Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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TROW'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY ^°''°'«k"N^D°gg'o*N''x"*"*'' P''«®

At Trow Directorjr Office, 21 (JoiTersitr Place, MaataatUn, S. Y. VUt              $2.50

McC                             'AoQ                             McC

McCaffrey's Owen, Sons (Daniel A. £ Charies A.
A George F.  McCaffrey) 1 B'way

McCain Stamping Co. (Gertrude McCain, propr.)
6 Murray

McCaldln Brothers Co.   (refuseo) 81 Broad

McCall Co. (N. Y.) (James H, Ottley, Fres,; Her-
bert B, Henry,' Sec. Capital, $30,000. Di¬
rectors: Jamea H. Ottley, Araadla K. Goodrich.
WllUara  VanderCmte)   142  W.   llth   A  218,   Sth

McCall Theodore W. fi Co, (Theodore W. Mc¬
Call £ Daniel Sheer) 101 Beekman

Mc Gall fi Arnold  (dissolved)  120 E'way

McCallum Hosiery Co. (Northampton. Masa.)
(Charlea  H.   Keath.   agent)   346   B'way

McCallum fi McCallum (Phlla., Pa.) (Charles S.
Price, agent) 39 Union sq. W.

McCandless H. W. fi Co. (Henry W. fi George R.
McCandless)   79   Cortlandt

McCann John A Co. (John McCann. no Co.) 62

McCann Patrick fi Son (Patrick J. McCann, only)
206   Thompson

McCann J. P. fi Go. (Joseph F. £ Patrick J. Mc¬
Cann)  105 W.   Slst

McCann & Flynn (dissolved) 104 W. 24th

McCann & Harris (Arthur C. Harris £ estate of
Robert A.  McCann) 21 Cliff

McCarten's John, Son (Michael K. McCarten) 156
E.   33d

McCarthy John fi Son (John A Joseph McCarthy)
466 Peari

M'cCarUiy D. A Sons (Syracuse. N. Y.) (Charies
H.   Biggs,   agent)  43 Leonard

McCarthy £ Co. (James F. McCarthy £ Fran'cia
J.   O'Connor)   92 Jamea

McCarthy £ Davia (John McCarthy A Joseph L.
Davis)  99 Front

McCarthy fi Hayward (Andrew J. McCarthy A
Henry S. Hayward) 504 Park av.

M'cCartney Co.  (no inf.) 24 W. SOth

McCarty Michael A Son (Michael £ John P. Mc¬
Carty) 420 E.  7Bth

McCarty J. C. fi Co, (John G. McCarty, no Co.)
10 Warren

McCarty A Baldwin (Barclay B. V. McCarty £
Jared G. Baldwin Jr.) 33 Wall

McCaskie G. T. £ J. (George T. £ John) 110 Lib-

McCasUri Machine Co. (N. Y.) (Charles W. Hunt,
Pres.; William F. Hunt. Sec.; George S.
Humphrey. Treas. Capital. $300,000. Directors;
Charles W. A WilUam P. Hunt. George S,
Humphrey, Charles G. King, Theodore L. Mar¬
vel) 45 E'way

McCauley Brothera (Michael J. A John S, fi
Patrick £ Thomas P.  McCauley)  334 E.  SOth

McCauley & Westwood   (dissolved)  493 Columbus

McCaw. Stevenson fi Orr (Ltd) (Belfast. Ireland)
(W,  A.  Eoss fi Brother, agenta) 11 S. William

McClaln, Simpson £ Co. (Lawrence P. Adams A
George C.   ■V\'alker   onlv)  639.   Sth av.

McClave. Hamilton fi RImmer (Wilkes McClave,
Clinton A.  Hamilton fi Peter G.   Rimmer) 149

McClean's William. Son (Robert L. McClean) 569,
7th av.

McCleavy M, A L. (Maria fi Elizabeth McCleavy,
only) 310 W.  61at

McClellan Oil Puriiler Co.  (no inf.) 66 B'way

McClelland Heating £ Ventilating Co. (N. Y.)
(WlUlam A, McClelland, Pres.; Arthur A. Mc¬
Clelland, Sec Capital, $10,000. Directors: WUl¬
lam A. A Arthur A. McClelland. Chariea WeiU
461 W. 14th

McClenahan A Lemon (WilUam McCIenahan A
Samuel J. Lemon) 60 B. 23d A 308, 4th av,

McCloskey M. £ A. (no Inf.) 695 Lex. av.

McCloskey's Charles. Sons (J. Andrew fi Charlea
P.   fi Joseph McCloskey) 70 B. SBth

McCloakey'a Steam Carpet Cleaning A Naptha
Renovating Works (David McCloskey. propr.)
204 E. 19th A 343 W. 37th

McCloud Brothers (Patrick £ Thomas McCHoud)
B49,   10th av,

McClure S. S., Co. (N. Y.) (Samuel S, McClure
PreS. ; Albert B. Brady, Sec ; John S. Fhllllps,
Treas. Capital. $100,000. Directors: Samuel S.
A Eobert McClure, Frank N. Doubleday, John
S. PhiUlps, Albert E. Brady, Edwin C. Martin)
141  E.   26th

McClure S. S., Lecture Bureau (N. T.) (Samuel
S. McClure, Pres.; Thnmas C. McClure. Sec;
WllUam H. P. '^"alker, Treas. Capital. $10,-
OOO. Directors; Samuel S. fi Thomaa C. Mc¬
Clure. Williara H. P. Walker, John S. Phillips,
Oscar W.  Brady)  141 E.  25tn

McClure fi McClure (Seattle, Wash'n) (repre¬
sented hy Bradford A. Bullock) 220 B'way

McClure's Newspaper Syndicate (S. S. McClure
Co., proprs.) 141 E. 25th

McCiure-'Hssot Co. (N, Y.) (John S. Phillips.
Pres.; Alfred L. Fowle, Sec; Frank N. Double-
day, Treas. Capital, $6,000. Directors: John
S. PhlUips, Alfred L. Fowle, Frank N. Double-
day, Samuel S. McClure, Oscar W, Brady) 141
E.  2Bth

McCIurg Jamea A. A Sona (Jamea A. MtClurg,
only) 39 Downing

MeConlhe A Hubbell Mfg. Co. (N. J.) (George
L. McConihe, Pres.; Vincent B. Hubbell. Sec.
Capital, $20,000. Directors: George L. Mc¬
Conihe, Vincent B. Hubbell, Patrick Hackett)
lis E. llth

McConnell Edward A (3o. (Bdward fi Samuel &
Noble McConnell) 93 FrankUn

McConnell Mfg. Co. (HorneUsville, N. Y.) (Claude
H. Hallett, N, Y. manager) 160, Bth av.

McConnell D, H. £ Co. (David H. MoConnell, no
Co.)   126   Chambers

McConnell Brothers (George £ Jaraea H. Mc¬
Connell) E. ISlat £ Harlem River

McConnell £ Schweitzer (LaCrosse. 'Wis.) (repre¬
sented by Bradford A. Eullock) 220 B'way

McCord Henry D. A Son (dissolved) 94 Broad

McCord £ Co. (N. J.) (Alvin^ C. McCord, Pres.;
Morrell Dunn. Sec.; David W. McOord, Treas.
Capital, $500,000. Directors: William H. Pat¬
terson. Alvln C. A David W, McCord, Morrell
Dunn,   C.  N.   King)  100  B'way

McCord, Dinsmore £ Co. (Francis McCord &
WiUlaim A. Dinsmore, no Co.) 71 B'way

McCormack £ Co. (Baltimore, Md.) (John M.
Thompson,  agent)  335 B'way

McCormick Mfg. Co   (no Int.) 32 Park pl.

McCormick Peter fi Sons (Peter £ Benjamin W.
£ Bdward L. McCorraick) 39 Duane & 83 E.

McCormick £ Co. (Baltimore, Md.) (C. K. Turner
£ Son, agents) 76 Broad

McCormick, Hubbs fi Co. (John McCormick,
Manly H. Hubba. Frank E. Fountain, Alphonso
C. Welch fi Wililam K. Knox) 250 Wash'n;
after May 1st, 279 Wash'n

McCosker David £ Co,   (dissolved) 20 Walker

McCotter Samuel G. A Co. (Samuel G. A Samuel
G. McCotter jr.) 88 Maiden la.  A 11 Liberty

McCoy Export Co,  (Inf,  unattainable) 29 E'way

McCoy Joseph P., Go. (N. J.) (Joseph F. McCoy,
Fres.; Everett M. Holton. Sec. Capital, $100,-
000. Directors; Joseph P. McCoy, James W.
Soper, Everett M. Holton) 26 Warren

McCoy J. B. fi Son (Josiah B. A Edward A.
McCoy) 124 W. 33d

McCoy Brothers (Frank A Edward McCoy) 118

McCoy A Co. (Prank McCoy, no Co.) 190 Av. G

McCrary Ice Machine Co. (N. J.) (George C. Hall.
Pres.; Noble C. King. Sec; Benjamin L.
Amerman, Treas, Capital. $100,000. Direet¬
ora: George G. Hall. Noble C. King, Benja¬
min L. Amerman, Fierce R, McCrary, Edward
C,   Cole) 110 Liberty

McCrea A Ryan (John McCrea A Michael Ryan)
S Front

McCrea, Somervllle £ Taylor (William G. Mc¬
Crea. Louis J. Somerville £ George H. Taylor
Jr.) 90 W. B'way

McCreary A. A., Co. (N. J.) (Alfred A. Me-
Creary, Pres.; Fhillp Hathaway, Sec. Capital,
(26,000. Directors: .Alfred A. McCreary, Fhillp
Hathaway £ W. Gary Taylor) 136 Liberty

McCreery Jamea fi Co. (James £ J. Crawford
McCreery A Thomas Ilosevear) 801 E' *ay £
64 W.  23d

McCreery Samuel fi Son (Samuel fi Samuel W.
McCreery)  350 B'way,  71 Mercer £ 209 SuUivan

McCreery £ Armfleld (dissolved) 412 W. 29th

McCreery'a John, Son (Robert McCreery) 427 Prod¬
uce Ex.

McCrlmiisk John & Sons (John McCrimliak; fur¬
ther inf. refused) 439 Grand

McCroden John fi Co. (John McCroden, no Co.)
33 West fi 58 Wash'n

McCue Brothers (Pafick J. McCue A Frank J.
Drummond. only) 52 New

McCullagh James £ Co. (James £ Maria McCul¬
lagh) 661. 6th av.

McCullough fi Duffy (Daniel McCullough A
Thomas Duffy) 271 Av. C

McCurdy £ Yard (Delos McCurdy A John Yard)

McCurrach   Jaraes   £   Brother   (James   A   George

McCurrach)  569  B'way
McCutcheon James A Co.   (James McCutcheon £

Jamea M. Speers) 14 W. 23d
McCutcheon R. H. A Co. (Robert H. McCutcheon,

no Co.) 255 G'wich
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