Real estate record and builders' guide (v.46no.1164(July 5 1890)-no.1189(Dec. 27 1890))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 46, no. 1173: Page 315  

September 6, 1890

Reconl and Guide.


Cromwell's Creek in front and adjacent to
uplands of Ardrew Findlay, contains 1 24-ltO
acres.   Bept 3,1 year, 5 %.                        15,000

De Forest, WUUam H., Jr., to George E. Hyatt
Convent av, s w cor 144th st, 99.11i94.5.
Sept 2, due Sept 1,1891, 5 %.                     .57,.500

De Forest, Anita H. wife of George B. ta Mary
Stunrt widow. Sth av. P. M. Aug. 2i», due
Aug. 81, 1892. 4K i.                                     80.000

Damorest, W. Jennings and Joseph J. Little to
The Manhattan Club. 5th av and 15cb st.
P. M. Lease.  Aug. 29, due Sept 1, 1891. 12,500

Dreeben, Simon to Celia Rubenstein. Suffolk
st. No. 12.   P. M.   Sepc 2, 3 yeais.            6,.500

D'Antonio. Vincenzo to Bernheimer & Schmid.
llth st. No. 416 E. Saloon lease. Ang. 30,
note, demand.                                                   300

Davis, Ralph to Buess & Co. 133d st, s s, 185
w 5th av, .50x100. Aug. 28, due Dec. 1.
1890.                                                                   500

Damm, Jacob and Elisabetba his wife to Fran¬
cia tiite and Sophie his wife. 85th st. No.
344, 8 s, 173.4 w 1st av, 26.8x102.2. Sept. 3,
due Jan. 1,1896, 5 5^.                                     4,000

Dempsey, WiUiam to Ferdinand Greenbaum.
131st st, s s, 212.6 wParkav, 17.6x99.11. Sept
4, due Sept 5,1809.                                        1,500

Same to same. 76th st, n s, 116.8 e 2d av, mns
north IS X east 2.4 x north 84.2 x east 81 x
south 102.2 to 76th st, x west aS 4. CoUateral
to last mort.   Sept 4, demand.                   1,.500

Dunn. Isaac L., Stamford, Conn., to John Mc¬
Grath.   146th St.   P. M.   Sept 2, 1 year. l,40o

E jkert, Barbara to Margaret G. Gerken. Union
av, s w cor Cliff st, 101.2x127.11x101.2x128 3.
Sept 4, 2 years.                                              5,000

Eckert, Frederika to Frederick Koezly. 80th
St. P. M. Aug. 30, due Sept. 1, 1893, or
sooocr S ^                                                      (5 ^00

Parley, 'Patrick to Lily W. ChurchiU ft aL
exrs. Louis C. Hamersley. 74tb st, n s, 360 e
Columbus av, 20x102.2. Aug. 29, 3 years,
5 i.                                                                 28,000

Same to same. 74th st, n s, 380 e Columbus
av, 20x102.2.   Aug. 29, 3 years, 5 %,           29,000

Same to Jacob K. Lockman and ano. trastees
Frances I. Sage. 74th st, n s, 320 e Columbus
av, 20x102.2.   Aug. 29, 3 years, 6 %,           28.000

Same to Calharine E. Swain extrx. James M.
Prescott. 74 th st, n s, 340 e Columbus av,
20x102.2.   Aug. 29, 3 years, 5 5.                 29,000

Same to George G. DeWitt, Jr., et al. trus¬
tees Sarah A. Honsman. 74ih st, n s, 300 e
Columbus av, 20x102.2.  Aug. 29, 3 years, 5 %,


Fitzpatrick, James J. and Margaret D. his wife
and Charies C. ChurchiU to Charles B. Pf rry
and Richard W. Stevenson trustees Mary P.
Tucker. Deed of tmst. Tiffany st, e s, 279.3
s 167th st, 25x100.  Aug. 29,5 years or sooner.


Same to same. Tiffany st, e s, 304 3 s 167th st,
25x100.   Aug. 29, 5 years or sooner.            1,550

Fundis, Jacob G. to The Ehigbant Indust.
Savings Bank, New York. 26th st. Aug.
29.1 year.   See Conveys.                             6,000

Frischkom, Sopbia to Karl M. Wallach. 76th
St.   P.M.   Sept 1. insteUs, 5 ^.                   1,950

Feeks, Emma to American Co-operative
Savings and Loan Assoc. Tinton av. P.
M.   Aug. 30, installs, 5 %.                             3,000

Felbel, Edward to St Luke's Hospital, New
York. Water st. No. 614, n s, •2<5.2x64..5x26.3
X65.6; Water st, No. 616, n s, 20.6x65.11x19.10
x65.6. Sept 3, due Dec. 1, 1895, 5jJ. See
Conveys.                                                        25,000

Same to George M. MiUer exr. James H. Woods
Water st. No. O."©, n s, 26.2x07.11x25.7x67.11.
Sept 3, due Nov. 1, 1895, 5 %.   See Conveys.


Friedman, Ignatz to Sarah Frank. Pitt st. No.
57.   Sept 1, due Mar. 2, 1891, 5 %.               2,000

FeUows, Lizzie M. wife of and John R. to
EQurraBLE Life Assur. Society of the
United States. 152d st, P. M. AprU 14.
due Jan. 1,1892, 5 %.                                    18,000

Same to Louis Stix. Same property. P. M.
Sub to mort $18,000. AprU 14, due Sept. 3,
1892.                                                                 4,000

Friedland, Fanny wife of and Solomon to
George W. CampbeU exrs. George C. HaU.
Madison st. No. 254, s s, .52.6 w Clinton st, 20
z90.   Sept 3.3 years, 5 %.                          10.000

Same to Rosa SaoerskL Same property. Sept
3, 2 years.                                                          800

GoodfeUow, Edward G. to Buffalo Door and
Sash Co. 2d av, s e cor 94 th st, 100.8x100.
Aug. 12, 3 months.                                         6,500

(xOodfeUow, Edward G. to Jonas Weil and
Berahard Mayer. 2d av, s e cor 94th st, 100.8
zlOO.   Bub to mort.   Sept. 2, demand.      5,000

Gonraud, Manfred T. F. to Hannah J. GiUette.
Lexington av, e 8, 20.5 n 53d st, 20x64. Sept
3, due Sept 1,1861, 5 %.                              11..500

Gregg, James to The Emigrant Indust. Sav¬
ings Bank. 16th st, n s, 100 w 7tb av, 17z
65.   Sept 2, lyear.                                       4,000

Gluck. Ignatz to Samuel Cohen. Stanton st
P. M.   Aug. 30, due March 2,1893, or sooner.

„                                                                        5.950

Hemmel, Jobn and Katharine to Timothy Ly¬
ons. Lexington av. P. M. Sept 2, due
Sept 1,1892,                                                   1,000

Horstmann, Henry J. to The F. & M. Schaefer
Brewing Co. Park av. No. 1875. Saloon
lease.   Aug. 23, demand.                              2,000

Hnmaert Charles to Frederick Oppermann, Jr.
lOftth 8t« 8 8,150 w 1st av, !Kzl00.11. Sept 2,
8 years, 5 j{.                                                     6,000

Hogenauer, Alphonse to WiUiam B. Kings-
land. 40th8t,n8,205e3dav.3Sz96.9. Sept
3j 5 ywrs, iW i.                                 jh,m

Bolt, John W. toi'Mer DoeIg«ir.   2d av, No.

Hall, James T. to Julius Weill..Titusville,
Pa. 121st st, n 8, 188.6 e MadJIgon av, 46x
100.11.   Aug. 28, 6 months.                          6,000

Hamilton, Ida M. wife of George W. to Julius
Lipman and William Cohen. Amsterdam
av, n e cor 90th st, lOO.SxIoO. Building loan.
Aug, 28 due Jan. 22, ISiH, or sooner.      45,000

Hure, Mathilda to Bembeimer & Schmid. Stb
av. No. 2609. Saloon lease. Aug. 29, de¬
mand.                                                  T         3,000

Hutehinson. John W. to Alfrdd J. Taylor and
WUliam D. Peck. Ridge av; Sedgwick av.
P. M.   July 29, insteUs.                      gold, 4,900

Hynes, Jobn to Carl Kurz. 1G3d st, u », 215 e
Courtlandt av, 25x173.3, 23d Ward.   July 8.

2 years, 5 «.                                                       .500
Hummel, Berthe and Annie wife of Benjamin

Steinhardt to August M. WeiL 9th av. e s,
49.4 s 56th st, rans east 70 x north 49.4 to 56tb
st, X east 3U x soutb 100.5 x west 100 to av, x
north 51.1.   Aug. 29, due Sept 2, 1892.      2,000

Same to The Homestead Bank. Same prop¬
erty.   Sub. to morte. $83,000.   Aug. 27, note,


Hartmann, Henry W. mortgagor with Mo^s S.
Phillips et al. errs,. Sec, WUliam Wateon
mortgagees. Extension of mort. at 5 %.
Aug. 1.                                                             nom

Haft, Alexander to The New York Security
AND Trust Co. Cherry st, Nos. 282 -236. P.
M.   Sept 4, 5 years, 5 S.                             30,000

Same to Myer Finn. Same property. P. M.
Sub. to last mort   Sept 4,1| month.s.        6,000

Isaacs, Rachel to James C. Miller. 104th st
P. M.   Sept 1, installs., 5 %,                        6,.500

Isaac, Ix)uis to Isaac Gktodstein. Mott st. P.
M.   Aug. 28, installs.                                    7,000

Jackson, Bridget E. wife of Frank M. to Dis¬
trict Number One of the Independent Order
Benai Berith. 3d st, n w cor Wooster st, 42x
7410.   Sept 3, 3 years, 4K *•                    20,000

Katzenstein. Sopbia wife of and Charles to
William H. Beadleston. a5th st. No. 215, n
s, 233 e 3d av, 27x110.8.   Sept. 3, 5 years, 5 %.


Same to Salomon Marks. Sameproperty.
Sept 3, due Mar. 3, 1891, 5 %,                      2,500

Koessel, Frederick R. and Eva his wife to The
WUliam Peter Brewing Co. 14th st. s s, 96 e
Av A, 25x103.3.   Aug. 28,1 year.                2,000

Krebs, Edward to The title (jIuarantee and
Trust Co. 115th st, s s, 130 w 1st av, 20x^5.
Sppt 4. 5 years. 5 «.                                       4,000

Kolben, Nettie wife of Edmund to William
Dempsey. 113th st P. M. Sept. 2, due
Sept. 1,1891.                                                   1,200

Levy, Marks to Sarah A Sand.s. East Broad¬
way, No 145, 8 8, bet Pike st and Rutgers st,
25x75.   Sept 4, 5 years, 5$.                          5,000

Lowenstein, Anna wife of and Henry M. to
The New York Life Ins. and Trust Co.
Rutgers pl (Monroe st) Nos. 10-22, s s, 108.2 e
Jefferson st,  180x112.1x180x103.8.    Sept. 4.

3 years, 43^ %.                                               68,000
Le^'y, Racbel wife of and David to Berahard

Heinrich and Sarah his wife, lllth st. No.
115, n 8, 127.6 e 4th av, 15.11x100. IL June
30, 1 year.                                                       2,500

Lubs, Abraham to Robert NicboTson. TeUer
av, w 8,134.6 n 163d st, 16.6x110. May 14, 3
years, 5 %.                                                      ' 2,500

Lapin, Cbarles to Phineas R. Hauxhurst, C^
wego, N. Y. 138ih st. No. 303, n s, 75.4 w
Sth av, 16.4x99.11. Aug. 30,1 year. See Con¬
veys.                                                                3,000

Same to same. 1,39th st. No. 302, s s, 7.5.4 w Sth
av, 16.4x99.11. Aug. 30, 1 year. See Con¬
veys.                                                                3,000

Same to same. 139th st. No. 304, s s, 91.8 w Sth
av, 16.8x99.11. Aug. 30, 1 year. See Con¬
veys.                                                                .'',000

Same to James M. Varnum and Richard M.
Harison. i:«th st. No. 305, n s, 108.4 w Sth
av, 16.8x99 11. Aug. 30, 1 year. See Con-
vays.                                                                1,750

Same to same. 139th st. No. 306, s s, 108.4 w Sth
av, 16.8x99.11. Aug. 30,1 year. See Con¬
veys.                                                                1,7.50

Lafrentz, Carl mortgagor with Cornelia Trim¬
ble mortgagee. Extension of mort. Aug.
25.                                                                     nom

Ijewis, Charles, Jacob and Martin M. to The
Bowery Savings Bank. Ist av, w s, 74.1 s
40th st, 248x75.   Sept 2, 5 years, 4>^ *.   10,000

Lederle, George to NeUie C. Van Reypen.
WUliam st, s e s, 65 6 n e Chambers st, runs
southeast 55.7 to Chambers st as extended, z
east 21.7 z northwest 8.7 x east 1 z northwest
64.1 to William st. z southwest 22.8, being
No. 260 WilUam st and 19 New Chambers st;
also all title in estate of Sebastian Lederle.
Sept 3, due July 1.1893.                                 675

Lelong, John to Tbe Title Guarantee and
Trust Co. 124th st. P. M. Sept 3,3 years.
*H%.                                                               6,000

Manhattan Brass Co. to The Emiokant Indus.
Sayings Bank. 28tb st, s s, 97.U w 1st av.
77.3x98.9.   Sfpt. 2,1 year.                          20,000

Mobs, David to Emma L. wife of Francis Mc¬
Guire. 79tbst P. M. Aug. 26,1 year or
sooner, 5 %.                                                     6,000

Masucci, Alfonso and FeUppo del Negro to
Charles Caimelleti and Joaepb Schenobe.
Oliver st   P. M.   July 1, instaUs, 4^ %■ 10,000

Madden. WUliam J. to Josepb O. Smyth. 216tb
st   P. M,   Sept 2, installs, 5 %                  3,000

Morrison, Julian L, Sarah M., Rosalie and
Gertrude to JuUus J. hyoof, Broome st,
No4. 472 and 474, n s, 60x100. JlU interest in
estate of Moaes Horrisoa dec'd. Sept 2,5
years or sooner.                                          500

Mcbityre. Edward F. to Tu WASBorOTON
Un lire. Co. C«otr»l Fwk WwI, • w cor

84th St. P. M. Sept. 3, due June 1. 1893.
5 i,                                                                 .5(>,000

Same to same Central Park Wtst, w s, 40.4 s
b4tbst, P. M. Sept 3, due June 1, 1893,
5 %.                                                                :i5,000

McLaughlin, James to Emigrant Indum.
Savings Bank. C7th st, n s, 175 e 10th av.
2.5x100.5.   Sept 3, I year.                          10,000

Miller, Margaret F. wife of and Augustus F to
Jamps A. Stiiker. fiL;d st. P. M. July 1, 1
year, 5 %,                                                         3,000

Moore, Margaret P., Mary P., Iselin ard Mar¬
garet G. Philipse trustees Mary M. Gouver¬
neur. Mary M. Gouverneur, Mary P. Iselin
and Mai garet G. Philipse trustees Margaret P.
Moore, and Margaret P. Moore, Mary M.
Gouverneur and Margaret G. Philipse trus¬
tees Mary P. wifec/ John H. Iselin. also with
said Mary P. Iselin trustee of Catharine W,
FhiUpse'and Margaret G. Philipse nnd all
the ai»ove individ. to Bank for Savixhk,
New York. Wil'iam st, Nos. .W, 52, .54 and
47 Pine st, being William st, s e cor Pine st.
runs south 6K.4 x east 42:4 x south 9.3 x east
48.1 X north 7ii.4 to Pine st, X west 91..!. Mnv
13, 1 year, 4 5?.                                                     i;5."0OO

Moses. Elisa to Patrick and Mary Dsgnan. 2d
av.    P. M.   Aug. 29, due Sept 2, 1.V.M, 5 <i.

MscLaughlin, Hermine wife of George C. to
Henry Lipman. Morton st, Nos. 47 and 4U.
P. M.   May 2S, due Jan. 1, 1S91, or sooner.


Sa'ne to JuUus T<ipman and Moses Kind. Same
property. Building loan. Aug. 7, due Jan.
1.1891, or sooner.                                         27.500

McKinlay, Duncan C. to Andiew Crawford.
73d st    P. M.   Aug. 28, demand.              .50,000

Same to George Crawford. Same propeilv.
Aug.  28,   demand.                                      40.000

McNabb, William to The Union Dime Sav¬
ings Inst, of City of New York. 91st St. s
s, 215 e 4th av, 20x100.8. Aug. oO, due Nov.
1,189.5,41-^^,                                                 H.tXN)

Sametosame. Olstst. s s, 175 e 40) av, jOx
100.8.   Aug. 30. due Nov. 1, l«).5. 41.3 1.    Hi 000

Same to same. Olst st. 8 s, 195 e 4th av, 2t)x
100.8.    Aug. 30, due No". 1, l!-95. 41^ S.   11 (XK)

Milne, Alexander, Stamford, Conn., to Thk
Union Dime Savings Inst, of City of >\'vv
York. 18th st,n s. 200 w 7th av, 25x02. Aug.
26, due Nov. 1, 1891, 4>^ «.                            y'm

Moulis, Louisa wife of C^plft-n to William T.

Sfpt 1,1805,5;?.                 _'                       7,7(0

Ockerdon.    28th st.   P.

Aug, 30,   due

McKinlay, Duncan C. to John P. Huggins.
76th st, n s, 200 e 10th av, 75x102.2. BuUding
loan.   Sept 3, 1 year.                                 4n,000

Same to .same. Same property. P. M. Sept.
3.1 year.                                                       4;>.0(tO

Moloney, Michael to Francis M. Jenck?. Idltth
St.   P. M.   Aug. 19, due Aug. 1, ISU1.      7,.500

Moltzer, Christian lo Peter lloelger. 2d av.
No. 1955.   Saloon lease.   Sept. 3, demand. 'ii^O

NoUmann, Frank to Conrad Bauer. 6ih st. I'.
M.   Sept 2, dueJan. 1, 1S91, 5:?.                ti.OOO

O'Connor, Margaret wife of and John to \Y iU¬
iam Ljman. 136th st. No. 1029. Sub. to
mort $5,a=>0.   Sept. 2, 3 mc>nths.                    3.50

O'Mealia, Catharine widow, OwenW., Sarah,
Charles A., Isabella A. and James F. and
Annie Mangan heirs of James O'Mealia to
Rachel Purdy. Hoffman st, e s, lots F and
G map of 70 lots. Cedar Hill plot on Powell
farm, Fordham, 24tb Ward, 50xl''2.ox.50x
122.1.   July 22. 3 3-cars.                                   .5(0

Owens, Patrick J. to Marv Cooke. 16'st st,
n s, 62.0 e Woodlawn av, iS.9xl«t.l 1. Sept. 1.
3 yeai-s, 5 %,                                                    ^ SCO

Plinck, John and Christine his wife and Chris¬
topb Planck and Anna M. bis wife to Hyniin
Goldschmidt. I2(h st. P.M. Sub. tomorr.
$.5,.500.    .Sept 1, installs, 5%                        5,000

Preusse, Julius to Frederick Robrs. Alex¬
ander av, n w cor 134tb st. P. M. Sept. 2.
2 years.                                                            t;,0(K)

Palumbo, Vincenzo to Bertha Volkening.
Crosby st   P. M.   Aug. -S, due May I, 1S9I.


Perrine, WiUiam W. to Anna M. Brandes et al.
exrs. Frederick Brandes. West End av, e s,
17.5 s 100th st, 16.6x6.5.6. Aug. >, dne Aug.
29. 1**95, or sooner, 5 «.                               1.^,000

Ffister, John to A. Hupfel's Sons. 3d av, No.
2193.   Saloon lease    Sept 3, demand.       1,2(0

Plath, Cbarles to Matilda Weil et al. exrs. .Max
WeU. 9th av. P. M. Aug. 28, due Sept. 2,
1895, 4>^ %.                                                    15,000

Reardon, Mary A. to Anson P. Stokes et a I.
exrs Caroline P. Stokes. H 5th st, n s, 250
w 4th av, 25x100.4.   Sept 4, 3 years, 5 «. 19,000

Racquet and Tennis Club to The Equitable
Life Assurance Society of tbe United
States. 43d st. n s. 320.K w 5th av. 141. lOx
100.5. Aug. 26, due Jan. 1, 1893, 5;{. See
Conveys.                                                      3" 0 000

Roberte, Austin J. to James Pieton. 7th av. w
8, 25 s 136th st, 37.5x100. Sub. morts. $50,9.55.
June 30,1 year or sooner.                             1,£C0

Same to same. 7th av, w s. 62.5 s 136lh st, 37.5
xlbO. Sub. morts. $50,95.5. June 30, 1 year
or sooner.                                                        1,400

Roe, Alfred to August R. Schabbefaar. Green¬
wich st P. M. Aug. 30, due Sept. 1, 1893.
5jt                                                                 11,000

Rohan, Margaret to The Emigrant Indus¬
trial Savings Bank, N. Y. 93d st. P. M.
Aug. 80,1 year.                                             5,400

R^in, Frederick and Louisa his wife to Ma¬
tilda Rotbsduld. Alexander av, n w cor
lS4th st, 25x100. Aug. 39, demand. (Dis-
cbvged ot record.)                                        2,000

Bter, EUa C. to btepben Baust. 3d av. P.
M,   B«pt.l,87<Mn,6)(,

  v. 46, no. 1173: Page 315