The Record and guide (v.39no.981(Jan. 1 1887)-no.1006(June 25 1887))

(New York, N.Y. :  C.W. Sweet,  -1887.)



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  v. 39, no. 982: Page 60  

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The   Record   and   Guide.

January 8, 1887

West Broadway, Nos. 28, 30 and 32, and No.
156 Duane st, being West Broadway, n w
cor Duane st. James Gibson and Eliza
Crawford, White Plains, to Bernard Win-
termeyer; 10 years, from May 1,1887.....     2,700

West st, Nos. .326 and 327. George Hegarty
and Denis Shields to Elmira Morgan; 7
years, from Oct. 1. 1886 ..................     1,500

West st. No. 205.    Gustavo Voege to Louis

Lfihnig; 7 years, from May 1,1887.. .1,200 and 1,400

14th st. No. 20 W., stcra and basement. W. J.
Demorest to George Isaacs; ^% years,
from Aug. 1,1886..........................      7,000

17th st. No. 8 W. Geo. L. and A. C. Kingsland,
exrs. A. C Kingsland, to Caroline R. Gi-
hon; 3}4 years, from Feb. 1, 1886.....      3,000

37th st, Nos. 635 and 63? W., two lot^. George
and George P. Blinks to The Putnam Co.
Cnemical Works; 6 jears, from May 1, '83.        320

49thst, ns, 225 e llth av, lot. Anna A. Ma¬
guire to Dennis J. Gallagher; 5 years,
irom June 1, 188.5......................        156

Slst  st,  No.  338 E.    Mary Kaiser to  John

Brembs; Syears, from Aug 1, 1886   ......        4-20

87th .st. No. 105 W. Augustus H. Havemeyer,
Newburg. to Stephen F. Horton, Peeks-
kill (privilege to purchase for $18,0C0); 8}^

.    years, from Jan. 1, 1887....................     1,000

Av B, s w cor 20th st, runs south 93 x west 95.6
X south 93 to 19th st, x west 95 x north 93 x
east 23.9 x north 93 to 20th st, x east 166.9.
Henry D. and John U. Brookman to Tobias
New; 10 years, from Jan. 1,1887, per year,
$4,200, and increase during last 5 years___ av. No. 873, cor 161 t st, house. Claus
Umlandtto John Evers; 3^ years, from
Jan. 1, 1887...............................        780

Pleasant av. No. 430, stere. Martha M. Read,
Washington, D. C, to Bertha Marks: 3^
years, from Nov. 1,1886...................        480

3d av. No. 1444, and No. 176 Fast 83d st, s w
cor. Whitman Phillips, Ridgewood, N. J.,
to John MuUer; 3 years, from May 1,1887..     2,700

3d av. No. 2)93, store and back cellar. John
Moeller toEmilHass; 3 years, from April
1,1886................................ .     1,400

3d av. No. 898. Jao^es H. Coghill to John For¬
ster; to years, from May 1,1887...........      3,100

6th av. No 963, store and cebar. Frederick
W. Saltzeider to John D. Kattenhorn; 9}^
ye; rj, from Jan. 1.1889....................     2,800

9th av, iSos. 1313 and 1315, two stores. George
Wolfe to Hermann Borger; 5J^ years,
fromNov. 1, 18S6.........................     1,800

10th av. No. 2.59. Stevenson and F. E. Towle,
exrs. .'. Towle. to Mary A. CaldweU; 3
years, from May 1, 1886 ...................        600

Same property. Release of all interest in
lease. Mary A. Fifzgerald fco Thomas Mc¬
Shane and Pat. J. Rodgers ..............      -----

10th av. No. 667, s w cor 47th st, store and front
ceUar, John B. Badley to B. P. Kenney; 5
years, from May 1,1883, with privilege of
renewal afc increase nofcover 10 per cent, of
present rent .............................       1,800

llth av, w s, 88 s 50th st, lot. EUen and Anna
J. Maguire and Helen M. Parker, heirs Pat'k
M^'guire, to James Hand; 9>^ years, from


Note.—27ie a7-rangement of the Conveyances, Mort¬
gages and Judgments in these lists is cts follows: the
Arst name in the Conveyances is the Grantor; in
Mortgages, the Mortgageor; in Judgments, the Judg
ment debtor.



Beach, J W, et al—J Boyle, South Orange......    $550

Brous, H W—A V Lockwood et al, 3d av, s w

cor Summer lav, 25x100...................... 4,000

Brown, J S—M A Brewster, Bloomfleld.........    8,800

Carr, Martha—L Lemoine, s s Baldwin st, 25x90.. 8,300

Collins, S L—C W Anderson, Montclair..........     500

Davis, W C—R M Sfciies. Bloomfleld..............     300

Day, j C—W H Vreeland, Summer av...........  1,200

Derivaux, F X—L Koerner, w s Jones sfc, 230

from South Orange av, 30x143................ 6,000

Draper, A C—B Newmark, Montclair..........        1

Farmer, E H—W Ayres, e s Ogden st, 301 f fc n of

Cross sfc, 326x50..............................18,0f0

Qorski, Matthew—W H Kuebler, w s Broome st,

129 ft s of Mercer st, 26xlC0 ................. 2,375

Gould, R S, Jr—P E Schneider, e s Broome sfc,

176 ft s of Waverly pi, 25x105   ........... ,. 2.200

Graf, Elmora—The M & C C, n w cor 13th av   '

and Richmond st, 183x100.................  8,500

Grover,' J W—A Fink, e s Belmont av, 630 ft s

of Montgomery st, 50x100................... g,000

Harrison, Barnabas—A A Jayne, Orange........      30

Hame-----same. Orange........................      15

Havell,MC—E UnderhUl, CalaweU.,.......... 3,000

Hayes. Henry-C Koegel, e s Bergen st, 406 ft n

of 17th av, 72x85............................ 8,400

Hess, J N—J Perry, s s Springfleld av, 156 ffc e

of South 12th Bt, 125x76......................11,000

Jackson, J M—A C Lowerre, East Orange...... 8,000

Lee, William—F W Davis, North Sth sfc..........     200

Lister, Alfred—F Ahrens, Esther sfc..............     400

Lockwood, E W—H W Brous, s w cor 3d and

Summer avs, 25x100......................... 4,000

MandevUle, Cornelius — H L Curren, e s of

Wright st, 75 n of Brunswick sfc, 25x85........ 3,000

McDevitt, Catbarinei-F Wotiz, s w cor Warren

and Norfolk sts, 33x90...................... 2,500

Meyer, H F W—R M Erler, North 7th st..........    400

Michie, Alexander—E E Peer, Montclair......... 3,500

Moessner, Gottlob—W P Wells, Foundry sfc..___    S^O

Same-----same. Foundry sfc,.. —..,...........     475

Morris, S S—G R Wolters, Broad sfc............. 1,000

Nelson, J D—0 MandeviUe, Wright sfc............     950

Parker, R W—O Borcherling et al, Madison st....        1

Parkinson, William—J W Dobbins, Orange......        1

Peer, A E—A Michie, Monfcclatr.................  3,500

Perry, James—J N Hesse, w s 5th sfc, 186 ffc s of

Orange sfc, 37x100............................. 5,000

Pfeifer, J H—M Seufferfc, Littleton av...........     435

Quinby, E E, et al—W D Patterson, Newark.....     400

Shaw, Sylvanus—F Cummings, Milburn___. ^___      25

Smith. Grace—H Lang, Academy st.....,.......          1

Smith, JW—HB Thistle, Orange................     100

StremmeU, Cathartne-^M C Stremmeli,  South

The Equitable Lite ins Soc of ij "s—3? * MoMaJaus   ''
sta!, WeftOraaga,...,............m.•>.,>, iOjIiQO

The State Banking Co—J Fischer, w s Littleton

av, 116 e of Cabinet st, 33x100............... 2,800

The Mut Ben Life Ins Co--J Aheam. w s Jeffer¬
son st, 141 s of Market st, 134x100............ 6,000

The Trus of fche R U S S Assoc—E Mulf ord, Liv¬
ingston......................................        1

The Y M C A of Newark—G W Vernet efc al, s w

cor High and James sts, 141x100.............. 7,000

Thistle, H B—J B Bray, Orange................10,500

Walker, G H—E SkiUin, West Orange............      40

Ward, A C, et al—E D WUlegerod, Hawkins sfc..        1

Weiss, Ignatz—J Goeren, n s Springfleld av, 60 ft

w of Hayes sfc, 35x100........................15,000

Wharton, Charles A, guard—J Throm,   e s of

Prince st, 75 ft n of Montgomery st. 50x100... 4,000

WiUigerod, E D—The M and O C, e s Hawkins st,

125 s of Ferry sfc, 185x200...................... 5,000


Albe, Theodore—A Riker, Bergen st.............     150

Ahearn, James—The Mufc Ben Life Ins Co, Jef¬
ferson sfc................................... 4,000

Andrews, S A—M J Mulligan, Montgomery sfc.. 1,300

Becker, John—F J Kastner, Camden st..........     800

Berk, M A—C D Hayes, State st................     250

Bleich, Martin—E C Hay, Fairview av..........     7.50

Boyle, John—J G Morrison, South Orange.....     250

Brewster, J C—J S Brown, Bloomfleld.........  1,800

Brower, J L—The Mpch B & L Assoc, Augusta st 8,5o0

Carrington, A M—E E Bond, Orchard st ........  8.500

Chesney, Robert—W B Isbam, CaldweU........ 2,500

Curren, H L—T D Edwards, Wright sfc..........  1,400

Daniels, L F-The Howard B & L Assoc, Cut-

l-^r st......................................... 2,000

Davis, F W—W H Lee, North 5th sfc..............     200

Dean, C G—E L Joy, Mulbsrry sfc................  8,000

Dean, D A—The Bloomfleld Sav Inst, Alden sfc,.. 1,400

Doremus, S M—A SomerviHe, BelleviUe av.......     600

Dunn, Miohael—H T Waugh, Monfcclair......... 1,000

Fischer, John—The Sfcate Banking Co, Littleton

av..........................................     500

Florence, P H—K Florence, Plane st............. 1,000

Goeren, John—The Prud Ins Co, Springfleld av. 8^00

Same —I Weiss, Springfleld av............... 2,500

Gormly, WiUiam—M T Barrett, BeUeville .......     250

Green, G R—J C Hewitt, Montclair..............     7.50

Grimm. Joseph—R H Ball, Quitman st___......     .300

Hagar, G J—The Newark Fire Ins Co, Mulberry

st...........................................     500

Haines, G H—S K Winans et al. East Orange....     700

H eath, L B—S R W Heath, College pi.........2,lii0

Henry, Alexander—S S Doughty, Hayes st......  1,500

Herrmann, Frederick—A Rommel Waverly pi..     600

Hesse, J N—Tbe Prud Ins Co, Sth st............. 2,000

Hewitt, 0 P—The Peoples' B& L Assoc, Penning-

tonst.................................     900

Koegel, Conrad—A R Hayes. Bergen st.......... 1,600

Knebler, W H—The Passaic B & L Assoc, Broome

st ...    ..................................... 2,000

Lemome, Leon—M A Wharton, Baldwin sfc......  1,100

Lvons, M F—G Kulule, Lafayette sfc.. *...........     700

MandevUle. Cornelius—T D Edwards, Wright st 2,000
McManus, Patrick—The Equitable Life Ins Co,

West Orange................................18,500

Nolte, Henry—F Habich. Belmont av............    400

Passaic Quarry Co—R S Renwick, FrankUn.....10,000

PauU, Edmund—The Am Ins Co, Nesbit st......     250

Purssell Lydia—The Sec Sav Bank, Gould av... 4,250

Quinn, John—M E Campfleld, Orange........... 1,000

Raphel, E C—R Martin et al. Orange,............ 6,000

RoUpiller, H G—W Thierfelder, Montclair......      400

Sartorius, Frederick—P Bonykamper, Jr, Niaga-

„ ..rast     ......................................  1,200

Schmidt H—The Howard Sav Inst, Springfleld av 7,000

Schneider, P E—R S Gould, Jr. Broome st...... 1,000

Stendle, Henrietta--M A Naundorff, Ridge st...    300
The Orange Athletic Club—C J FrankUa,Orange 12,000

Thorp, J G—J Ward, Jr, East Orange...........  1,000

Van AUen, Benjamin—Firemen's Ins Co, South

llthst...................................     300

Vu-net, G W—The Y M C A, High st............. 6,500

Wells, WP—G Moessner, Foundry st..........    20O

Winters, Osmer—M G Jacobus, Napoleon st.....    700

Wotitz, Fanny-The Savings B and L Assoc,

Warren st................................. 2,500

Wuench, Henry—The Prud Ins Co, Charlton st,. 2,000
Zusi, Louis—M Hof her, Morris av.............. i ,100


Benbrook, J F, 78 N J R R av—J Van Nest,
ofiSce furniture, &c..................

Benry, C F, 133 Jackson sfc—F C Edwards, piano

Benton, E M, ISO Mfc Prospecfc av....A J Keil,

Bradley, P D,S7 Springfleld av—P Hauck, saloon

Brokaw, Isaac, S3 North 7th st... 0 Bierman,

BurdeU, P H, 77 Bleecker st—C W Clayton,

Fitzgerald, Geo, Montclair — Thomas Lioble,
horse and wagons...................

Fruehinsfeld, Jennie, 18 William st—G Krueger,

Gaven, J J, 45 Quitman st—W Smith, horse,
wagon, &c................    ..............___

Haines, G H, Bloomfleld—I M WUliams, cows'
horses, &c.................................

Johnson, Henry, Clinton—C C KendaU, furniture

Masson, Karl, Elm road—M Stern etal, cows..

Mott, Daniel,418 Broadst—G Bierman, furniture

Olmstead, A H, Bloomfleld—Wilkinson, Gaddis
& Co, groceries....................;.....-.....

Sayre, L J, 98 Summer av—B Morris, furniture!

Schlorstein, Fred'k, 14 Library court—H Broth¬
ers, machinery.................

Seavey, Ora, 23 BelleviUe av—F Frelinghuysen,
butcher flxtures, &c..........

Terhune, A H, 33 Lemon sfc—A Pelisse, piano" *'.

Ttroop, E W,914 Broad st—D P Fowfer, furni¬

The Bogardus Nov Co, 40 Mechanic sfc^ W
Bloodgood, machinery.........

Wheaton, J E, 82 Sth av—M Wheaton, butcher



Ardlto, John—C K Oarmon, Hoboken,.....

Beekman, Henry and WiUiam—B Meyer, J City S

Bergen, C J—P Semler, Jr, J City..............

Broderick, Lawrence—J Marshall, j^ City.

Buttner, Charles—G Buttner, J City.' .......'.'.".*

Buttner, George—Caroline Buttner, J City.....

Cannon, 0 K—Catharine Ardito, Hoboken,,..

Clark, C '^—D A Hopkins, J C ty ........

Clai'k, Edward—W Broeser, J City   ....

Church well, Elizabeth J, Abby H AUen and
Charlotte and I^awrence Eggleston—W H
Bogardus, Union........."............

Cowper, W B~J C Long, J City........',.'.'..'..

Crosby, .Aaaa w^S w J&oMj West Sofeohto.....









.* 42









Oronan, J H—The New Jersey Junction Rail¬
road Co, J City............................... 1,000

Currie. M J—F Drexler, Bayonne.......;........     885

Delo, Julia, by special guard—Elizabeth Eemla.    306

Dircher, G J—Annie R Reid, Hoboken........... nom

Dule, H C—J M Stewart, J City.................  nom

Ehlers, Andreas—L Becker, Guttenberg........  nom

Florence,  A  WUson.  by special   guard — H

Schneegrass, J City....... ,.................     750

Fontaine, Benoit—R L Clayton, West Hoboken,.     305

Friend, Julia—P Reis, West Hoboken...........     235

Gilbert, Augustus—M Walsh, J City.............  1,000

Gleason, Alice—VTargaret Gleeson, Harrison....  nom

Gleeson. Margaret—T E Gleeson, Harrison___,.  nom

Glenn, Eliza, exr of—Susan Luxton. J City......     375

Godfrey, Joseph—Ellen Hurley, J City..........     500

Green, WH—JGilson, J City.................... 2,375

Janssen, Babette—Auguste Heller, J City......  5,500

Kirby, Ruth A—J MarshaU. J City......... .....  1,800

Lawless, Patrick — Magdalena Doscher, Hobo¬
ken........................................       26

Macintosh. James—The Syndicate Knitting Co.. nom

Moran, William, et al—W Moran, Bayjnne...... 1,B58

Northrnp, W W—E Clark, J City...............    nom

Pearson, W J—D F Reed et al, Hoboken......... 2.800

Reid, James—G J Ducher, Hoboken............. nom

Reynolds, G E—The Hoboken Land and Im¬
provement Co, Weehawken..................     100

Shannon, James—Maria Banahan, J City........ nom

Surell, Mary E—MaryE l-uryee, Bayonne.......  4,100

Shannon, Michael—Ellen J Bosdevex, J City   .. nom

Sheriff, H R—H Stubs, J City................... 5,000

Skinner, J A—W J Noble, Kearney   ...........     150

Stevens, .John, E A, R L, C A and Martha B—

The Hoboken Land and Impt Co, Hoboken.. nom
Stevens, John, E A, R L and C A—Martha B

Stevens, H oboken___........................ nom

Same—R Stevens, Hoboken.................... nom

Stevens, Martha B—J Stevens et al, Hoboken,.„ nom

Stewart, Estha A—H C Dule, J City. ............ nom

Strathmann, Amalia—Anton Kunzli, Union..... 2,000

The Sth Ward Savings  Bank—J Van D Reed 5,880
The Hoboken Land and Impt Co—F W Frerichs,

Hoboken.................................  15,040

Same—J Stevens et al, Hoboken___ .......... nom

The Hudson County Nat Bank—P Mulqueen____     700

Toffey, W V—The New Jersey Junction Railroad

Co,JCity................................. 4,500

Torpey, Bridget, by trustee—Bridget Torpey___ nom

Trapp, N H, et al. by sheriff—G Hauser..........  ] ,090

Van Solingen, Eliza—G O SuUivan, Harrison___     700

Von  Drehle,   Herman,  exrs of—-J Hedderich,

Weehawken...............................     390

Von Fish. Hannah, James and Margaret L Mur¬
phy, children of John Murphy, dec'd—Mar-

garefc Murphy, Harrison ....................  nom

Vreeland, Margaret—W P Wescotfc, Bayonne___  5,000

Wallace, Hiram—B Brady, J City................  1,200

Ward, F W, Emma Nichol, Julia Delo and Kate

Longernecker—Elizabeth Kemlo, J City___      918

Wheeler, W B—W V Toffey, J City.............. nom

Williams, J B—J B Warren, Kearney............ 4,000

Willis, H E—F Heintze, J Cifcy.................  1,400

Wilson.  Florence A,  by special guard —Ann

Flannagan, J City............................     750

Same—^B Walsh, J Clfcy...................... 8,800

WUson, EUzabeth T—R Walsh, J City............ nom

Same-----H Schneegran, J City................. nom

Same-----Ann Flannagan, J City................ nom


Ashbey, Margaret R—Sophia L Condict, 1 year.. 4,!300

Brady, Bernard-H Wallace, 2 years..........     900

Burns, James—The Peoples' Building and Loan

Assoc, Kearney, installs................. .-. 1,700

Burns,  Margaret—The Peoples' Building   and

Loan Assoc, Kearney, installs................     200

Chapin, George—The Mutual Life Ins Co, Harri¬
son, lyear..................................17,500

Eisele, John—J G Morgan, Union, 3 years...... 2,600

Btzkorn, Sebastian—Charlotte Eickhoff, 6 years 3,600

Gahr, Fidel—R Flocke, Harrison, 1 year........ 2,000

Gilson, James—J H Adamson, 1 year............  1 800

Glesson, T E—The Peoples' Building and Loan

Assoc, Harrison, installs....................  l 600

Haggerty, J C—The Lafayette Mutual BuUding

and Loan Assoc, installs.....................     600

Hanser, Gustav—Julia Mager, 3 years...........     800

Heller, Augusta—T K Dunham, 4 years.......    6,000

Hedderich, Jacob—Exrs H Von Drehle, Weehaw¬
ken, l year..................................     190

Hopkins, D A—C G Clark, 5 years............... 6,000

Kearney, Theresa J—The Peoples' Building and

Loan Assoc, H arrison, installs...............     400

Kuhn, Raymond—J WHamblet, West Hoboken,

Syears.................................     250

Kunzli, Anton—AmaUa Straihman, Union, 1 yr.  1,500
Lawson, Laurence—The Excelsior Mutual Build¬
ing and Loan Assoc, installs.................  1,0C0

McAusland, John—The Jersey City BuUding and

Loan Assoc, installs....................... 6,000

McKelvey, John-T McGuire, 1 year.............     300

Merz, Andrias—J E Wickmann, Wesfc Hoboken,

lyear.....................................     350

Montgomery, W J—M A Morton, 1 year........    1,800

Mulqueen, Patrick—Agnes Van Horn, 10 years .     60O
Mulvanen, Thomas—The Peoples' BuUding and

Loan Assoc, Harrison, installs...........      1 oOO

Mm-phy, Margaret—The Peoples' Building and

Loan Assoc, Harrison, instaUs...............   . 300

Noble, W J—The Peoples' BuUding and Loan

Assoc, Harrison, installs....................   1,100

O'ReiUy, John—A A Lufckins, S years.........    1,800

Reed, J V D—The Fif th Ward Savings Bank, 1

year........................................ 2,940

Roche, Margaret—The Provident Inst for Sav¬
ings, 1 year...........................„... 2,500

Rowland, Nancy—J N French, 1 year___"....... 5,000

Rush, W F—Sophie B Watson, Hoboken, 1 year 1.000
Bleaman, J H—The GreenviUe Building and Loan

Assoc Bayonne, 9 years. ...............^.  1,360

Stuhr, .p^nry—H R Sheriff, 8 yiears.............. 2,ono

SuUivan. Q Cw-P C Schuyler, Harrison, 4 years.    400
WaJsh, Michael—A Gilbert, lyear...............    600


Aspden, JuUa,   Newark—Jordan   & Moriarfcy,

fnmifcure................................     154

Bodenmann,   John, Union — R Aifcarfa, Swiss

silk embroidering machines.................  1,000

Bruno, Michale — Carmine de Aginto, barber

shop......................................     175

Carr&.Hobson (Limited), Bayonne—The Mer¬
cantile Trust Co, machinery..... ........100,0r0

Hayden, J J, and T P Mackin—M J Mara, en¬
gine, boiler, fonndrv.....................  1,500

Leber. John, HoboKen — Jordan   & Moriarty,

furniture....................................     122

Rusch, W F, and Henry Cordts, Hoboken-^

Sophie B Watson, frainfe buUding.......... 1,000

Schilz, -Annie, Hoboken'=Jordan &  IlIoriartTi
  v. 39, no. 982: Page 60