The technograph (no. 8)

(Bloomington, Ill. :  Pantagraph Print. and Stationery Co.  )



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  Page 81  

BRAUCHER—THE   GENERATION  OF STEAM.                     81

The curve on the right-hand side of this plate gives prices
per pound on the three sizes of horizontal boring and drilling
machines manufactured by one company.

Universal monitor lathes from 15 to 30 inch swing, cost ap¬
proximately from 35 to 18 cents per pound.

Screw machines of the best make, from tV to li inch, cost
from 70 to 33 cents per pound. An automatic screw machine, as
made by one of our best makers, for making very small screws,
costs 83 cents per pound.

The average cost per pound of four of the best cutter and
reamer grinders on the market, is 43 cents.

A 12x12 inch standard surface plate costs 70 cents, and a
24x24 inch costs 48 cents per pound.

A modern ten-wheel freight locomotive, weighing 130,000
pounds, costs 7.38 cents per pound.


By a. C. Beoucher, '94, and W. B. Broucher, '95.

The primary object of this paper will be to mention briefly
a few general facts in regard to every-day phenomena, and
afterwards to describe a practical application of observed facts
which will produce apparent results in the economical production
of steam.

The most remarkable phenomena that we observe in every¬
day life, and with which we have become so familiar as to pass
them by as matters-of-course, are such as pertain to the action
of heat and pressure upon solids, liquids, and gases, and the
transformation of matter from one condition to another by means
of the addition or subtraction of heat or pressure.

Water is our most common and  also most important sub-
  Page 81