The technograph (no. 8)

(Bloomington, Ill. :  Pantagraph Print. and Stationery Co.  )



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Table of Contents

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Prepared for Class in History of Architecture by N. Clifford Ricker,
Professor of Architecture

Division I.    Eari,y or Ancibnt.

Group 1.    Egyptian.    Dates Approximate.

Section 1.    Of Old Kingdom.    3900 to 2340 B. C.
Section 2.    Of Shepherd Kingdom.     2340 to 1829 B. C.
Section 3.    Of New Kingdom.    1829 to 526 B. C.
Section 4.    Of Ptolemaic Kingdom.    323 to 30 B. C.
Section 5.    Of Nubia.    700 B. C. to 100 A. D.

Group 2.    Western Asiatic.    Dates Approximate.
Section 1.    Babylonian.    2000 to 538 B. C.
Section 2.    Assyrian.    1500 to 606 B. C.
Section 3.    Persian.    559 to 334 B. C.
Section 4.    Sassanian.    226 to 641 A. D.

Group 3.    Phoenician and Jewish.    Dates Approximate.
Section 1.    Phoenician.    1600 to 146 B. C.
Section 2.    Jewish.    1312 B. C. to 70 A. D.

Group 4.    Pelasgian.    Dates Approximate.
Section 1.    Of Greece.    1500 to 700 B. C.
Section 2.    Of Asia Minor.    1500 to 550 B. C.
Section 3.    Etruscan.    1000 to 280 B. C.

Group 5.    Chinese and Japanese.    Dates Approximate.
Section 1.    Chinese.    2350 B. C. to present time.
Section 2,    Japanese,    650 B» C, to present time.

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