Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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UiNti                        438


Ungar & BarenkopE (Soloraon M. Ungar £ Laza¬
rus Barenkopf) 54 W.   Houston

Ungar £ Moses (Harry Ungar £ Harry Mc^es) 25

Unger H. J. (Herraan J. Unger & John Whaley)
115  Worth

Unger Brothera (Herman £ Joseph Unger) 96

Unger £ Hefllch  (no inf.) 359 Canal

Ungrieh L. K. £ L. (Louis K. £ Louis) 475 W...

Unicorn SUk Mtg. Co. (Catasauqua, Pa.) (C. A.
Auffmordt £ Co..  agents) 33 Greene

Uniftora Co. (Goodwin Brothers, proprs.) 1440

Union Akron Ceraent Co. (Akron, N. Y.) (Bast-
em Ceraent Co..   agents)  1133 B'way

Union Art Co.  (Hulda Wollt, propr.) 25 Warren

Union Associated Press (N-. Y.) (WlUlam S,
Brewer, Fres, ; Edward D, Follett. Sec, Capi¬
tai, $1,000, Directors: WiUiam S. Brewer. Bd¬
ward D. Follett, Joseph T. Brewer) 32 Park row

Union Assurance Soc, (London, Eng.) (Hall £
Henshaw,   agents)  3B  Pine

Union' Bag Co, (Benjamin JacklOwItz, propr.) 217

Union Bag fi Paper Co. (N. J,) (Lucius G. Fisher.
Pres,; Frank washburn, Treas. Capital, $27,-
000,000; further Inf. unattainable) 51 Stone

Union Beef Co.   (Louis Levy, propr,) llBl, 2d av.

Union Bottling Co, (Laurens Geuken, propr.) 515
W-. 25th

Union Brick Co. (Shamokin, Pa.) (Moffat £
Barto,  agents)  1123 B'way

Union Bridge Clio, (not inc.) (Charles Macdonald
fi Andrew Onderdonk)   1 B'way

Union Building Loan fi Savings Assn. (N, Y.)
(John Heidenreich, Fres.; Christian Schierloh,
Sec.; William' M. May, "Treas. Directors; W.
Schneider, M. Cassidy, Emil Klnzle, John Els-
inger,   Jaraes McGrath,   Fritz W-endeli,   WilUam

F.  Palmer, Albert Baker) 618, Sth av.

Union   CSJcium   Light   Co.   (Gustav   j.   (Jrunow,

propr.) 86 Marion
Union Car Co,  (dissolved) 26 C&rtlandt
Union   Carbide  CO.   (W,   Va.)   (Charles  F.   Diet¬
erlch, Pres.; Arthur B. Proal, Sec; further inf.

unattainable) 45 B'way
Union Card' £ Paner Co. (N. Y.) (Ja^oh P. LevT,

Free.;   Stephen   Caplin,   Sec.     Capital,   $20,000.

Directors;    Jacob   F,   Le^-y.   Stephen   fi  Harry

Caplin)  27 Beekraan
Union' Carpet Cleaning Works (Elizabeth- Temple

propr.) 51 B. 19th
Union Carpet Lining Co.  (Boston, Mas

H. Beale, agent) 39 Union sq, W.
Union   Carriage   £   Chair   Co.    (iu   liquidation)

1501^ Mulberry,
Union   Casualty   £   Surety   Co.   (St.   Louis,   Mo.)

(Deles-Derniers  £ Cluff,   N.   Y.   managers)  141

Union Central Life Ins. Co. (Cinn.. 0.) (William A.
Frlcke, N. Y. raanager) 46 Cedar fi 1 Madison

Union Cloak Co. (N. Y.) (Williara A. Butts,
Pres.; George W. Grider, Sec. Capital, $10,000.
Directors: Williara A. Butts, Max Esser, George
W,  Grider) 415 B'way

Union Clothing Co. (Henry H. Moses, propr.)
1B33, lat av.

Union Clothing Co. (Sarah Lubitz, propr.) 41
Gt.   Jones

Union Clothing fi Tailoring Co. (Henry J. Bar¬
rett, propr.) 230 Bowery

Union   Coal   Co.   (Jaraes   Heffernan,   propr.)   209

Union Collecting £ Reporting Assn. (N. Y.)
(Frederick W. Flottwell. Pres.; George G.
Scott. Sec. Capital, $5,000. Directors: Fred¬
erick W.   Flottwell,  Thoraas H.  Brady, George

G.   Scott)  IBO  Nassau

Union Commission Co, (W. Va.) (Joshua A. Han¬
way. Pres.; Alphonzo Munger, Treas, Capital,
$250,000. Directors: Joshua A. Hanway, Al¬
phonzo  Munger;   further  inf.   unattainable)   32

Union Construction £ Development Co. (no inf.)
20 Eroad

Union Contract Co. (Colorado Springa, Col.) (rep¬
resented by George A.  Krause) 11 B'way

Union Contracting Co.  (no inf.) 52 B'wfly

Union Copper Mining Co. (N. J.) (Walter G.
Newman, Pres.; Temple T. Berdan, Sec; WUl¬
iara M. Butler, Treas. Capital. $3,000,000. Di¬
rectors: Walter G. Newraan. William M. But¬
ler, Byron P. Stratton, Teraple T, Berdan,
Guy W. Cox) 80 B'way

Union Cycle Mfg. Co. (Highiandville, Mass.)
(no N. Y. representative) 116 Liberty

Union Dental Rubber Co. (Frederick W. Poulson,
propr.)   211   E.   10th

Union Despatch Rail £ Lake Line (Erie R. R.
Co., proprs,) 82 Wall fi 401 B'way

Union Dirae Savings Institution (Charles E.
Sprague, Prea.; Francis M. Leake, Sec.; Georgj
N, Birdsall, Treas. Truatees: SUas B. Dutcher.
Williara H. Locke. Charles E. Sprague. Gharles
G. Dobba, William A. Eutler, James S. Herr¬
man, Thoraas E. Rand, George N. Birdsall,
John R. Hegeman, Francis M. Leake, Charles
Andruss, David B. Slckels, Nicholas Erewer,
WUliam G. Ross. WiUlam McMaster Mills,
Clermont H. Wilcox, Alexander P. W. Kinnan,
Stephen J. Geoghegan, Frederick H. Ecker,
Frederick P. Voorhees) B4 W. 32d

Union Distilling Co. (Ginn., 0.) (Alhert M. Dal-
berg. agent) 4 Old sl.

Union Drawn Steel Works (Beaver FaUs, Fa.)
(Thomas Towne, N. Y. manager) 253 B'way

Union Drug Co. (N. Y.) (Emry Davis, Pres, ;
Adam R. Davis, Sec Capital. $500,000. Direct¬
ors: Emry £ Adara R.  Davis) 41,Fark row

Union Elevated R. R. Co. (Chicago, 111,) (repre¬
sented by Gharles T. Yerkes. Pres,) B4 WaU

Union Excelsior Lubricating Co. (Abraham Drey¬
fuss.  propr.) 229 Front

Union Extract Works (Mergentlme & Lamm,
proprs.) IBS Chambers

Union Face fi Fowder Co. (Severln Herrmann,
propr.)  43 Pulton

Union Ferry Co. of N. Y. fi B'klyn (N. Y,)
(Julian D. Fairchild, Fres.; Matthew Bunker,
Sec ; Henry K. Knapp. Treas. Capital, $3,000,-
000. Directors: George W. Quintard, John C.
Orr, George N, Gardiner, Williara H. Male,
Lowell M. Palraer, Charles M. Bnglia, Julian
D, Fairchild, Theodore F. Jackson, Roswell El¬
dridge. Felix Campbell, WiUiam F. Havemeyer,
Alexander E. Orr, Matthew Bunker) 30 Broad

Union   Gaa- Saving   &   MEg.   Co.   (dissolved)   744

Union   Gaa  fi  Electric   Co.   (N.   J.)   (Samuel   R.

Bertron,   Fres.;   Frank   S.    Butterworth,    Sec.

Capital,   $1,250,000.   Directors:   Samuel   R,   Ber¬
tron, Frank S. Butterworth. Benjamin Graham.

A. M. Hyatt, Eichard S. Storrs) 40 Wall
Union Glue Co.  (F. S. Rouse & Erother, proprs.)

87  Pearl
Union Hardware Co.   (Torrington, Ct,)   (Tower £

Lyon,  agents) 9B Chambers
Union   Hardware   Co.   (Upper   Montclair,   N.   J,)

(Herman  J.   Koehler,   agent)  164  Duane
Union   Harrow   Co.    (N.    Y.)    (Charies   LaDow,

Fres.; M.  Sexton Northrup,  Sec    CapiUl, $110,-
■ 000.     Directors:    Charles   LaDow,    M.    Sexton

Northrup, John M.  Gardner)  3S Fark row
Union   Hat   Co.   (not   inc.)   (further  Inf.   refused)

1S70, 3d av.
Union Ice Co. (dissolved) 1B9 W. 24th, 253 W. 2Sth

£ ft. W. 25th
Union  Incandescent Light Co.   (consolidated  with

United  Incandescent Light Co,,   which  see)   88

Union  India Rubber Co.   (N.   Y.)   (Frederick  M.

Shepard,    Fres.;    Frederick   S.    Minott.    Sec;

Frederick M. Shepard Jr., Treas. CapiUl. $1,000.

Directors:  Frederick M.   Shepard,  Frederick S.

Minott, Frederick M. Shepard jr.) 787 B'way
Union Ins.  Co.   (Phila.,  Pa.)  (Williara S. Banta,

agent)  72 Williara
Union    Iron    Works    (Erie,    Pa,)    (Burhorn    fi

Granger,  agents) 9B Liberty
Union Iron Works  (San  Francisco.   Cal.)   (repre¬
sented by Andrew W,  M1!11gar.)'"90 W.  E'way
Union   Japanning   £   Decorating   Works   (George

Daub fi Son,  proprs.) 102 Centre
Union  Knitting Co.   (Hudson.  N.  Y.)  (represented

by W.  Frank Holsapple)  256 Church
Union Library Assn,  (J,  A,   Hill fi Co., proprs.)

93, 5th av.
Union   Line   (Phlla.,   Pa.)   (Malcolm   Townsend,

agent) Pier 27 (new)  N.  E.
Union   Line   of   Steamers   (Haraburg,    Gerraany)

(Funch,  Bdye £ Co., agents)  Produce Ex.  C 8
Union  Loan  £ Investment Co.   (N.   Y.)   (Eobert

Avery,   Pres.;   I.   M.   Wheelan,   Sec   Capital,

$10,000. Directors: Robert & V. C. Avery, I, M.

Wheelan) 11 B'way
Union Mfg. Co. (Frederick, Md.) (John M. Given.

agent) 256 Church
Union   Mlg.   Co.   (New Britain,   Ct.)   (Wilbur F.

Curtis, N. Y. raanager) 103 Chambers
Union    Mfg.    Co.    (W.    Peterborough,    N.    H.)

(Parker,   Wilder £ Co.,  agents) 62 Leonard
Union   Marine  Ins.   Co.   (Ltd)   (Liverpool,   Eng.)

(Jones fi Whitlock agents) 51 Wall
Union   MetaUic   Cartridge   Co.   (Bridgeport,   Ct.)

(Hartley £ Grahara, agents) 313 B'way
Union Mining Co. (Mt, Savage, Md.) (represented

by Algernon T. Burr) 1 E'way
Union Mutual Life Ins. Co.  (Portland, Mc) (Ed¬
son D, Scofleld, Supt.) 150 Nassau
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