The Record and guide (v.39no.981(Jan. 1 1887)-no.1006(June 25 1887))

(New York, N.Y. :  C.W. Sweet,  -1887.)



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Hall.... 371.

Hameraley (see Houston)___111.

Hamilton.... 109, 484.
Hammond (see West 11th).


Henry, from Oliver to Market... .559, 840.

Market to Eutgers... .450, 484, 629.

Eutgera to Jefferson... .484, 629, 808.

Jefferson to Clinton... .44, 77. 237, 707, 371.

Clinton to Montgomery... .237, 270, 594.

Montgomeiv to Scammel ...484,594.

Scammel to'Granrl... .302, 450, 667, 741.

east of Grand .. .629.

indelt .. 523, 5M, 707.
Hester, east of Essex... .77, 559, 594, 707.

from Essex to Orchard-----40, 170.

Orchard to Forsyth .. .109,270, 450.

Bowery to Mulberry .. 40, 707.

Mulberry to Centre'... 410, 694, 707, 774.
Hoboken... 773.
Horatio, east of Hudson .. .667.

weat of Hudson___335, 484.

Houston, west of Bedford___811.

from Bedford to Macdougal... 11,12, 109,
629, 667, 707.

Sullivan to B.oadway___77, 067, 871.

Bowery to Forsyth___410.

ror8>th to Allen... .237, 450, 629.

Essex to Canton... .205, 484, 871.

Clintou to Columbia... .139. 410,

Columbia to Cannon...  109, 205, 741.

Cannon to Goerck ... 559, 594.

east of Goerck ...450, 594, 774.

indeft... .484.
Hudson, south of Laight....634, 844.

from Canal to Broome___450, 559, 741, 774,


Broome to Barrow... .523, 629.

Barrow to West 10th... .139, 489, 774.

West 10th to Bank ...774,871.

nor th of Bank.... 77, 774,808.

Jackson, from Henry to Monroe___335.

Monroe to Water... .237. 594, 667, 707.


Jamea... .371, 434, 707, 840.
Jane... .450, 594, 840.
Jay....l09,139,371, 774.
Jefferson... .109, 110, 205.


John, east of William... .667,808.

Jones___335. 484.

Jumel terrace... .632, 707, 741, 808, 841, 871.

King....594, 808.

Kingsbridge road....44, 109, 111, 112, 141, 173,
• 305. 306, 371.374, 410, 412,484, 525, 774.

Laight, from Varick to Hudson___40, 77, 205, 371,

Laurens (see South 5th av).
Leonard.... 170, 629.
Leroy, east of Bedford___205.

from Bedford to Hudson___484, 523, 536,

594, 774.

west of Hudson___170. 335,


Lewis, south of Stanton___411, 594, 774,

from Stanton to Houston___371, 629,667,774.

Houston to 2d ...303,411,559.

2d to 4th... 523.
Liberty, east of Naaaau___410,667.

west of Broadway___40. 371,

Little West 12th .. .F40.

Ludlow, from Hester to Grand___12, 237, 774.

Broome to Delancey___205, 237, 667.

Rivmgton to Stanton.... 110, 302, 778.

Stanton to Houston... .110, 113, 141, 205,
338, 523,

Macdougal, eonth of Houston,,,.HO, 371.

from Houston to West 4th... .450, 484, 808.

Macomba Dam road___337.

Madieon, west of Catharine___559, 840.

from Catharine to Market___139, 594, 629.

Market to Pike.... 170, 237, 559.

Pite to Rutgers....373, 303, 335, 338. 371.
375, 563, 594, 667, 671.

Butgera to Jefferson___205, 335,629. 634,


Jefferson to Clinton___373, 338, 559, 774.

Clinton to Montgomery___308, 34i>,  371,


Montgomery to Scammel... .40,141.

Seammel to Jackson .. 170, 335. 484, 559.

east of Jackson___335, 629.


Maiden lane, east of William___237, 741, 774, 871.

from   William to Nassau___80,  113,139.

Mangin, aouth of Delancey___40.

north of Delancey___237, 302,.559, 840,

Manhattan, east of 9ch av___43,140,

from 9th to 10th av... .411, 629, 741, 774.

10th av to Boulevard... .371,523.

Market, from Cherry to Madison___40.170, 411.


north of Madison___667.

Mercer, south of Prince___206, 629.

north of Prince... .110. 169, 525.

Minetta lane___411.

Monroe, weat of Market .. .308, 7^1, 774,

from Market to Pike .. .139, 270.
(Also see Eutgera pi for Monroe at, bet Jefferson
and Clinton).

Pike to Clinton... .237, 411.

Clinton to Gouverneur—303, 536.

Scammel to Jackson___12, 270, 308,634,

Montgomerv ... 303, 774, 811.
Moore ..707, 74L
Morton, eaat of Bedford... .270, 523.

from Bedford to Hudaon ...335,335,338,
523, 536.

west of Hudson___237, 307, 559.

Mott, south of Park.., .205, 629, 741, 840,

from Park to Bayard ,. .40,170,741, 871.

Bayard to Canal... 371, 594,
Canal to Hes er .. .139, 303.    •

Broome to Spring___523. 629, 808,

Spring to Prince .. .667, 707.
Prince to Bleecker... .110, 303.
indeft ...666, 840.

Mulberry, south ot Wor.h___371, 411.

Worth to Park... .170, 488.

from Park to Bayard .. 77,  110,  170, 206,

340, 371, 594.
Bayard to Canal... .237, 335, 522.
Canal to Hester..  .12, 206, 371, 667.
Hester to Spring... .237, 411, 840, 871.
Spring to Prince... 170, 206. 371,484,741,


Nassau, south of Liberty___237, 594.

from Liberty to Fulton___525, 808.

New, south of Exchange pi... 11, 173, 340.

north of Exchange pi___522, 536, 840,

(12th Ward)... 840;841.
NewBoweiy....335, 659,

New Chambers___110, 523,

New Church....371.

Norfolk, from Hester to Grand .. .303, 411,

Broome to Delancey___110,170,

Delancev to Eivington___484, 559, 594, 629,

667, 871.

Eivington to Stanton___237, 371, 629, 774.

Stanton to Houston___40, 170, 303, 371, 808,

North William.... 774,

Oak.... 371.

Old   Blooming lale   road___(See  Bloomingdale


Old Stewart....237.

Old Maria... .306.

Oliver, from Madison to Cherry___40. 110,594,


Orchard, south of Canal___740,

from Hester to Delancey___12, 523,667,

Eivington to Stanton... .40, 77, 303, 667.
north of Stanton___634, 667.

Park row, from Ann to Chambers___741,744,

774, 871,

Chambers to Mulberry___594, 707.

Mulberry at to Chatham sq... .307, 371, 559.
Pearl, south of Broad .. .12, 139,

from Broad to Pine___170, 411.

Pine to Piatt... .139, 237, 270.

Piatt to Fulton... .667, 707, 740, 808, 841,

Fulton to Rose___77.

Rose to Park... .40, 559. 774,

Park to Elm.... 523, 707.

Elm to Broadway___77.

Peck slip....206,


Pentz .. .77,170.

Perry....270, 335,

Pike, north of Madison.., .170, 303, 484,

Pine, east of William___110, 270,

west of William... .237, 450, 594,
Pitt, south of Delancey___40, 206,

from Delancey to Rivington___40,303, 450.


Eivington to Stanton___110, 774,

north of Stanton___170,

Piatt,...371, 808,

Prince, eaat of Sullivan... 40, 5S4,

weat of Sullivan... .170, 371, 484.
Public Drive (see Boulevard).

Eeade.east of Hudson.,,.206, 338,

from Hudson to Greenwich .... 110, 871, 594

indeft ...237, 536,



Eidge, aouth of Delancey___170, 523.

from Delancey to Eivington .    237, 450, 629,

Eivington to Stanton___303, 841,

north of Stanton... .170, 803, 450, 841,

Eiverview terrace___594.

Bivington, from Mangin to Lewis___170, 835, 696.

Lewis to Sheriff... .40, 270.

Sheriff to Willett... .411, 523,

Willett to Pitt.,, ,335, 594,

Eidge to Clinton___77, 450.

Clinton to Suffolk... .12,110, 303,

Norfolk to Orchard.,.. 371, 450,

Orchard to Allen... .206. 594,

west of Allen.... 270, 829, 774.
EooBOvelt.... 110,484, 841.
Eo8e....40, 139,169.
Eutgera, from Canal to Madison___694, 808, 808,

Madison to Cherry___523, 629.

Sheriff, aouth of Delancey___40,559, 629, 871.

from Delancey to Rivington___774.

north of Rivington... .14, 270,411, 808.
South, from Whitehall to Wall___<t50, 707, 774.

Wall to Beekman.... 307, 841,

Oliver to Market___414, 484.

Market to Eutgera___629, 634.

eaat of Eutgera___808, 871.

South Washington sq .. 78.

South William... .525,559,774.

Spring, from Mott to Crosby... .411, 528, 741.

Crosby to Greene___44.

Greene to Wooster___140, 559, 629, 667.

Wooater at to South 5th av___303, 335. 523.

west of South 5th av... .77,140.
Spruoe....523, 559, 667.
Stanton, eaat of Goerck___523, 594.

from Goerck to Sheriff... .484, 594. 741, 774,
840.                    ^

Sheriff to Willett.., .12, 77,139, 667.

Willett to Pitt ...303,484,

Pitt to Eidge....411.

Ridge to Clinton .. .303, «1,629, 741, 774.

Clinton to Orchard___110, 371, 707, 871,

Orchard to Allen.... 110, 206, 303

Allen to Forsyth___206, 371,484, 774.

Foray th to Chryatie... .77.170, 594.

west of Chryatie... .308, 871.

Stone, west of Coenties alley___170, 270.

eaat of Coentiea alley___40,559, 774.

Strykers lane or road... 843.

Stuyveaant... .450, 741, 743.

Suffolk, south of Grand... .206, 237, 667.

from Grand to Broome___741.

Broome to Delancey___12, 484, 594.

Delancey to Eivington .. 741.

Eivington to Stanton .. 12, 110, 139,170.

north of Stanton... .338, 489, 671, 871.
Sullivan, south of Prince... .371, 707, 774.

from Prince to Bleecker___40, 335, 450.

north ot Bleecker... .110, 270, 483.

Temple....628, 844.

Thames... 808.

Theatre alley.... 741,

Thomas.  ..40.

Thompson, from Broome to Spring... ,44.

Spring to Prince___238, 335, 629.

Prince to Bleecker___871.

north of Bleecker... 78,170, 629.
Tompkins, south of Delancey___667.

Union sq (see 4th av).

Varick, south of Broome... .307, 411, 774, 872.

north of Broome___270.

Verdant lane.... 206, 596, 598, 633.

Vesey....414, 808, 811.

Vestry, east of Hudson... .205, 523.

Walker.... 667.

Wall ...667,808.

Warren, east of College pi___371, 484, 841.

west of College pi       139. 563.
Washington, south of Carlisle___238, 371.

from Carlisle to Cortlandt___139, 238.

Cortlandt st to Park pi___44, 308, 667.

Park pi to Canal st .. .484, 559, 773,

Canal to Charlton... .40, 238, 335, 484. 667.

Houston I0 Barrow___111. 629,

Barrow to West 11th.... 139, 484.

West 11th to Jane___40, 77, 559, 629,

north of Jane... .110, 139, 140.
Water, west of Broad... .707, 741, 774.

from Broad to Wall___410 411.

Wall to Ejosevelt___335, 667, 707.

Catharine slip to Rutgers at___371, 484, 629,

634, 841,

Rutgers to Clinton .. .40, 335, 667.

Clinton to Scammel___373, 559.

Watts....741, 774,844,871.

West, from Cortlandt to Fulton___44, 741.

Fulton to Reade___110,170.

Bead6 to Canal... .634, 667, 871,

Canal to Perry... .111, 489, 523,

north of Perry___707, 774, 841,

Weat Broadway, from Duane to Worth___523. 629,


Worth to Franklin... 238, 411.

north of Franklin___77, 303,707,

White.... 629.

Whitehall, from Stone to Water___335, 411, 559.

Water to South... .140,170.
William, south of Fulton... .371, 525, 707, 710.

north of Frankfort... .523, 774.
Willett, from Delancey to Eivington., ,.206,270»

north of Eivington___40, 303, 774.

Worth, east of Broadway-----307, 371, 411,629, 840..

Wooater. from Broome to Spring___140, 559. 629»


Spring to Priuce___206.

nor th of Prince___77, 629, 811.

York.... 303.

1st. eaat of 2d av ,, .667, 871.

weat of 2d.... 40, 450.
2d, from Av C to B... ..559, 629.

B to A.... 113, 340,303.

westof A....113, 632.
3d,eastof AvD....40, 774.

from D to C.., ,40, 77.170, 206, 629. 841.

C to B,,,,303, 811.

B to latr, ,.45, 454, 583, 631.

1st to 2d.,, ,140, 303, 594, 707, 808.

2d to Bowery... .40,110, 206.

(late Amity) Broadway to South 5th av....
668, 841.

Sullivan st to 6th av... .170, 303, 523.

4th, from Av D to C... .78, 450, 707, 741.

ns, CtoB....80,173.

B to let___454, 536, 634.

1st to 2d... 270,303.

2d to Bowery... .40, 206, 694, 741.

Bowery to Broadway___40,371.

Broadway to 6th av___78,170, 206.

Barrow at to 8th av... .40, 559.
5th, eaat of Av D-----741,

from D 10 C..,, 12, 371, 594.

C toB... 371,634.

Bto A ...303, 375.

Atolat ...307, 811.

let to 2d ...489,536.

weatof2d....484, 667, 871.
6thj eaat of Av D... .78, 80.

from D to C.... 110, 303, 484,841.

0 to B....13. 774,

Bto A... 141,173, 375.

1st to Bowery.... 170, 238,
7th, n a, from Av D to C... .170, 594, 774, 808.

as, D to C...450, 774,

C to B..,.484. 778,808,

weatof Ist. ...40, 803,

indeft.... 141.
8th, eaat of Av D... .411, 559,

from D to C...,40,140,525.

Ctolat....523, 667,

ns. let to 2d ,,.110,559,707.

s a, Ist to 2d... .371, 450, 594.

n a, west of 2d,,., 140, 629, 707, 774,

8 s, west of 2d., ...77. 307, 338,523, 671, 774;

(see St. Markapl for 8th st, from 3d to At A.)

(see Clititou pi for 8th jt, west of Broadway.
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