Real estate record and builders' guide (v.31no.773(Jan. 6 1883)-no.798(June 30 1883))

([Brooklyn, N.Y.] :  C.W. Sweet & Co.,  1868-1884.)



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  v. 31, no. 775, suppl.: Page 38  

HE Real Estate Record

January 20, I883

Juch, Wilhelmine, wife of WilUam A., to Jobn
H. Deane. 107th st, s s, 100 e 2d av, 150x
100.11.    Jan. 13, 1 month.                            8,397

Juch, Wilhelmine, wife of and William A., to
The Home Ins. Co., N. Y. 107th st, s s, 100
( 2d av, S lots, each 2.5x100.11.    Smorts, each

James, D. Willis, to Alexander B. Crane, exr.
and trustee J. W. MitcheU, 10th av, n e cor
SOth st, 100.8x212. P. M. Subject fco morfc.
913,000.    Jan. 16,-diie Jan. 17, 1886.           28.000

Jenny, Ann M., wife of Jacob, fco John H.
Deane. Grove st, s s, 200 w Prospect av, lonx
200 to Ludlow St.    Jan 11, 3 months.           1,500

Jenny, Jacob, to John H. Deane. 126th st, s s,
165 e Sth av,   60x99.11.    .Tan.   11,  1 month,

$9,000.    Jan. 13, due Jan 1. 1884.               45,000

Karst, Katharine, wife of and Christian, to
Augustus F. Holly. SOth st, n s, 281.6 e Isfc
av,  50x102.2.     Jan. 12, due March 5,   1S83.


Kassel, Joseph, fco Moses L. Rosenfeld. Hester
necorLudlowst, 43.9x75; Hester sfc. No, 70,
s B, 35. w Orchard sfc, 25x75; Henry st, s s, 41
e Rutger st, 20x78. Jau. 2, installs, due Jan.
1, 1887.                                                           4,000

Keirns, John, to Charles H. RandeU. West¬
chester, U9fch St.    P. M.    Jan. 12, 1 year. 4,000

Kefcchujai, Miller and Mary W., Westport,
Conn., to Charle-i L. Atterbury, trustee. 1st
av, s e cor 17th st, 23x94, also properfcy in
Westport, Conn.    Nov. 13, 5 years, nofce. 43,000

Kocb, Maria A., wifeof and Peter, to Kafcha-
rina Hartmann. lOfch sfc, n s, 275 w Isfc av,
25x94.10.    Jan. I, 3 years, 5 per cenfc.         8,000

Kleingunther, Louis and Christiane, fco The
Empire State Widows and Orphans Soc.
Henry sfc, s s, 239.3 e Scammel st, 24x>^block.
Dec. 28, 3 years, 5 per cenfc.                          6.000

Kosfcer, Marie, wife of and John, and Harriet
wifeof ami Albert Bial, and David Roths¬
child to George Ehret. Chatham sfc, wes¬
terly cor Worth sfc, 57.7x64.3 to Worth sfc, x
66.S.    Lease     Jan. IS, 3 months.                 S.500

Knapp. Eliza C, to The Connecticut Mutual
Life Ins. Co.. Hartford, Conn. 25th st, n s,
328 w Tfch av, 21x98.9. Jan. 18, 5 years, 5 per
cenfc.                                                               6,000

Lalor, WUIiam S,. to Charles F. Hunter and
ano., exrs. and trustees A. Bieakley. 9th
av, nwcor 102d st, 75.8x100. P. M. Nov.
29, due Dec. 20, 1883.                                    6,240

Landauer. Julius, fco The Metropolitan
Savings Bank. lOlfch sfc, s s, 325 e 2d av, 25
xlOO.ll.    Jan. 15, 1 year, 5 per cent.           5,000

Levenson, Louis and Michael, to Lehman
Bernheimer, Munich. Bavaria. Broadway,
No. 688, e s. 73.5 s 4fch st, 27.3x130 to lane,
Jan. 16, due March 2, 1886.                         25,000

Lissberger, Francs, wife of Lazarus, to Solo-
mnn and Isaac R. Adler, of S. Adler & Son.
HOth st, s i, 180 e 4th av, 20x100.5. Jan. 4, 6
years, 4 per cenfc.                                         10,000

Liscomb, Sarah E,, to Ann Purdy, Harrison,
N Y. Willis av, w s„ 25 n MOth st, 35x85.
Jan. 11, lyear.                                              1.200

Lalor, WilUam, to Martha Garthwaite, Cran-
ford, N. J, Marion av, e s, lofc 121 map B.
Berrian farm, Fordham, 50x169x50x166, Jan.
13, 3 vears.                                                     3,000

Langerifeldt, Frederick, fco Hester A. Bertine.
Eastchester. Alexander av, e s, 30 n 134tb sfc,
20x75.    Jan. 6, 3 years.                                 1,000

Langscbur, Nathan, to the German Savings
Bank, Citv New York. 7th st, s s. 333 w
AvC, 25x90.10.    Jan. 10, 1 year.                 3,000

Losch, John, to Adrian, Jr., and Columbus CD.
Iselin. 2d av, e s, 73,11, s 36th st, 24.10x100.
Jan. 1, due Jan, 11, 1888, 5 per cent.          10,000

Same to George 0. Dempwolf. 2d av, e s,
73.11 s 36th st, 24,10x100. 3.1 mort, Jan, 1,
3 years.                                                          3,000

MoCdhiU, Annie L., Larchmont, N. Y., to
Max WeU. 3d av, e s, 19.8 s 31st st, 19.10x
95.    P. M.    Jan. 9, 1 year, 5 per cent.       13,000

McCarty, Michael, to John H. Livingston,
guard. Cath. L. Livingston. 54th st, n s,
170 w 3d av, 3.5x100.5. Jan. 10, due Jan. 15,
1888, 5 per cent.                                            7,500

Same to Clermont and John H. Livingston,
guards. C. L. de Peyster. Same property.
Jan. 10, due Jau. 15,1888, 5 per cent.          7,.5O0

Mead, Martha S., wifeof andlHenry B., fco The
Skama-ns Bank for Savings, " Cifcy New
York. 6th av, e s, 33.10 n 126fch st, 16.6x75.
Jau. 15, 1 year, 5 per cenfc.                           S,000

Mesler, Susan, Brooklyn, to William H. Bux¬
ton. King st, s s, 60 w McDougal st, 22x53.
Jan. 11.                                                             377

Meyer, PauUne, wife of Barthold, Hastings, N.
"?., to Abraham B. DeFrece. 17th st, No. 417,
E.,ns. bet Av A and Istav, 32x100. }4
part.    June 7, 1882, nofce,                             3.800

Morison, James J., to THE Continental Ins,
Co., New York. 26th st, n s, 444.T w 9th a\,
38x98.9.    Jan. 15, due Jan. 1, 1884.           15,000

Morris, Mary F., wife of Pati'ick, to The Gee-
man Savings Bank, City New York. Slst
Bfc, a s, 183 e 4fch av, 21x102.2. Jan. 13, 1 year.


McCoy, Rachel E,, wife of Andrew, to Mary
A. Paterson, formerly Mary A. Gassin, New
Brunswick, N. J. Grand st, n s, 54 e Sulli¬
van st, 16x60x12.3 along alley, x 24.6 along
another aUey, x 3.9x35.6, with;iright of way

through alleys.     Jan. 16, due Aug, 15, 1884.


McCready, WiUiom J., fco Louis A, Martin,
New Jersey. 109fch sfc, n 3, 100 w Isfc av, 25x
100.11.    Jan. 10, due Jan. 15, 1886.              5,500

Metzger, Henry, to Carolina Rosenberg. 69th
sfc.    P. M.    Jan. IS, 3 veal's, 5 per cent.      S,000

Moores, William, to Elizabeth Winter. 103d
st, n s, 80 w 4tb av, 25x100.11. Jan, 10, 3
years.                                                             2,000

Morgan, Catalina, fco William L. Hale. Wee¬
hawken sfc, ws. 24.3 n Christopher sfc, runs
wesfc 2S.10 X south 33.3 x northeast-SO x north
24.3.    Jan. 16.1 year.                                      42S

MuUaly, Julia, wife of John, fco Edwin A.
Bradley and George C. Currier, of Bradley
& Currier. 60 b sfc, n s, 175w]0fch av, SOx
100. Subject to mort. $31,000. Jan. 10, 4
months.                                                          3,300

Mulrein, David, fco Thomas J. Crombie. 9th
av, w s, 75 n 12Bth st, 24.11x75. Jan. 3,
secures lumber bill.                                         800

Mace, Levi H., and Frederick S. Gwyer, of L.
H. Mace & Co., to Henry Loomis, Burling¬
ton, Vt. River av, n w cor liiOth st. Lease¬
hold.    P. M.   Jan. 17, 3 years                     6,000

MuUane, Mary P., to Anna M. wife of George
S. Fraser.    22d st.    P. M.    Jau. 12, 5 yrs. 6,000

Naumann, Fredericka, to Simon Hay. Or¬
chard St. See Conveys. Jan. 15, 5 years,
or installs., 5 per cenfc.                                  4,500

Naumann, Fredericka, with Simon Hay.
Agreemeufc as to payment of certain morfc-
gage, &c.                                                        nom

Neaiis, James J., to Philo T. Ruggles, referee.
Jumel pi, 167th st. See Conveys. Jan. 4, 3
years, 5 per cenfc,                                           1,104

Noble. WilUam, fco Jobn C. Umterfield. 76th
si. No. 28 E., s s, 19.11 w Madison av, 20x
102.2.    Jan. 11, 1 year.                                 9,750

Noble, William, to Tbe White, Potter & Paige
M'fg Co., Brooklyn. 76th st, ss, 140 w Madi¬
son av, 19x103.3.    Jan. 1, 6 months.          10.000

Same to same. 76th st, s s. 118,1 w Madison av.
23.1x103.3.    Jan. 1, 3 months.                     6,150

Olwell, Hugh, to John Corbefct, Jr. Av C, n
w cor Cedar st, 25x100, Jan. 11, 1S83, 3
years.                                                                500

Parkinson, Robert W,, to George N. Man¬
chester and WiUiam N, Pbilbrick. 139fch it,
n s, 237.6 w 6fch av,-37.6x99.11. Subject to
mcrts. 518,750. Jau. 16, due March 1,
1883.                                                                1,300

Plumiey, Emma C, Tarrytown, to The West¬
chester County Savings Bank. Union
av, lots 9, 10 and II map WUIiam A. and
Jobn Ashe, Morrisania, 75x100. Jan. 12,
1 year.                                                  '             600

Protzmann, Casper, fco Hugo Mayer. Avenue
A. w g, 25.8 s T4fch st, 25.6x100. Jan. 18, 5
years, 5 per cent.                                           7,U00

Palmer, Susan J., wife of George N., Passaic,
N. J., fco Adelaide M. wife of Isaac Bell.
S4fch st, n s, 500 e Tth av, 50x98,9. Jan. 15.
3 years, 5 per cent.                                      6,000

Pfletscbinger, Amelia, wife of Frederick, fco
John M. Fefczer. 2.5th st. No. 165 W., n s, 95
e Tth av. Jan. 12. Secures payment to party
second part of y^ the rent less expenses dur¬
ing his life, and thereafter the payment fco
his son of                                                              TOO

Phillips. Moss S., Brooklyn, to The Chaeter
OakLifeIns. Co., Hartford, Conn. Broad¬
way and Exchange alley. P. M. Jan. 11,
demand.                                                      150.0CO

Renoud, David E., New Rochelle, to John G.
Ross. 24tbsfc, n s,325 w Isfc av, 25x98.9 Jan.
16, 1 year.                                                      1,000

Rifcter, John, fco Theodore Schlosser. Green¬
wich av. No. 119, s s. Jan, Ifl, 1ST8, due Jan.
1, 1879.                                                            2,000

Robe, Annie M. and Florian, to Euginia F.
Kratkie. 33d st, s s, 410 w 8fch av, 20x98.9.
Jan 15, due Jan. 1, 1888, 6per cent.              5,000

Reubenstone, Hyman, to Julius Rosenberg.
Cherry sfc, No. 191, s s, 25.6x60x25.4x60.
Jan 11, 1 year, Spercent.                             1,000

Rodman, Jobn F., fco fche New York Savings
Bank, 4th st. P.M. Jan. 11, due June 1,
1885, 5 per cenfc.                                           15,000

Raymond, Aaron, to Stephen R. Lesher. Sth
av, w s, 100.5 s 5Tth sfc, 25x100.     Jan. 17, de-

.f,mand.                                                           27,000

Samuels, PhUlip, to John Hofmau. Henry st.
P. M.    Jan. 11, 5 years, 5 per cent.            7,000

Schaefer, Louis F., to Otto Waefcerling. 5th sfc,
n s, JT.i e Av A, 25x9T. Lease. Jan. 17, due
Jan. 2, 1885.                                                   1,000

Sheridan, Pafcrick, Elizabefch, N. J., toCordelia
E. Boardman, extrx. G. G. Yvelin. 2d av,
es, 50.5 n ISlst sfc, 26.3x71. Jan. 17, due
Feb. 1, 1886.                                                 11,000

Same to John Falconer aud ano., trustees.
121st st, n s, 71 e 2d av, nms north 7S,8 x east
29 X norfch 35.3 x easfc 75 x south ICO. 11. fco
121st sfc, X west 104; 2d av, e a, 25 n 121st
st, 50.8x71,    Jan. IT, due Feb. 1, 18S6.        31,000

Simmons, ('amue!, to The Mutual Life Ins.
Co. 2d av, n w cor 135tb st, 99.11x130. Jan.
18, due March 1, 1S84.                                 35,000

Same to John Ross. Same property. Jan. 13,
3 months.                                                       3,600

Smith, Ann M., widow, to EUen M. Cay wood
Brooklyn. Madison av, lUfch sfc. P. M.
Jan. 16, S years.                                            3^500

Sperry, John J., fco Alexander P. and Edgar,
Jr., Kefcchum, exrs. E. Kefccbum. 125fch st.
P. M.    .fan. 18, 1"^ yeai-s.                             T,500

Smith. John L., and W. Wheeler Smith, to The
Bank for Savings. City of New York. Sth, 157.9 n 41st st, 16.9x100, with use of
alley crossing rear. Jan. 16, dueiu Januaiy,
1884, 4K per cent.                                        40,000

Smith, Le'wis R., to Ida A, Hays. 6th av, w s,
60nl27thst, 19.11x100.    Jan, 16, 6 years. 12,000

Stager. Abram, to Eleanor Rowland, Istav,
u s. 260 e 3d sfc, 120x100.    Jan, 12, 3 years,   100

Stapletou, BUza, wife of Patrick, fco Jacob
Doornbos, 14-5th st. s s, 150 e Brook av, 35x
100.    Jan. 16, 3 years.                                     600

Satterlee, Samuel K,, trustee G. Carter, dec'd,
to Frances A. Barnard. 42d st, n s, 370.10 w
Sth av, 20.10x100.5.   Lease.   Jan. 11, 3 years.


Same fco Mary A. B. wife of Alfred Wagstaff.
4'>d sfc, n s, 250 w 5fch av, 20.10x100.5. Lease.
Jan. 11, 3 years.                                            5,000

Schreiuer, John, to Conrad Sfcein, admr. Char¬
lotte Kammerer. Leroy st. No. 56, s s. abt
150 w Bedford st, 25x85. Jan. 10, 5 years, 5
per cenfc.                                                         7,000

Schneider, Jacob, to Auna wife of Pefcer Hin-
richs, SOfch sfc, n s, 4^5 w 10th av. 25x100.3.
Jan, 13, 3 years, S per cent.                          6,000

Siehecker, Henry, fco Jobn Elenk, 29fch sfc, No.
;-i31 E., n s, 366.3 e 2d av, 23.4x98.9. Jan.
1-3, 1 year.                                                          400

Same to The German Savings Bank, City
New York. Same property. Jan. 13, 1
year.                                                               6,000

Sfcevenson, Vernon K., fco Henry S. Fearing et
al., trusiees Amey R. Sheldon. 58th st, n s,
100 e Madison av, 60x50.10. Jau. 6, due Jan.
8, 1888, Spercent.                                        15,000

Stone, Robert A., and George Healing to Geo.
F. Johnson. 04th st, s w cor Lexington av,
75xl0;i.8.    Jan. 11, due April 24, 1883.       10,000

Strauss, Celia, wife of and Jacob, fco Henry
Balser, Sr. SOfch st, n s. P. M. Jan. 15, 3
years, 5 per cent.                                          5,500

Toal. David D., to William Ehlei-s. llth st. n
s, 93 e Av B, 25x103 3.    Jau. 1, 5 years.      6.000

Toch, Moses and Bernard, to The Mutual
Life Ins. Co., New York Bowery, No. 35,
e s, 50 n Bayard st, 35xl74.3x25x abt 1T7;
Bayard sfc, No. 34, n s, 86.3 e Bowery, IT.Gx
49.11 fco above lot. Parties second part now
hold mort. on above for ?22.000. Jan. 13, ■
due March 1, 1S84, Spercent.  '                   3.000

Tomlinson, Charles G., to.Edward W. Sheldon.
lOfch av, 102d sfc. P. M. Nov. 28, due Dec.
I, 1886.                                                            8,000

Townsend, John P., and Edward Tuck fco Leh¬
man Bernheimer, Munich, Bavaria. Priuce
st, Greene st. P. M. Jan. 15, 5 years, 5 per
cent.                                                              75,000

Same wifch same, Agreemenfc. Parfcies of first
part to expend at least SIO.OOO in repairs of
premises in above morfc., and party of second
part to i-eceive principal sum before due if
requested to do so.                                         nom

Treacy, Anna M., wife of and George A., to
Robert T. G. Kirkpafcrick. Isle of Wight,
Eng. 124fch sfc, s s, 250 e Sfch av, 25x100.6.
Jan. 16. 3 years.                                            IS,r0O

Treacy, Richard H., to John BeU. 139fch sfc, n
s, 406.3 e Sth av. 18.9x99.11.    Jan. 16, note.  811

Taylor, Edwin M., fco Amelia Kerr and auo.,
exrs. H. A. Kerr. Howard sfc. P. M. Jau.
15, due Jan. 1, 18^6, 5 per cent.                 36,000

Valhella, Joseph Von H., known as Joseph
Baron Von H. ValbeUa, to Pbiiip Hoegg.
2d av. No. 113, e s, 103.9 n 6fch sfc, 26x135.
Jan. 8, installs 4 vears, 6 per cent.           17,000

Wesfcphal, August, to Esther Wittgenstein.
1.59th St.    P. M.    Jan. 13, 1 year.                   300

Whittbigham. Elizabeth, to The Mutual
Life Ins. Co., New York. Great Jones st.
No. 37, s s, S66.S e Broadway, 26.3x90.
Jan. 15, due March 1, 1884.                       7,000

Willioms. Mary M., wife of and George A.,
to Charlotte D. Davis, Philadelphia, Pa.
126th st, s s. 105 w 2d av, 25x99.11. Jan.
1.5, 5 years, 5 per cenfc.                               3 500

Wolffe, Frederick, Monfcgomery, Ala,, to
Abram E. Bamberger. 57th sfc, n s, 575 w
Sfch av, 25x100.5.    Jan  11, demand.        34,T0O

Wright. Samuel 0., to Frederick Aldhouse.
127th st, n s, 335 w Tth av, 50.Sx99.I1.
Dec, 19, 5 months.                                        5,000

Wright, Samuel O,, RockviUo Centre, L. I., fco
Johu Ross. 1S7thst,ns. 375.8 w Tfch av, 49.10
x99.ll.    Jan. 16, 4 months.                          3,000

Wright, Sfcepben J., to Jobn Rose. 127fch st, s
s, 219 8 w 3d av. 30x99.11. Subject fco mort.
$IS,000.    Jan. 13. 6nionfchs.                          4,000

Wright, Stephen J., to The Germania Life
Ins, Co., New York. 130tb st, s s, 235 w 7th
av, 20x99.11.    Jan. 17, due Nov. 30, 18S5. 11,000

Same to same. loOth st, s s, 345 w Tth av, 20x
99.11.    Jon. IT, due Nov. 30, lUso.              11,000

Same to same. 130th sfc, s s, 265 w Tth av. 17.6
x99.ll.    Jan. 17, due Nov. 30, 1885.           10,000

Same to same. 130th st, s s, 283.6 w Tth av,
lT.6x99.11.    Jan. IT, duo Nov. 30, 1885.     10,000

Zemansky, Rebecca, to Alice E. Poor. J^enry
st, n s, 71.4 6 Jeffiersoust, 24x87.6. Jan. 17, 2
years, 5 per cant,                                             6,0OH
  v. 31, no. 775, suppl.: Page 38