Wash'n

Isis League of Music fi Drama (Universal Brother¬
hood, propra.) 144 Madison av.

lakiyan J. £ Go, (Jacob Iskiyan, no Co.) 363,
Sth av.

Iskiyan Brothers (Halg S. £ Paul S. Iskiyan) 213

Island City Mfg. Co.  (Galveston, Tex.)  (K. Man¬
dell fi Co., agents) 22 Howard
Island Foundry Co.  (no inf.) SO Broad
Isler Brothera (Otto fi Alexander Isier) 906. Sth av.
laler fi Guye (Paul Isler £ Chariea H. Guye) 111

Isler   A  Roth   (Isaac   Isler   A  Charles  Eoth)   49

Isllp Corporation (N. Y.) (Alfred S, Brown, Pres.;

Francis J.  Bush,   Treas.;  further Inf.   refused)

SB  Nassau
lamay, Imrle fi Co. (Liverpool, Eng.) (White Star

Line,   agenta)   9 B'way
laner Brothers (no Inf.) 166 W. 29th
Israel Charles & Brolhers (Charles £ Ernest W.

£ WilUam E.  larael) 486 Canal

Jaburg Brothera (John A Hugo Jaburg) 3 Worth

Jaburg, Fuhs £ Lovin (Charles Jaburg, Loula
Fuhs A Martin Lovln) 116 Wooater

Jackman William A Sona (William £ Edward F-
£  Charles  A.   Jackman)  157  Greene

Jackson Architectural Iron Works (N. Y.) (WUl¬
lam H. Jackaon, Frea.; David Pettlgrew,  Ssc;
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