Polk's (Trow's) New York copartnership and corporation directory boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx

(New York :  Trow Directory, Printing and Bookbinding Co. [etc.],  1856-)



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  Page 445  


At XroTT Directory Offlce, 21 University Place, Hanliattan, K. Y. Citj               SOiOO

UPT                        445                        VAN

Uptegrove Williara E. £ Brother (N. Y.) (WUl¬
iam B. Uptegrove. Pres.; Myron A. Hull, Sec;
Jerome P. Uptegrove. Treas. Capital, $500,000.
Directors: WiUiara E. £ Jerome P. Uptegrove,
Edwin L.   Slnsabaugh.   Charles B.   Hobba,  John

B.  Beckwith) 465 B. 10th
Uptown Assn. (dissolved) 111, 5th av.

Uptown Sign Co. (Karl Stiebeck. propr.) 238 B.

Urbana Wine Co. (Hammondsport, N, Y.) (repre¬
sented by Walter E. HlbJreth) 115 B'way

Urbana Woolen Mills (Urbana, O.) (Bdward B,
Hall, agent) 56 Worth

Uriiskie £ Laace (John Urllskie £ Hugo R. Lance)
357 Fearl

Urner W. C. £ Co. (Spring City, Pa.) (WUUara C.
Fitzgerald, agent) 346 E'way

Urner-Barry Co, (N, Y.) (L. Prank Barry, Pres.;
Robert A, Earry. Sec; William C. Taber, Treas.
Capital, $4,700. Directors: L. Frank £ Eobert
A, fi Prank G, Barry, Frank G. Urner, WUliam

C.  Taber) 173 Charabers

Urquhart's John S., Son fi Co. (Wililam T. Urqu¬
hart fi Edgar R.  Duryea) 46 Cortlandt
Useful   Knowledge   Publishing   Co.   (refuaed)   120

Usher Andrew £ Co. (Edinburgh, Scotland)
(George S. Nicholas, agent) 43 Reaver

Utah Nevada Co.  (no inf.) II B'way

Utah, Nevada fi California Railway Go, (no int.)
96 Spring

Utard £ Co. (Bmile fi Henry Utard) 3 Union sq, W.

Uterhart fi Graham (Henry A. Uterhart £ John
J,   Graham)  302 B'way

Utica Drop Forge fi Tool Co. (Utica, N. Y.) (rep¬
reaented  by Smith  fi Hemenway Co.)  296 B'way

Utica Knitting Co. (Utica, N. Y.) (represented by
John W. Allis) 346 B'way

Utica Tool Cc (Utica. ^:. Y.) (J. C. McCarty £
Co., agents) 10 Warren

Utica, Syracuse fi Eochester Canal Line (Utica,
■•    Y.j.   (William  B.   Walsh,   agent)   7   Coentlea


. Plet

Utiey Brolhers (Perry B. £ Williara D, Utley) 142.
Sth av,                                                       ^1       •

Utstein fi Frumkln (Charles Utstein & JuUua
Frumkln) G Stanton

Uvalde Asphalt Cc (W. Va.) (John D. Marston,
P'-es.; Frank S.orer-Erown, Sec Capital $300,-
000, Directors: John D. Marston, R, T. Eokeby,
H. L. Caniman. Edward J. Berwind, Abrahara
VanSlelen) 1 B'way

Uvalde  Asphalt Paving   Co.   (N.   Y.)   (refused)   1

Vacheron ft Conatantln (Geneva, Switzerland)
(Edraond E. Robert, agent) 3 Maiden la.

Vacontune Arthur. Co. (N. Y.) (inf. unattainable)
135 Elizabeth

Vacuum Can £ Jar Co. (N. J.) (William H. Wright
Pres.; Everett K. Leffingwell, Sec; George p!
Johnson, Treas. Capital. $500,000, Directors:
William H, Wright. George P, Johnson. Prank
L, Tapscott. Alexander Wiley, C. N, King P,
T.  Carpenter.  T.  M,   Ripson)  91 Hudson

Vacuum Oil Co. (Rochester. N. Y.) (WllUam A.
Freeman, N. Y, raanager) 29 B'way fi 55 Waah'n

Vaggi £ Bernasconl (MarUno Vaggi Sc Auguat
Bernasconl)  315  W.  133d

Vagllo P. fi Co. (Faaquale Vaglio £ Antonio Horst¬
mann) 74 W, 3d

Vagts J. fi J,   (John £ Jacob)  23B Fulton

Vail J. H. £ Co. (Joseph H. Vail, no Co.) 6 B.

Valanzano Joseph fi Co. (Joseph Valanzano &
Samuel Kaplon) 222 Wash'n

Valatie Knitting Co. (Valatle, N. Y.) (Frank B.
Berlin, agent) 43 Leonard

Valenstein J. £ Co. (JuUus £ Morria Valenatein)
127 Bleeeker

Valente fi Gazzolo (Charles Valente £ Anthony
Gazzolo) 1B2 Sullivan

ValenU £ Prlore (Orazlo ValentI & Joseph Priore)

Valentine Itnltting Co. (Bennington, Vt.) (Brown,
Bourgeois Co.. agenis) 346 B'way

Valentine Produce Co. (N. Y.) (Napoleon Valen¬
tine. Prea,; Charies H. Valentine, Sec. Capitai,
$B,000. Directors: Napoleon fi Charlea H. Val¬
entine) 262 Wash'n

Valentine B. C. £ Co. (George P. M, Valentine,
only) S68 W. B'way

Valentine M. T. £ Co. (Mary T. Valentine, no Co.)
26 W. 22d

Valentine E. B. £ Eon (Robert B. Valentine,
only) 111 B'way

Valentine   Brothers   (Washington   S.   Valentine   £

J. Dobson Good, only) 71 E'way
Valentine £ Bentley (David Valentine £ Thomas

W. Eentley) SB Grand
Valentine  fi Go,   (coifee)  (Harrison H, Valentine,
no Co,) 112 Front

Valentine £ Co. (varnish) (N. Y.) (Henry C. Val¬
entine. Pres.; Leiand Fairbanks, Sec.; A. Law¬
rence Phillips, Treaa. Capital. $1,250,000. Di¬
rectors: Henry C. Valentine, Charlea S. Homer,
Charles E, Morrill, A, Lawrence Phillips, Allan
A. Morrill) 57 B'way

Valentine fi Flagler (Carleton C. Valentine £
Jobn W,  Flagler)  346 E'way

Valentine £ Goldaraith (diasolved) 96 Spring

Valentine £ Rabinowitz (Moaea M, Valentine £
Jacob Rabinowitz) 725 B'way

Valentine's S., Sona (Samuel T, & Stephen Valen¬
tine)  171  Cherry

Valfer S. £ Co. (Solomon Valfer £ Lazarus Well)
33 Maiden la.

Valk S. J. £ Brother (Susraan J. £ David W,
Valk)   91   Hudson

Valleau Mfg. Co. (Sarah A. Grlffln, propr.) o06

Valleau-Costigan Mfg. Co. (B'klyn, N.Y.) (repre¬
sented by Thoraas M, Valleau) 192 West

Vallette £ Co. (Victor Vallette £ Carsten Busch)
112   Liberty

Valley Dry Goods Co. (Ltd) (Vicksburg, Miss.)
(no N, Y. representative) 691 B'way

Valley Farms Co. (Yonkers, N. Y.) (represented
by WlUlam A.  Duer) 115 B'way

Valley Forge Cutlery Co. (Newark, N. J.) (Her¬
mann  Boker £ Co..  agenta)  103 Duane

Valley Paper Co. (Holyoke, Masa.) (W. H. Greir
£ H.   G,   Strong Co..  293  B'way,  £ Joseph L.

. St.  John,  310 B'way,  agents)

Valley Worsted Mills (Providence, R. I.) (Am.
Woolen Co.,   agenta) 74 Worth

Value Cigarette Go. (Rosenblum £ Lehman,
proprs.)  183  Lewis

Valverde Copper Co.  (Ltd) (no Int.) 52 B'way

Valverde Miguel £ Co. (Miguel Valverde, no
Co.) 29 B'way

Van Publishing Co. (N. Y.) (Dillon Brown, Pres.;
F. McCall Brown, Sec. Capital, $20,000. Di¬
rectors: Dillon fi P. McCall Brown, Clarence
M. Foster) 2B4 W. B4th

VanAken Co.   (N,  Y.)  (inoperative) 39 E, 42d

VanAlen Cotton Mills (Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y.)
(repreaented hy John Williamson £ Abrara V.
A, Frisbee) B6 Worth

VanAUens £ Boughton (George W, £ Williara
H. VanAUen & G. Prank Boughton) 17 Rose
£ 39 Ann

VanAlstyne £ Co. (WllUam £ Louis I. Van¬
Alstyne) 4 Stone £ 19 Bridge

VanAnda  Copper  &  Gold  Co.   (no  inf,)  65 Wall

VanArsdale. Penniwlll fi Co. (Stephen T. Van-
Arsdale, David Penniwlll fi Mary R. Valen¬
tine) 267 Wash n

VanAuken Clarence E., Co. (Chicago, III.) (Hull,
Carap £ Co., agents) 127 Worth

VanAuken Steara Specialty Co. (Chicago, HI.)
(Louis F. Monash, N. Y. raanager) 43 Centre

VanAxte P. £ Co. (dissolved) 2423. Sth av.

VanAxte £ King (Sophia VanAxte fi George
King)  131 B.   52d

VanBeuren A. £ Co. (Alfred VanBeuren £ Samuel
Fratt) 128, 4th av.  fi 15B B. 126th

VanBlankensteyn £ Hennlngs (Henry F. L. Hen-
nlngs.  only) 471 E'way

VanBlerkora Brothers (no inf.) 18B9, 3d av.

VanBoskerck George W. £ Son (George W. &
Thomas E.   VanBoskerck)  414 Produce  Bx,

VanBoskerck L. J. & Go, (Lucas J. £ Corneliua
J. Van Boskerck) 7 Wall

VanBoskerck £ WUson (Anna WUson, onlv) 132
W.  21st

VanBrocklin £ Stover Co. (Arasterdara, N. Y.)
(W. H. Rowe £ Son. agents) 97 Franklin

VanBrunt John C. £ Sons (John C, & Charles C-
fi Henry F, VanBrunt) 29B Monroe

VanBuren C. H. fi Co. (Charles H. £ BUas
W,   VanBuren)   60  B'way

VanBuren B. M, £ C. N. (Efflngham M. fi
Charles N.) 48 Waah'n mkt

VanCamp Packing Co. (Indianapolis. Ind.) (Fred¬
erick Fear £ Co., agents) IB Jay

VanCarapen O. W, £ Son (Otto W, VanCarapen
only) 51 Jay

Vance Electric Co. (N. Y,) (Arthur St. G. Vance,
Fres.; John H. Cheever, Sec Capital, $10,000.
Directors; Arthur St. C. Vance, John H.
Cheever, Charles A. Allen, Charies G. Guiteau)
136 Liberty

VanCott G, £ E. (Gabriel & Richard) 46 W, Sth
VanCourt   Cc    (N.   YA   (WiUlara   S.   VanCourt,
Pres.:  Frederick B. %umpf,   Sec.;  Louis Bren¬
ner,   Treas.    CapUal,   $10,000.     Directors:   Pred-
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