Real estate record and builders' guide (v.13no.303(Jan. 3 1874)-no.328(June 27 1874))

([Brooklyn, N.Y.] :  C.W. Sweet & Co.,  1868-1884.)



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  v. 13, no. 316: Page 175  



Same to same. 119th st, n. s., 243 e. Av. A.
March 25.                                                         3,500

Same to same. 119th st, n. s., 283 e. Av. A.
March 25.                                                         3,500

Kingsland, AVm. L., and Comelius K, Sutton
(Exrs.), to John Gray. AVest st, s, e. eor,
Jane st,, 70..5xl01.1.   March 28,                  14,000

Korubluni, Michael, to Henry G. Norton, 5Sd
st, s. s,, 27.2 e. Madison av,, 20,7x100.3.
March 38.                                                         4,000

Kearney, EdAvard, to Jacob Shipsey, Forsyth
St. (No, 68), 25x100,   March 30.                   2,000

Lehmaier, John, to Levi Morris, 5.5th st,, n, s,,
200 e, Oth av,, 20x100,5,   March 25.              8,000

Liebert, John A., to S. ToAvnsend Cannon. De¬
lancey St., n. s., .50 c. Essex st, 25x70.3.
March 30.                                                          1,976

Lang, Auguste, to Moritz Josepthal and Jacob
Metz. 1st av., aa'. s., 25.11 n. 53d St., 34.10x
78 (irreg.)   March 30.                                     8,000

Meir, Henry, Half Hollows Hill, L. I., to Alonzo
AV. Richards, Brooklyn. 17th st., n. s., 399.10
e. 9th av., 25.2x92.    March 24.                        660

Meyer, Siegmund T., to Jonathan Hanson,
Jr. 104th St.. n. s., 166.8 av. 2d av., 16.8x
100.10 (bad omission), and 104th st., u, s,,
183,4 AV, 2d av., 16.8x100-10,   March 26,      4,700

Morgan, Hemy and EdAvard, to John M. Burke,
Laight st, M, B., extd'g from West to Wash¬
ington st,, 22-5x62,6, also Interior lot 24,9 e.
AVest st, and 126 s. Laight st, 14.6x14.6, and
Hubert st. (No, 6), n. s., 44,4 av, Washington
st, 22x53, and AVashington st, n. aa'. cor. Hu¬
bert St., 53x44.4, and Hubert st, n, s., 66.4
av. Washington st., 133.4x37x9.6x27x123.1x53,
and AVest st, e. s., -53 n. Hubert st, abt. 30.9
x34.9, and Leasehold plot in vicinity of above
on east side West st. and Avest side Washing¬
ton  St.,   62.6   Avide, x 337.9   deep.     March

34,                                                                           35,000
NeviUe. Timothy F,, to John Perkins.   54th st.,

n. s., 145 e. Oth av., 100x100,5,   March 34, 10,000

Otten, Frank A., to EdAvard Oppenheimer,
SOth Bt, s: s., 261.1 e. 4th av,, 17x100.8.
March 30,                                                         4,000

Patterson AVilliam, to Heniy Harrison, Bed¬
ford st,, AV. s., 25x50 (indeft.)   March 24.     SOO

Stearns, John T,, to Henry AVeil, 3d av,, e, s.,
46 n. 15th st, 19x60, and 3d av„ e, s,, 65 n,
15th st, 19x60,    (Leasehold,)   March 23,   7,000

SteA'ens, Salmon S., to Charles B, Tooker,
Prospect pl,, AV, s,, 33,9 n. 42d st,, 10,8x54,
March 19,                                                          1,400

SteAvard, John and D, Jackson, to Jane and
AVm, II, and Jos. J. Potter (Exrs.) Oth av., w.
s., -50.5 n. 63d St., 50x100,   March 17,         14,934

Schraale, Henry F., to Agnes Dreyer, Broorae
St., n, e, cor. LudloAv st., 21.10x00, March
28,                                                                      1,000

Smith, Thomas AV,, to John C, Overhiser.
84th St., s. s,, 375 AV, Sth av,, 20x102,3,   March

35,                                                                              1.000
Trevor, John B, (Exr,), to WUliam E, and An¬
son V. H,  Le Roy (Exrs,)   Spring st,  (No,
158),   s. 8., 40   e,   Laurens   st,  19.8x79.11.
March 21.                                                         5,046

The New York Life Ins. «,nd Trust Co. Trus¬
tees to Alice E. Vinton. Grand st (No. 121),
2.5x100.    March 28.                                         .5,250

Underbill, Annie E. (Admrx.), to Merritt Trim¬
ble. Peck slip (No. 7), e. s., 15.10.x73.6.
March 25.                                                          4,000

Upson,   Stephen,   to  Franz  A.   Hillenbrand
SOth St., n. s.,'300 w. 1st av,, 45x3^ block, and
87th st, s,  s., 300 AV, 1st av,, 45xi.^ block,
March 34,                                                         8,7.50

Vogt, John, to Joshua M, Whitcomb, 130th
st, n, 8,, 110 AV, 4th av,, 50x99,11, March
17.                         •                                            4,000

AVashbum, Harriet, to Henry J. Butterfield.
38th St., n. e. cor. 1st av., thence north 74.1 x
east 100 X north 24.8 x east 183 to East RiA'er,
X southAA'cst to 38th St., x Avest 343. March
33,                                                                      2,000

Woodbridge, Alfred, to Henry Welsh. SOth st.,
n, s,, 187.10 e, 4th av,, 18,8x98,9, March
IS,                                                                      2,015

AVolf," Babette (Admrx,), to Sallie M,, wife of
Richard M, Shaw, 63d st, s, s,, 100 av, Sth
av., 50x100.4.   March 25.                               7,500

WaU, Thomas, to Thomas E. Turner. 45th st.,
n. s., 595 e. 8th av., 200x100.5.   March 27. 11,000

—----------------------1     ^1     I-------------------------



;               From March'SSth'to A-pril 3d.

I^OTB.—The arrangement of this hst is as foUoAVs: The
fir8t;nanie and address is that of the mortgagor, the sec¬
ond- name is that. of,the mortgagee. _The descriptiou of
property mortgaged an,d.the, aniount-follow.
AiBERN, Henry.. . 249 Division st.. i-.A.i&;B.
>Iops,   Gfocery etoye.      ....... "      f5,500

Allison, Wm, 0,   70 Maiden lane___John

H. KiUeen,   Printing Office,                    920,78

Austin, Oscar E,    Harlem___WUliam Way,

Remsen House,                .     To secure Notes,
Briggs, K^vte E,   Fordham___Duffy & Bus¬
sing,    Meat Market,                                   1,200
Belknap, A, W.   Cor. Sth av. and 95th st___

D. L, Jones,    Drug Store,                          5,000

Beekman,   Louis.     388   Broome   st.....F.

Diedrich,   Saloon,                                       1,600

Bingham, Mary,   8.5th st___E, K, and P, A.

Bingham.   Milk Business.                         4,.500

Blanken, Fredk.   606 East 13th st,,. .Ernst

Lindeman,   Grocery Store,                           600

Borden, John,   10th av,, bet, 63d and 64th

sts-----C,  H, Baumann,      Coavs, Horse,

&c,                                                                 1,800

Burns, John,   323 Delancey st___David S,

Bruen,   Horses, Harness, &c,                      296

Brettmann, Diederich,   512 East llth st___

Diederich Arfmann,   Stock and Fixtures

of Grocery Store,                                            210

Broavn, AVilliam,   424 East 15th st___Chas.

& Patk, Henry,   Furniture,                           53

Berkoavitz, Acrah^vm,   91 Canal st___Kall-

mau Fried.   Sewing Machines and Furni¬
ture.                                                                  500

Battleson, Geo___August Hard,

Agreement to buy and sell,
Crawford, Joel,   109 Orchard st___H. F,

Tapnlng,   Oyster Saloon,                                70

Cobb, M. L.   44 Thomas st___AVm, Hedden-

dorf,    SaAvs, Benches, &e.                            300

Chandler, Austin C. and Charles A.   133d

St., bet. 5th and 6th avs___James Quinn.

Horses and AVagons,                                   2,500

CoNAVAT, Andrew.   1234 2d av___Amsdell

Bros,    Saloon Fixtures,                '                  86

Campbell, Mrs, Eliza,   320 East 20th st___

B, M, CoAvperthAvait    Carpet                  97,14

S.4ME___Same,   Carpet                                   99,55

Clancy & Co___Cor, Pitt and Broome st___

Knickerbocker Ice Co.'   Horse, Wagon,

&c,                                                                    100

Crimlisk, S. M,   308 West 27th st,...F:. E,

Price,    Horse, AVagon, &c.                             40

Corr, Peter,   SSth st near llth av___James

Rafferty,   Horses, Carts, and Harness,       400
Cottle, John F.   594 Oth av... .Theo, Ross,

Guardian, &c.   Drug Store,                      3,000
Dodge, Weeks & Knox,   12 AA''arren st___

Edward Dodge,    Printing Office,              5,000

DussELDORF, Clara.   117 East 27th st___M,

B, Abraharas,    Furniture, &c,                      300

Deane, Rebecca F.   73 AVest 4.5th st___Benj,

F, Curtis.   Furniture, &c.                       3,300
Dinkelspiel, Josephine,   38 ReuAA'ick st___

Herman    Liebmann,       Looms,    Tools,

&c.                                           ■               2,042,25
DuRHOLz, Herman,      338 East 36th st___

James Cunningham,   Milk Store,                200

Develin & Stetson___AVm. B, Astor,   As¬
tor House.                                                     6,500
Davis, Mary M.   70  West 49th st....Fred.

H, Kellogg,   Furniture.                              3,000

Dellett, August,    Cor. 3d av. and .59th st.

-----John Haffen.   Barroom Fixtures,        400

Doerschuck, John,     SIS Rivington st___

Katharine Stum,     Saloon Fixtures,  Bil-

Uards, &c,                                                     2,200

Eickhoff,  Deidrich,   102 and 104 Maiden

lane-----Martin Ahrens.    Restaurant.         300

Ebei-l, Adrian J,   Room 18, Cooper Union

.... Mrs, Dorothea Clark,   Models, &c. 3,500
Edey, AA'm. a.....Emily T. Edey.   Lighter

"Julia."                                                        2,000

Edey, AVm. A....EmUy T. Edev.    Lighter

"S.H. Davis."                                            2,000
Fredericks, John H. C,   108 Spring st___

Geo. Zemping.   Drug Store,                      2,000

Goldsmith, M, F,    939 3d  av___Deborah

Goldsmith,   Plumbing and Gas Fitting

Establishment,                                                400

Gillick, John,   290 Rivington st___Allchael

GlUiek.   Saloon,                                             500

Gibbons, Mrs, Mary.    13 Ashland'pl___Ja¬
cob Stony,   Furniture, &c,                       1,800
Granel,   Louis.    34   Lispenard   st....Carl

Zesch.   Saloon.                                          .   300

Gunning, Mary and Jane.   237 West 39th

sti...Isaac Hochster.   Fumlture,               113

Gripfing, Henry L.   101 West 14th st..,.

Daniel E, BayUs,   Stock and Fixtures of

Eating House.                      .                          300

Geismaek, Henrietta.. 145 Stanton st.:. .R.

G.Gregg.   Furniture.                            '349

Gendering,   Wolf.      849 2d  st.;..Bemh.

Hetzler.   Saloon Fixtures.                            375

Graef,  Fritz.    148 Forsyth et,...H. Fln-

kenagel.   Saloon.                                           350

Hepworth, Mathew G,    83 Forsyth st,,..

JohnJBecker. , Drug Store.                         1,800

Hughes, M. j.   43..Ann st....R. Ktoe & Co,

Routing Mactoe,       .......'     "885

Jenssen, Christian. 333 Ist av___Kranskopf

& Gemsen,   Drug Store,                               980

Jaeger, Herman,   14 and 16 Catharine slip,

,,.. Albert Hahn,    Saloon,                         1,000

Johansen, Chris. J,    44 Fulton st-----Adolf

Levinger,   Machineiy, Tools, &c.             3,000

Jaeger, Barbara___Jo'hn Gels.                        400

Knotu,  John___H.   Ilegelmann.     Horses,

Harness, MUk Business.                                800

Kraft, M.   231 Broorae st___Jacob Ahlers.

Saloon.                                                             300

Kirk & Keal. 2341 and 2343 3d av... .Isaac
LockAvood.    Carriage Mf'y.                       1,135

Kroyer, Egbert.   130 East "^Houston st-----

AVra. Eckert.   Saloon.                                   4.50

Keys, Frank W.   26 West 44th st,.. .Mrs. E. _
Donigan,    Carpet, Furniture, <fec,               500

Lenthner, Geo.   215 West 39th st-----Lewis

Lenthner,    Saloon.                         "               600

Levi, Solomon and Isaac,   654 9th av-----

Mej'er Rosenthal.    Grocery Store.              365

Lombard, Ayres & Co.    60tb aud 67tb sts.,

Hudson River___SaAAyer, AVaUace & Co,

OU Refinery.                                                 1,000

Litzenberger, John. lilS 3d aA'....Geo,
Phillippi.   Saloon.                                       1,000

Leonard, Thomas, and Crag, Michael,   16

Broome   st___John  Gillick,      Barroom

Fixtures,                                •                         500

Lees, AVilliam and Bessy, 303 AA^st SOth
st___Hyman Monash.   Furniture,              175

Miller, James D.   55 Columbia st-----Ann

Miller.    Groceries, &e,                                   750

Mauer, Joseph and Sophia,   1290 3d av-----

Schmitt & Koehne.    Tables,  Counters,
&c.                                                                    300

Meyek & Kahn.    1.59 Norfolk st___Sarah

Mayer,   Horse, AVagon, &c,                         335

McHugh, Hugh.    175 "Hester st-----Patrick

McTeigue,   Bar Fixtures, &c.                      400

Macias, Sarah.   21 West 13th st-----Howard

Dickinson.   Furniture.                                  3.50

The Same .... S. A. MiUs.   Furniture.               200

MiELENHAUSEN,. H. L.     201 Mouroe st-----

Henry C. Hintze.   Stock of Kerosene OU,
Horse and Wagon.                                       1,000

Mapes, AVm. H.   Gerard av. and Cedar st,

MoiTlsania___Samuel    J.     SherAVOod.

Barroom Fixtures and Furniture.                 100

MussEY, John Michael.   5 Gay st-----R. G.

Gregg.   Furniture.                                           94

Mahon, James,   72 East 3d st-----Chas, &

Patk, Henry,   Furniture.                         -   153

Mace, Theodore,    .White  Plains___Marie __

Molenaor,   Furniture, &c,                         3,500

McKenn.\, a, 1945 3d av,.,.J, Dryfoos
& Co.   Saloon,                                                150

Mandel, David B.    205 Centre st-----Henry

Bischoff.   Mustard Factory.                         120

Miller, Louis.   68 South Sth av-----Metzger

& Levy,   Butcher Shop.                                400

Miller, Eli P.   37, 39, and 41 West 26th st.

..,. Lydia Hoba rt.    Hotel.                       28,000

Mills, John and James,   14 and 16 Vesey st,

___John  de   Vries,     Stock,   Fixtures,

Tools, &c,                                                      5,000

McCamly& Mitchell, 763 6th av — Geo,
A, Keyes or Attorney,   Saloon,                2,000

N, Y, GER.MAN Printing and Publishing Co,

24 Stanton st___F, Rauchfuss.   Printing

Office,                                                            3,000

Neal, A, A, jUs'd Josephine. 880 and 883
BroadAvay___John Herrlich & Co, Fur¬
niture, &c.                                                       367

Neustadt, Otto, 113 Liberty st—G, Bat-
telson & Co.   Pharmaceutical Business.

To secure Notes.

O'Neill, Patrick. 525 AA''est 37th st-----An¬
ton Otto.   Horses, Carts, &c,                    1,800

Phillips <£ Smith,   Morrisania.....Hannah

F, Smith,   Ice Business.                             1,000

Pries, Louis, 41 Broome st-----Hemy Beh¬
rens,   Horse, AVagon, &c,                               80

Pease & Jones,    .59 Beekman st___Globe

Mfg. Co.   Printing Office,                        336,54

Pakulski, AVm, 415 East Houston st-----Jo¬
seph Schneldecker.   Barber Shop,              141

Pfbifee, John, 1st av., near44th st___Lou¬
is Sahm,   Horses, Wagons, &c,                   500

Pflugi, Edward, 253 Av. A___Jacob En¬
gel.   Saloon,                                                3,350

Ragone, John.   15 Marion st___Peter Lie-

bertz.   Saloon, Fixtures, and Furniture.   320

Richter, Paul,    23 Catharine st___A, Sie-

._   bel.   Saloon,           '                                        100

Ryan, William.   Cor. 41st st. and 1st av___

Patrick Ryan.   Liquor Store.                    1,000

Ruter, Diedrich.   377 Bleecker st___Henry

Riechers.   Horse, Wagon, &c.                  6,000

Russe, Catharine___Fred'k Marke. Saloon. 1,000

Rath, Wm, 133 Centre st....Hemy Rath.
Saloon.                                                              550

Rich, Wm. JE. S85 Spring et....Heniy C.
Jljcb,  Mohawk Hotel.                            4,O0Q
  v. 13, no. 316: Page 175