Real estate record and builders' guide (v.31no.773(Jan. 6 1883)-no.798(June 30 1883))

([Brooklyn, N.Y.] :  C.W. Sweet & Co.,  1868-1884.)



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  v. 31, no. 775, suppl.: Page 36  


*he"Real Estate Record

January 20, 18S;


■wife   of   and   Martin ; Harrington to Julia
Harrington.                                                 ^,  *00

Ellery st, s s, 475 w Tompkius av, runs south
79 3 X northwest 105.6 to Ellery sfc, x easfc
T2 4

Ellery st, s s, 3T5 w Tompkins av,  25xl61.9x
37 2x189 4
Edwin Cooper fco Frederick MiUer.          3,000

Furnpld fit, s s, 334.6 w Hudson av, 20x100
Flatbush. Joiin Maunion to Rosa ReiUy ana
Jobn McLaughlin.                                           ^^^

Fulton st, sws, 60.1 s e Vanderbilt av, runs
southeast 20 x southwest 80 x south b x west
41.4 to Vanderbilt av, x north 16.1 x easfc
23.2 X noribcast 80. Stephen R. Post to Jo¬
seph I. Kirby.                                        „   11,000

Pulton Bt, s 3,540.5 w FrankUn av. Release
from party wall conditions. Hamlin B ake
to Charies Blake, Everitt Clap^ Paul C.
Grening Jas. A. Thomson and Stephen C.
Griggs                                                      °°°^

Fulton at, s s, 540.5 w Franklin av. Release
from party wall conditions, &c. Charles
Blake, New York, to Everifct Uapp Paul C.
Grening, James A. Thomson and Stephen C.

HhUtofpi, n s, 100 w Elderfc av, 25x100, East
New York.     Daniel Howiey to Chariotte^^

F^tonpt' s s, 50 w Elderfc av 25x100, Easfc
New York. Gilliam Schenck to Mary How-

Gwinnett st, Nos. 106 and 108, e s, 138 s Harri¬
son av, 38x73.7x38x74.4. Sainuel Parnson to
Johanna Ewest.    Morts. S ,S00.         ,„„   .^^^OO

Hancockst, ns, 95 e Tompliins ay, 180x100.
WiUiam H. and Ebenezer C Jackson to
Richard Marsland.    Mort. §2,900              10,000

Same property. Richard Marsland to Benja¬
min Vight!   Morts. §7,0nO.                    JffiOO

Hopkins St. n s, S-.O e Marcy av 25x100.
Xaver Kaufman to Jacob Schoch. , Morfc
Oil 500                                                                                  ")'""

Hari, sfc] n s. 280 e To ..pkins av. 20x100, two¬
story dweU'g- Ellen wife of and Alexander
Nichol to Marcena M. Terry.                      d,700

Hart St, s s, ISO w Sumner av late Yates ay.
runs south 100 x east 50 x south 100 to Pulask.
6t, X west 200 x north 2O0 to Hart sfc, s easfc
150.     William Hatten to John M.   Piielps

TCnv    1S7S                                                                      10,UuU

Henry'St. easterly cor Cranberry st runs
northeast along Heury st 75.7 x southeast
61 11 X southwest 2.5.T x southeasfc 13 x south¬
west 25 X south 35.3 to Cranberry sfc, x north-
wesfc 7T.1. Cornelius V. .f Osfcrander to
Henrv G. Baden.    Mort. §22,000.                30 OOO

Henry st, w s. 160 s Harrison st, 20x88.6. John
H. Meyer to Patiek J. Leonard.                   i.-i^'J

Henry st, n w cor Sackett st 20x66. Benja¬
min Duuvilie, Newburg, to Mary A. Stevens
Mort. §6,000.                       ,^                 „„ l^;f""

Herkimer St., s s, 80 w Albany av, 22x100.
John Gibson fco John D. Sbedlock.               nom

Same property. John D. Shedlcck to Jessy
wifeof John Gibson.                                     a"°i

Halsey st, n s, 37u o Bedford ay. ^xlOO. S. F
Josephiue BrooKs to Emma L. Brooks.       8,000

Hicks st, es, 115 n Joralemon st, 20.8x7Tx20x
T7.    Lewis   R.   Stegman to Abial A. Low

Foreclos.                                            .vi^to V

Hicks st, u w cor Nelson st, runs north 133.3 x
we^t 84.6 s south 33.3 x wesfc 1.5o.6 x south
100 to Nelson st, x east 238. John L. How
to The Union White Lead Mfg. Co. Subject
to morfc. §26,000.    C, a. G.                            nom

Same property. Simeon E. Chittenden, Jr., as
assignee of Richard W. How, to John L
How.    Mort, §26,000.                 ^. ^.,.,      p.^O

Same property. Release from liability, <fcc.,
on account of mortgage. James How to
John L. How.                                               ^?^

Hubbard st, n w s. 335 s w Mill road, 14S-1-0*"'
acres,  Guuthei svUie.   C. Godfrey Gunther^^

Indilstrs 8*^175 e^l^rankliu st, 20x100 Archibald
K. Meserole and ano., exrs. M. Meserole, to
Thomas J. Meadow.                                 -,r,i'

India sfc, n s, 100 w West st, runs north 100 x
west 83'i to exterior line, x south 103.2 x east
799, with land under water East River. Re¬
lease dower. Lydia A. wifeof Theodore b.
Bird to James D. Leary.                          ,nn"°"^

India st, n s. 100 w West sfc, mns north 100 x
west 830 fco exterior bulkhead hne, x south
103 3 X east 79, with land under water.
East River, &c. Theodore S. Byrd, indi¬
vid. aud survivor of Bird & Boggs, to Jas
D  Leary                                                      li.^o^

JaV st, e s. 250 n Willoughby at, 25x107 6.
flosaline H., wife of Francis P. Sai-gent to
Samuel Hess.    Mort. §4..5t.O.                        8.000

Jefl^ersou st, n s, 350 e Marcy av, eOxlOa Jas.
D Lynch fco George H. Stono. ^^elease
mort.                                                              ^•'^^''

Jefferson sfc. n s, SSO w Marcy ay, 400x100.
Anna P. Tutfcle, Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y.,
toHelenC. Bogardus, Neiv York.   Q. C.   nom

Same property. Helen (1 Bogardus to Austin
S. Tutfcle, Bath, Steuben Co.. N.T,  Q. C.    nom

Kosciuskost, n 9, 2.50 e Nostrand av, IG-S^l™-
CaroUne D. wife of and Henry Read to E'sie
wife of Richard Patrick.                             •'■"'^

Lafayette av, n w s, 100 n q Broadway, 60x100.

James Debevoise to  Mary C.   Ohle.    Mori.
§1,000.                                                            1.600

Lefferts pi, n s, 152.10 e Clason av, 30x125.
brown stone dweU'g. Paul C. Grening and
James A, Thompson to EUzabeth wife of
Samuel T. Skinner.   Morfc. §8,000.              1-5,000

Lefferts pi, n s, 113.10 e Olason av. Release
from party wall conditious, &c. Richard L,
Crook to Paul C. Grening and Jas. A.
Thomson.                                                        nom

Lincoln pi. n s, 170 6 6thav, 30x137.3x20x136.6,
h & 1.    Josiah A. Wait, Troy, N. Y., to Will¬
iam M.   Brownell,   Hudson,  N.  Y.    Mort.
$3,000.                                                            8.500

Same property. William M. Brownell, Green-
port, N. T., to James McCaldin. Mort.
§3,000.                                                            8,500

Lincoln pi, s s, 359 e 7th av,   35x100.    James

McMahon fco Henry GauUieur.                     5,000

Lincoln pi, s a, 334.6 w Sth av. 1.6x100.    James

S. Suydam to Henry Gaulieur.                      500

Lorimer st, w s, -500 sMeserole av, lOxTO, h &
1 Harriet A. wife of and Carman PearsaU
to Wesley Hatt\    Morfc §3,200.                     4.250

Leonard sfc, e s, 150 n Nassau st, 25x160, h & 1.
Henry Preston, Jr., Keyport, N. J., to Ben¬
jamin Downing.    Mort. §4,000.                   6,000
Same property.   Benjamin Downing to Maggie

wife of Heury Preston, Jr.    Mort. §4,000. 6,000
Marion st, s s, 50 e Ralph av, 35x100.    Alexan¬
der U. Hanna to James W. Bitters.             4,SC0
Macon st, n s, 250 w Reid av, lOOxlOt*.    Benja¬
min Wright, N. Y., to Henry A. Foster. 10,800
MorreU st, e s, SO n Stagg sfc, runs east to Bush¬
wick av, x northwest along av. 20.8x corth
fco  MorreU st, x south 20, h & i.    August
Brandt   to   J. Valentine   KilUann.     Morfc.
$2,200.                                                             nom
Morrell sfc. e s, 80 n Sfcagg sfc, runs east to Bush¬
wick av, X northwest 30.8 x west to  Morrell
sfc, X south 20, h & 1.    Elisabetha M. wife of
J.   Valentine  KUIiam   to  August Brandfc.
Morfc. §3,200.                                                   nom
McKibben st, n  s,  129.6 e  Bushwick av, runs
north 151.8 X easfc 14.9 x north 33.11 x east

361 X south 139.5 to MoKibbeu st, x west
377 4 Richard M. Nichols to Seligman and
Abraham S. Trier.    Q. C.                            nom

Same property.     Daniel B. Whitlock to same.

C.a.G                                                          :^0,000

Mouroo st, 3 s, 420 w Marcy av, 20x100. Fred¬
erick C Vrooman to Harriet A. Fox. Mort.
$3,500.                                                             6.250

Palmetto st, s e s. 175 n e Bushwick ftv, 25x1ijO,
Foreclosure by adveitisement. Daniel B.
Ames, auctioneer, certifies fco sale of above
to Adrian M. Suydam for                              500

Pacific st, s s, 235 e 4fch av, 20x100, h & 1.
George A. Powers fco William Powers.
Morfcs., &c.                                                     nom

Pacific sfc,   s s,  315 w- Brooklyn av,  20x100.

Abel Crook fco Joseph E. Austin.                 4,500

Pacific st, s 3, 315 w Brooldyn av, 30x100.
Joseph E, Austin to Emily M. wife of T. J. P-
4verell.    Mort. §3,000.                                 4,750

Park pi. ns, 44.5.10 w Vanderbilt av, 20.10x131,
h & 1. Katie wife of James .1. Hagerty, heirs
J. Hagerty, to John Leonard, Moutclair,
N,J.    Q. C.                                                    nom

Richards st, s w cor Sullivan st,-10.9x107. Ix abt
119.3x100. Samuel E. Duryea to Thomas H.
McCormick.                                                   3,000

Richards st, s w cor SuUivan st, 40.9x137.1 x abt
119.3x100. Samuel B. Duryea to Thomas H.
McCormick.                                                   3,000

Smith st, w s, 135 n Livingston st. 59.lxl46.10x
59.1x147.1." Anne 0. wife of Hemy Marsh,
Marshville, Mich , to Johu J. Bouton, Jeisey
City. Conveyed fco secure loan for 10 years,
unless propertv is sold sooner, of                 3,500

Schemerborn st" No. 264, s s, 130.6 e Bond st,
14.(1x87,6x14.6x87.3. EUzaJ. Hamilton, indi¬
vid. and trustee G. H. Morris, dec'd, Dwighfc
H. Olmsfcead, individ. aud as exr. and fci-ustee
G- H. Morris, dec'o, and as exr. and trustee
of Margaret- Morris, dec'd, to Annie A. wife
of Henry M. Calvert.    Q. C.                        nom

Schermerhorn st, s s 85 w Hoyt sfc, 30x100.
David Hewes to Mrs. Rosalie H. Brown,
Oakland, Cal.    K part.                                nom

Schermerhorn st, s s, 85 w Hoyt sfc, 30x100.
Rosalie H. Brown, widow, Oakland, Cal., to
Isaac and John Lind.    Morfc. §4,-500.           7,.500

SoufchEUiofcfcpl, ws, 3l8n Lafayette av, 37x
100. Thomas L. Clark to Elizabeth L. Clark.

South EUiott pi, w s, 441.8 s Hanson pi, 20.10
xlOO   h & 1,    Beujamio Liuikin to Charles
Schmidle.    Mort. §3,O0LJ.                               i.SUO

South Oxford st, w s, 100 n Lafayette av, 23x100.

Charles O. Wolcott fco Helen M. Wolcott.  nom
Same propertv.    Helen M. Wolcott to Mary

E. wife of Charles O. Wolcott.                     nom

Sackett st, n s, 151 w., from n e cor Smith st,
24x100, probable error. Annie C. Leyden,
widow, to Charles H. Orr, Chicago. J^ part.
Mort. §3,600.                                                     612

Sterling pi, n e s, 90 s e 7fch av, 18.3x90, h & 1.
William Gubbius to Aiiiia M. wife of Satter¬
lee Arnold.    Mort. §5,500.                          111,500
Tiffany pi, ses, 259.6 s w Harrison st, 25x97.6.

Eliza Flanagan to James Wulsb.    Q. C.       300
Union st, n s. 37T e 6th av, 40x9il.    Maria A.
■wife    of   Nicholas   Harfcung    fco    Timothy
McCarthy.                                                     3,850

Van Buren st, s s, 232.8 e Stuyvesant av, 14.Sx
100 Adelaide A. wife of Edward K. Rob-
bins to Isaac C. Mills.    Mort. §1,800.          2,500

Verona pl,ws,2l),6s Macon st, 20.6x81.3x20x
85.9. Charies N. Peed to Mary A. Feytel.
Taxes 1882.                                                    5.500

Wall st, ses, 243.11 n e Broadway, 18.9x93.8x
18 9x94 I), h & 1. John MitcheU to Oscar H.
Doolittle.    Mort. §1,-500.                               3,450

Washington st, n w cor Yoik st, 49.10x56.
John L. Brower and ano,, exrs. J. L. Brower,
dec'd, to Francis Markey.    Q. C.                 nom

Willoughby st. s s, T7.0 w Lawrence sfc, 20x90.
Forecli.s.    Jackson Wallace to John H. Kelly.


2d pi, s w cor Courfcsfc, 35x133.5. Release judg¬
ment. N. W. Taylor, Cleveland, Ohio, to
WilUam Ferguson.                                        nom

South 2,1 st, easfcerly cor Tth st, mns southeast
24.3 X northeast 30 x southeasfc 0.6 x north¬
east 40 X uorthwest   25 to Tth sfc, x south-

■ west TO. Samuel Sargent and Sarah A. wife
of and George L. Volek to Catharine wife of
John H. Schroeder.                                       3,000

South 2d st, n 3, 99.10 e Tth sfc, 50x100, Samuel
Sargent, Sarah A, wife of and George L,
Volck, Mary E. Sargent, widow, to Mary J.
wife of Robert Ferguson.                            4,100

3d pi, n e s, 300 n w Court sfc, 20x100, h & 1.
Dennis M. Hurley to Edward and Susan J.
Lavin, joint tenants.                                    ''.000

3d st, n w E, 25n e South Isfc st. 25x38.Tx2.5x
39.9. George H. Bennett and Sarah M.
Runcie to Lizzie S. wife of Daniel 0. Div\-pr. 750

South 6th sfc, n s, 125 w 3d sfc, runsw€st40 x
north 5S x east 1.10 x south 19.6 x east 38.4 x
X north 41. Margaret C. wife of Oliver Van
Every to Cornelia B. wife of Theodore F.
Jackson.    Dower right, &;c.                           250

9th st, s 3, 100 e Courfc st, 37.6x100, two brick
dweU'gs. Daniel K. Hall, Jr., Gieu Cove, to
Susan Cariin.                                                 4,-500

37th st, centre line, s w s, IOO n w 3d av, runs
northwest to the exterior Une, x southwest
to centre Une 28tb st, x southeast to poi-it 100
uorthwest 3d av, x northeast to beginuing.
with wafcer righfcs, docks, &e. John W. Am¬
brose, New York, to David S. Arnott. }^
parfc    Sub. fco morfc. §37,000.                     10,000

Atlantic av, s s, 365.4 w Utica av. Release
morfc.    John B.oss to Emer.^on W. Perry,    uom

Bay av s w cor Bennett av, 75xl0u, Eist New
York Edward V. ThornaU, New York, fco
Calvin G. Doig.    Q. C.                                 nom

Bushwick av, e s, 102 u Maujer st, nins east
9T.6 X north 25 x west 95.4 to Bushwick av,
X south IT.IO and southwest both to along
av 7 4   Peter Kaiser, Jr.. to Mathias Brewer.


Bedford av, n w cor Parkav, 153.6x100. Foi-e-
clos. Randolph H. Cole to the Commercial
Bank, Brooklyn.                                          10,^00

Same property. The Commercial Bank fco J.
(J-rahaiu Glover.                                           10.50"

Bedford av, e s, 100 w Willoughby av, 25x100.
Lewis R. Stegman to The Mutual Life Ins.
Co., New York.                                             3,100

Bedford av, e s, 40 n CUfton pi, late Van Buren
st, 20x80. Richard Oliver, Sullivan Co., N.
Y., to John Clarke.    Mort. §2,500.              3,500

Bedford av, n w cor Hooper st, 24x100. Fred¬
erick Scholes to Maria E. wife of Edwin B.

Havens.                                             „     ,^.-c?^

Brooklyn av, se cor Douglass st, I29.4xl5i.b

x96.2 to Douglass st, x!31.9.
Douglass st, s w cor Brooklyn av, 34.4x149.10

xI.lO to Brooklyn av, xl45.7.

Isabella Anderson fco Martin Joost.             4,500

Ceulral av, s w s, 125 n w Jefferson st, 3.ix99.1

x24 6x100.     Samuel M.   Meeker  to  Franz

Praefcz,    Mort. *700.                          ^ „.  mn'*™

Central av, s w s, 25 n w Jefferson st, 25x100.

Andrew E. Burr, NashvUle, Tenn., to Kath-

nrins   A 11^3i<ir                                                         uUU

Clason av, w s. 281,10 s Gatesav, 29.6x100, h. &
1     Stephen R. Post to Joseph I, Kirby.    ]5,o00

Carlton av, e E, 165.10 s De Kalb av, 31x100.
W. W. Eerand to Ellen Hufccbiuson.           nom

Same property. Ellen Hutchinson, widow,
to Frances J- Berand.                                ^t""^""

Division av, s s, 50 w Schenck av, 50x100, New
Lois. Joaeph Buehler to Catharine Mol¬
loy                                                                    °^^

Division av, n s, 41.6 e of 2d st continuation, 20
x66 9 Foreclos. Lewis R. Stegman to Geo.
W. Demond.                                                J'j^

De Kalb av, centre line, ses, southerly end of
old lane, ISth Ward, 18.6 wide. Sarah D.
Vandervoort, widow, to Theodore F. Jack¬
son.                                                                    12^

De Kalb av, n e cor Central av, 100x100, hs. &
Is. Sophie TrevLranus, widow, to Catharine
Bootz, widow.    See Union av.                    exch

De Kalbav, s s, 286.1 e Nostrand av, 19.5x100.
Caiharine M. Brown, widow, to Caroline M.
wife of Alfred Fairhnrst.    Mort. §2,400.    nom

Flushing av n s, 400 w Nostrand av, 2.5x150,
Foreclos. Randolph H. Cole to George
Binns                                                              ^<^^^

Gates av, s s, 200 w Throop av, 18.9x100. Ann
J wife of Oliver Cotter to Emma wife of
Charies Drasser.    Mort. §2,000.                   3,600

Grpenpoint av, n s, 100 w Provost st, mns north
190 to Kent st x east 100 to Provosfcst xsouth
95 X -nest 25 x south to Greenpoint av x 75.
  v. 31, no. 775, suppl.: Page 36