Real estate record and builders' guide (v.14no.329(July 4 1874)-no.354(Dec. 26 1874))

([Brooklyn, N.Y.] :  C.W. Sweet & Co.,  1868-1884.)



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  v. 14, no. 352: Page 411  





Jersey .......



Cargo Afloat.
.■i3 M.-|;3 00@$3 50
.......   '6 2j®   6 50

...-..;.. — •-@——

■ 6 50® 7 25

IIaverstrav>' Bay...'.......................   7 25©

Croton—Brown....................^ M. 12 00®------

"      Dark.............................13 00^1)-------

"      Red............................. 14 00®------

Philadelphia.......................-;......-28 00-® 32 00

Baltimore...........;.................:.. 5000® 5800


Rosendale.........................R^bbl.   J 10®   1 .30

Portland.......___.......................   4 2.5®   4 BO

Other Foreign...............;.............   4 00®   4 50



Size.      IX inch thick. l>g inch thick.  lOinch thick,

3.6 X 6.6..         $2 48               $3 15               -----

2.8" X 6.8;.           2 64                 3 42               -----

3.10x6.10.           2 91                 3 69               -----

3.0x7.0..            3 09                   4 00-            $4 94

3.0 X 7.6..            3 23                   4 21                 5 54

3.0x8 0..-----                  4 68                 5 76

Sash, for tAvelve lights, glazed.

1,^ C. C.

$2 43

2  67

3  79

4  32
4 80

Size.              IK C. C.

7  X   9 ....        ^1 40

8  X 10 ....          1 65

9  X 12.... : 2-08
10x12....          2 25
10 X 14 ...          2 .56
10x16....          2 96

12 X 16 ....          -----

12x18....          -----

12x20....-          —-

C. C. means counter checked—ploAved and bored for
Aveights.                         ■

For second quality doors, deduct 15 cents per door.
Outside Blinds.

Upto2.10wide....................^ foot   32c.

Upto.31   Avide............................   35

Upto34   Avide...,........................   38

Do. painted aud trimmed.................   65   @80c.

(Delivered on board at Ncav York.)
Pipe, per running foot.
2 inch diameter...... $0 13   10 inch diameter.

2 inch

3    "

4    "

5    "

B   \\

7   „

S     Li


___ 0 16



..... 0 20



..... 0 25



..... 0 30






..... 0 45



..... 0 55



Bends and E


• each

$0 40

.....   0 50

.....    0 65

.....    0 85

.....    115

.....    150

.....   2 00

....   2 50
Taps each.*
Dn  2 inch pipe........................$0 43

10 inch.

12   "   .

15   "   .

18   "   .

20   "   .

22   "   .

24   "   .

Ou 3
On 4
On 5
On 6
On 7
On 8
On 9
On 10

0 61
0 75

0  90

1  05
1 20
1 45
1 75

$0 70

0  80

1  25

1  60

2  00

2  50

3  00

..  .«;3 00

..  "3 75

..    5 00

..    7 50

..    8 00

..  10 00
..^15 00

$1 00
1 25

1  75

2  50
• 3 50


6  00

7  00

* Main part of branches Avill be charged extra, as pipe.

House Branches.
Per lineal foot.

12 X 6..............$1 25

15x6...............   175

18x 6..............   2 50

20x6......:........   3 00

22x 6..............   3 50

24x6...............   4 00

Seaver Branches.

Per lineal foot.

12 inch..............$1 50


3 00

3  50

4  75

On heavy purchases of the small size ,20 per cent, dis¬
count, Avith an additional discount for cash, according
to agreement, to the trade only.                    ,


Eed Welsh, at vessel side............... $50 00@$55 00

American.................___...........40 00® 50 00

POEEIGN WOODS—Duty free.   ■

Cuba, small.............---------------^ foot     6C;@ 9c.

Cuba, large................................... " 10 -^ ®12

Mexican, small..;......".___.................     7   @10

Mexican, large...........................   11   @12

Florida.....................................   50   ©80

St. Domingo, crotehes, ordinary to good, ^ft   18   @30

St. Domingo, crotches, fin*........___.....   35   @60

St. Domingo, logs, small...................     7   @10

St. Domingo, logs, large.....___..........   11   @15

Cuba, logs, small.........-.........;........  .7 .® 9

Cuba logs, large..................;___

Frontera, Mexican, large..............",

Frontera, Mexican, small....___.___.,

Other Mexican........................,

Honduras.............................                  _

Rosewood.                       ■

Eio Janeiro, ordinary to good........^ lb.     3 : ® 5

Eio Janeiro, good to fine_^.............-.-,...     5^@10J«^

Bahia. ordinary to gbbd..'.......;.:......... ':2^.@ 4)4

JBahia, good to fine..'...:...,'...:........;;:' : 5 ' ®10>i^

Satin Wood......'..."."... ::.;;...;...^To6t.^-'15 @3S

GranadiUa..:;...-..■..:i....:...,:;..■..ii^ ton. $16 00® $22 00

Lignum vitse, small....... .^,..,. ^ jon.   15 sOO®  20 00

LignumYit».large.....................'^(Xm 69 00

11 ©16
8 @10
7   @14.

Duty.—Cylinder or WindOAV Polished Plate, not OA'er

10 by 15inches, 1 7-20 cents ^ square foot; larger, and
not over 16 by 24 inches, 1 4-5 cents ^ square loot;
larger, and not over 24 by 30 inches, H)^ cents ^ square
foot; above that, and not exceeding 24 by 60 iuches, 20
cents ^ square foot; all above that, 40 ceuts ^ square
foot;. on Unpolished Cylinders, Crown and Common
Window, not exceeding 10 by 15 inches sqnare, 1)4
cents; over that and not OA'er 16 by 24, 2 cents; ovei
that and not over 24 by 30, 2>i ceuts ; all over that, S
cents ^3 lb.       .

French Window, per box of 50 feet.
• single.
Sizes.                 1st        -2d.       .3d.         4th.

6by  8 to 10by 15... $10 25      $9 25      $8 75      $8 00

11 by 14 to 16 by 24... 12 00 11 00 10 00 9 50
18 by 22 to 20 by 30...   15 00      13 50      12 00      10 50

15 by 36 to 24 by 30...    17 50       15 2S       12 50        -----

26 by 28 to 24 by 36...   18 25      16 00      13 25        -----

26 by 36 to 26 by 44...   20 00      18 CO      14 50        -----

26 by 46 to ;^0 by 50...   21 00      19 00      15 25        -----

30 by 52 to ;W by 54...    22 m      SO 25       16 25        -----

30 by 56 to 34 by 56...    24 50       21 75       19 00        -----

34 by 58 to 34 by 60...   26 00      24 50      21 50        -----

36 by 60 to 40 by 60...   30 50      27 00      24 50        -----

Oby 8tol0byl5...
11 by 14 to 16 by 24...
18 by 22 to 20 by ;W,..
15 by ;56 to 24 by 30...
26by 28 to24by 36...
26 by .36 to 26 by44...
30 by 52 to 30 by 54...
30 by 56 to .34 by 56...
34 by 58 to 34 by 60...
36 by 60 to 40 by 60...

$16 50
19 25
24 00

28 00

29 25

32 00

33 75

30 00
39 25
41 75
49 00

$15 00
17 75
21 75

24 50

25 75

29 00

30 50
32 50
35 00
39 25
43 25

$14 00
16 00

19 25

20 00
. 21-25

23 25

24 50
26 00
30 50
34 75
39 25

$13 00
15 25

Sizes abOA'e—$12.00 per box extra for every five inches.
An additional 10 per cent. Avill be charged for all glass
more thau 40inches Avide. All sizes above 52 inches iu
length, and not making more than 81 united inches, will
be charged in the 84 united inches bracket.
Discount to the trade. 60 and 5.

-iVsiERiCAN WiNDO-w, per box of 50 Ieet.

6by  8to  7by  9...

8 by 10 to 10 by 14...
10 by 15 to 12 by 16...
12 by 17 to 16 by 22...
17 by 22 to 20 by 26...
20 by 28 to 20 by 30...
•21 by 30 to 24 by ,30...
%i by 31 to 24 by 36...

29 by 42 to 30 by 48...

30 by 49 to 32 by 52...
32by 53to32by 58...
33by 58to34by 00...
35 by 60 to 0 4by 60...

$8 00

9 00

9 75
10 25
12 50

15  00

16  00
18 00
18 50
20 50
22 00
26 00
30 00
36 00

Double thick—double pnce. Discount, 60 and 5 per ct.
English, 50and 5 per cent, discount ou-lst and ■2d quality,
and 40 and 5 on 3d and 4th; Polished plate, new list, 15
and 2 per cent, discount.

Discount on PhUadelphia list of March, 1872, as re¬
vised, 60 and 65 per cent.

Greenhouse, Skylight, and Floor Glass.
Per square foot, net cash.




$7 00

$6 50

$6 CO

8 00

7 25

6 50

8 75

7 75

. 7 00

9 25

8 25

7 50

11 50

10 50

8 00

13 00

11 00

8 00

14 50

12 50

10 50

16 00

13 50

11 00

16 50

14 00

12 50

18 00

15 00

13 50

20 00

16 00

14 50

23 00

18 50

16 00

27 00

22 50

17 50

33 00

28 50

20 00

>i Fluted plate......    22c.

3-ie        "        ......    30

X            "         ......    40

KKongh plate......    40

X          "        ......   50

}4 Eough plate.....$0 65

%            "        .....    100

%           "        .....   115

1              "        .....   130

1^          "        .....   180

HAIE—Duty tvee.

Cattle............................^ bushel.   12c.@25c

Goat......................................   14c.®28c'


Duty.—Bar, 1 to 1)^ cents ^ lb.; Eailroad, 70 cents 59
100 lbs.; Boiler and Plate, IX cents ^ lb.; Sheet, Band,
Hoop, and Scroll, IK to IX cents ^ lb.; Pig, $7 ^ ton;
Polished Sheet, 3 cents ^ lb.; Galvanized, 2>^ cents ^
lb.; Scrap Cast, $6 ^ ton; Scrap Wrought, $8 ^ ton-
all less 10 per cent. No bar iron to pay a less duty than
35 per cent, ad val.

Pig, Scotch, Coltness...........^ ton. $40 00® $42 00

Pig, Scotch, Gartsherrie...............-------@------

Pig, Scotch, Glengarnock..............   37 00®   38 00

Pig, Scotch, Eglinton..................   86 00®   37 00

Pig, American, No. 1...................   25 00®   27 00

Pig, American, No. 2...................   23 00®   25 00

Pig, American, Forge..................   23 00®   24 00

Bar, refined, English and American___-------@------

Bar, Swedes, assorted sizes (gold)......115 00® 120 00

Store nrices, cash.

Bar, SAvedes, Ordinary sizes............ 140 00® 145 00

Bar, Swedes, PIoav sizes ...;........... 155 00© KiO 00

Bar, refined, % to 2in . rd. & sq.—1 to 6

in.x^tolin........................   67 50®   70 00

Bar, refined, 1^ to 6 by if & 5-16 in....   72 50®   75 00

Bar, refined, 1 & 1)^ by 3€ & 5-16.......   72 50®   75 00

Large rounds, 2^ & 2% to 3X & 4 in...   75 00®   90 00

Scroll....;.:............................    90 00® 130 00

Ovals and half round...............___   90 00® 100 00

Band, 1 to 6 in. by 3-16 to No. 12.'.____   85 00©   87 50

Horseshoe...........................100 00© 105 00

Rods. K to .3-16 inch ........_____.....   70 00® 127 50

Hoop, 5^ by No. 22 to 1 & IK by 13 & 14   97 50® 155 00

LATH, ^ M.

Nailrod ......"................____....       7^®      &)4

Sheet, Russia, as to assortment (gold)..     14X@     15
Sheets   singles,   doubles, and  trebles,

common..........'...................       43^®      5

Sheet, doubles and trebles, charcoal..;.       5   ©      6)4
Sheet,'galvanized'........... List 20 @ 35 per cent. dis.

Rail8,English(gold) ............^ ton.   48 00®   50 00

Kails, American, at works in Pensylva-

2uaCcwreacy)........................   WQ^   55 00




Pine, very choice and extra dry ^ M ft.

$------@$1 75


SO 90®  $1 00

1 25®   — -^

1 00®------

1 50®   ——
1 00®-------

G5 00®   70 00

60 00
28 00
21 00
15 50


Pine, good.............................    55

Piue, good box........................    26 00®

Pine, common box.....................    18 00®

Pine, common box, % .................    13 50®

Pine, tally plank, IX, 10 in., dres'd, each        40®

Pine, tally plank, 1)^. 2d quality.......        35®

Pine, tally plank, IJf, culls.............        25®       28

Pine, tally boards, dressed, good.......        3.3®        35

Pine, tally boards dressed, common...          26®        87

Pine, tally boards, culls................        2,3®       24

Pine, strip boards, merchantable.......        18®        21

"   -   "        '■       clear................       •2.-;®        28

Pine, strip plank, dressed, clear .......        35®       in

Spruce boards, dressed..........-.......        25®       29

Sjiruce plank, IX inch, dressed.......        29®        34

Spruce plauk, 2 inch.............;.....        35®        38

Spruce Avall strips .....................        17@        is

Sprucetimber.................^Mft.   22 00®   24 00

Hemlock boards..................each        20®        22

Hemlock joist, 2j^x4.. ................        17®        19

Hemlock joist, 3x4.....................        iji©        20

Hemlock joist, 4x6.....................        40®

•JVsh, good..  ..................^Mft.   4500®   6000

Oak.....................................    45 00®   60 00

Maple.................................    40 00©   50 OO

Chestnut boards 1 inch...........           50 00®   60 OO

Chestnut plank......................    50 00©   60 00

Cypress, 1, 1)4, 2, and 2^ inch.........   40 00®  45 00

Black Avalnut, good....... .-:...........    85 00®, 115 00

Black Avalnut, %......................    73 00®   85 00

Black Aval nut, selected and seasoned___  110 00© ViQ Go

Black Avalnut counters............^ ft.        18®        35

Cherry, good...................^Mlt.   60 00®   90 00

White wood, chair plank...............    65 00®   75 00

White AVOod, inch.......................40 00®   55 00

White Avood, % inch.................       35 00®   45 00

White AA-ood, % panei.s.........  .......    42 00®   50 Ot-

Shingles, extra shaved pine, 18 in.^ M.     9 50®

Shingles, extra shaved i)ine. 16 in......     8 50®

Shingles, extra sawed p'ine, 18 iu.......     7 00®

Shingles, clear sawed piue, 18 in...___     6 50®

Shingles, cypress, 2-!.x7.................    27 00®

Shingles, cypress, 20x0.................    17 00®

Lath.Eastern........................       2 00®

Yellow piue dressed fiooring___\^ M ft

Yellow pine girders.............:......

Locustposts,   8 feet..............^ in.        18®       "20

Locust ])OSts, 10 feet...................        2:^        25

Locust posts, 12 feet...............___        28®        34

Chestnutposts....................?;? ft.          4®      4)^

Cargo rates 10 per cent. off.

New York inspection of good pine includee the first
three grades of Albany inspection, viz., clear, fourths,
and selects, and quotations are made upon this basis


'Chalk.. .....................•§\h.$------X@$-^ —

China clay......... ^^ ton (currency)   23  00   ®   24 00

Whiting..........^R 100 lbs. (gold)

Paris wiiite, Eng. (gold), per 100 lbs.

Zinc, whi te AiuericJiu, dry.........

Zinc, AA'hite Americau, iu oil, pure.

-Lead, Avhile American, dry.........

Lead, Avhite American, in oil, pure.

Lead, red Americau................

Litharge, American................

Ochre, French, dry (gold)..........

Ochre, in oil (curreucy)...........

Venetian red, English......,.......

Venetian red, in oil................          7   ©

Spanish broAvn, dry................          1/i©

Spanish broAvn, in oil.............          8   ®

Vermilion, Am. Quicksilver (gold)..     1  83   ©

VermiHon, English (gold)..........     1  80   @-------

Vermilion, Trieste (gold)...........     l  70   ®-------

Chrome green, genuine, diy........        10   ®        20

Chrome green, genuine, in oil......        12   ®        20

Chrome yellow, genuine, in oil.....        18   @        30

Paris greeu, pure, dry..............        22^®        42

Paris green, pure, iu oil............        29   ®        44

Princes metallic, dry...............         ^M@         3

Princes metallic, inoU.............          8   ©         9

10 00
9 50
8 00
7 50

18 00

2 00®     2 10

40 00®   45 00

40 00®  45 rvj

60   @
1 85   @

7   ®

1 65

2 00



1 75
1 90

Dutj'—Per cent, ad val. on calcined; lump, free.

Nova Scotia, white...............^ ton$------^     6 25-

Nova Scotia, blue........."'.............     3.50©     4 00

Calcined, Eastern aud city.......^ bbl.     2 00®    2 25

SLATE.                                   Deliv'd at Ncav York-
Purple roofing slate..........^ square.   $8 50®   $9 OO

Greenslate.............................     8 50®     9 00

Eedslate...............................   14 00®   15 00-

Black slate, Pennsylvania..............     6 50®     7 00

Peachbottom..........................   1100®   12 00

Intermediates..........................     6 00®     7 00

Royal blue, Lehigh Valley..............     6- 75®     7 00-

Slate tiles, IX inch, rubbed, ^ square

foot, delivered.....................„       35©       .38

STONE.—Cargo rates.

Amherst freestone, iu rough___^ c. ft. $------©   $1 20

Biiena Vista,, in rough.................-------©     155

Berlin freestone, in rough..."...........   — —©     1 20

Berea freestone^ iu rough..............-.--------@     1 is

Independence freestone, in rough......   ——©     lU-

Brown stone, Portland, Conn...........     1 25©     1 50

Bi-OAvn stone, Belleville, N. J..;........     1 00©     1 60

Granite, rough.................,.......-      75©     150

Dorchester,: N. B., stone, rongh, ^ ton

(currency)............................-------©   15 00-
  v. 14, no. 352: Page 411