Real estate record and builders' guide (v.46no.1164(July 5 1890)-no.1189(Dec. 27 1890))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 46, no. 1173: Page 316  


Record and Guide.

Septeinbeir 6, 1890

Roberts, Austin J. to James Boys. 7th av, s
w cor 136th st, 25x100. Sub. to morts. $51,-
206.   June 30, 1 year.                                   10,500

Schuetze, Marie to Bembeimer & Schmid. 128th
st, s s, 348.9 e 3d av, 18.9x99.11. Aug. 26,
demand.                                                          1,000

Same to same. 128th st, s s, 105 e 3d av, IS.Ox
99.11.    Aug. 26, demand.                             2,000

Schuetze, Marie to Bernheimer & Schmid. Sth
av. No. 2670. Saloon lease. Aug. 30, de¬
mand.                                                              1,000

Sexton, Michael to Mary Kane. 3d av, w s,
20.5 n 65th st, 20x83.6. Lease. Aug. 27, due
June 30, 1S93, 5 i.                                         5,000

Shea, James to George B. Goldschmidt. Mar¬
ket st, s e cor Henry st. P. M. Aug. 27, due
Sept 1,1891, or sooner.                               10,500

Smith, Frank L. to Florence A. wife of Wil¬
mot Johnson, Jr., Morris Plains, N. J. SOth
st, n 8, 90 w West End av. P. M. Aug. 28,
due Sept. 1,1895, 5 %,                        gold, 18,000

Sametosame. b9th st, n s, UO w West End
av.   P. M.   Aug. 23, dne Sept. 1,1895, 5 %,

gold, 18,000

Stueber, Frank S. and Caroline his wife to
George Gerlach. 69th st. No. 419 and 421 East.
P. M.    Aug. 30, due Sept 1, 1893, 5 %.        5,000

Sammet, Philip to Edward H. HaU and ano.
exrs. and trustees Anna E. Tucker. Bleeck¬
er and Wooster ste. P. M. Aug. 27, due
May 1, 1893, or sooner, 5 %,                         .5o,000

Schwartz, Rosie to WiUiam A. Martin. 130th
st    P. M.    Sept. 1, 5 years, 5 %.                10,000

Seely, Frank to James A. and Alfred Roose¬
velt trustee for Marcia R. Scovel. 23d st.
P. M.   Aug. 29, 2 years, 4)4 %,                   10,000

Sims, Lilian M. wife of and H. Marion to James
R. Smith.   72d st.   P. M, July 10, due Sept

1,  1891.                                                          40,000
Solomon,   William   to   Annie  M.   Jennin^.

Henry st.   P.  M.   Sub.  to morte.  $12,000.
Sept 2, installs, ^y, %.                                  2,500

Same to Louis B. Binsse and ano. trustees of
Delia Binsse.    Same property.   P. M.   Sept.

2,  5 years, 5 %.                                               12,000
Stengele, Andreas ta Simon Adler and Henry

S. Herrman.    115th st.     P.M.   Sept 2, due
Aug. 25, IMtl, 5 g.                                         1,.500

Schnugg, Francis J. to George J. Schamberger."
I45th st. No. 313, n s, 50 e Bradhurst av, 25x
SO.   Sept. 3, due July 1, 1S1»2.                      3,000

Sametosame. 145th st. No. 315, 25 e Brad-
hm-st av. 25x80. Sept. 3, due July 1,1892. 3,000

The Standard Gas Light Co., New York, to
The Mercantile Trust Co. 76th st, n s,
39H e Av A, runs north 102.2 x east to East
River, x south to 76th st, x west 382.5 to be¬
ginning; 3M s-t, n s, 100 e Istav, 12.5x98.9;
I2:5d st, n s, 100 w 10th av, 100x201.10 to I24th
st; 115th st, s s, 94 e Av A, runs east 23S to
East River, x south to centre block x west
175 X nortb 100.10 to beginning; WM to 104th
st and Av A and East River, the block; 132d
st, 8 8, 200 e 12th av, 375x99,11; 13l8t st, n s,
200 w llth av (Boulevard), 50x99.11; Pleasant
av, e s, 25.2 s 115th st, 75.8x94; 32d st, n s,
2:.'5 e 1st av, 50x98.9; 33d st s s, 225 e 1st av,
.50x98.9; 18th st, n s, 120 w Av B, 156x184 to
19th st; Uhth st, s w cor established exterior
st on Harlem River, runs west to high-water
line Harlem River 19.6 x southwest to centre
block, X east to established st 26.4 x north¬
east to l)egirming, and aU righte. privU^es
and franchises, &c.    May 1, bonds.     1,500,000

Townsend, Jane to The Title Guarantee
AND Trust Co. 185th st, s s, 250 w Boule¬
vard (llth av), 50x79.11. Ang. 19, due Sept
4, 1893, 5 «.                                                     1,500

Taylor, Marv A. A. to Julie Pollak. 123d st.
P. M.   Sept. 2, 5 years, 4^ %•                     13,000

Taylor, Charles E. to Daniel E. Seybel. Chrys¬
tie st, w s, 93.4 n Broome st, ruus west 110 x
north '^3.4 x west 115 to Bowery, x north 23.6
X east 226.6 to Chrystie st, x south 46.8. 1-6
part   Aug. 29, 1 year, 5 %,                          2,500

Thaden, John W. to The P. & M. Schaefer
Brewing Co. Broome st, n w cor Elizabeth
st.   Lease.   July 2, demand.                       1.500

Treiber, Frank B., Charlottesville, Va., to
Martha A. Fitch. Cortlandt st. P. M.
Scot. 3, due May 1,1892, 5>^ %.                  42,500

The Unitied Electric Light and Power Co. to
The Union Trust Co. 28th st, n s, 175 w
1st av, .50x98.9; 28th st, n s, 225 w 1st av, 100
x9H.l); 13th av,s ecor 24th st, 10L3xl77.7x
y^<.Sx200.3; •.J4th st, s s, 200.3 e 13tb av, 50x
98.8, except 13th av, 8 e cor 24th st, 40x38x—
x50; Washington st. No. 174, w s, 21.5x46.5z
2<j.5x51.S; Washington st. No. 176, w s, 25.3x
11.5.10x27.11x75x3x46.5, last four parcels
being leasehold; also aU rights, piivUeges
and franchises, Sept. 3, due Sept. 1, IMO,
5 %.                     secures issue of bonds, 5,000,000

The New York and CoUege Point Ferry Co. to
The State Trust Co. tmstee. AU righte,
ferry privileges, franchises, &c. Secures
bonds.   July 1.   20 years.                          80,000

The Temple Beth El to Mahlon C. Martm et
al. exrs. and tmstees Christopher Meyer.
5th av, s e cor 76th st, 102.2x150. 5 morte.,
each $4»,000. Aug. 29, 3 years, 4^ %. See
Conveys.                                                     240,000

Uebel, Elizabeth widow and Annie to Margar¬
etha Dennerlein. Waverley (159th) st, u s.
East i.i lot 7H map Melrose, 25x100. May 15, 3
years.                                                                 500

Van Rensselaer, Catharine G. and Kiliaen. Cor-
neUa V. R. Erving and Eleanor V. R. Fair¬
fax to The Title Guarantee and Trust
Co. Bowery, Nos. 182 and 1S2}4, w s, 25x100.
July 21,1 year, 4>^ %.                                   10,000

Vogler, Ludwig to Clemens Henger. Denman
pi, 8 8, 567 w Union av^ 38x118.1 to Concord
%v.   Sept 2, 3 years, 5 %.                            2,000


Wagner, Marcus to Heyman and Henry Sonn.
1^ av, w k, 43.3 s Mth st, 20x60. Aug. 20,
due Sept 1,1892, 5 «.                                    1,500

Webster, Georgiana F. to Jonas Weil and Bem¬
hard Mayer. 76th st, s s, 350 e 2d av, 25x
102.2. Secures debt of mortgagor and Jacob
Lorillard.   Aug. 7, due Nov. 1,1890.      6,000

Same to same. lOtb av, e s, 49.5 n 37th st, 49.4
xlOO. Secures debt of same persons. Aug.
7, due Jan. 1,1891.                                       13,000

Same to Benedict A. Klein. Same property.
P. M. Secures debt of same persons. Aug.
7, due Jan. 1, 1891.                                      10,172

Sametosame. 76th st. P. M. Aug. 7, due
Nov. 1,1890.                                                   5,607

Wilson, Solomon B. to Conrad MuUer. 60th st,
8 8, 280 e Madison aV, 20x100.5. Sept 1, 3
jrears, 5%,                                                      14,000

elshman,   Annie  to  Columban    J.   Kelly.
Monroe av.   P. M.   Sept. 2, due Jan. 2,1898.


Whitney, Amelia D. wife of Jobn H. to Henry
VogeL Franklin av. No. 1391, ws, 73.5 8
170th st, 20x100. July 18, 3 years or sooner,
b%.                                                                   5,000

Wertheimer, Sophie to Siegmund Tynberg, Jr.
Lote 56 and 57 map Melropolitan Real Estate
Assoc, 24th Ward. P. M. Sept. 3, due Aug.
31,1892, 5««.                                                    1,200

Wesslau, Albert E. to Prederic de P. Foster.
40tfa st, n 8, 230 e 3d av, 25x98.9. Sept. 3, 5
years, 4)^ %.                                                   18,000

WWon, Cornelius to The Emigrant Indust.
Savings Bank. Lawreuce st. P. M. Aug.
28, 1 year.                                                      8,000

Weintraub, Fischel to Julius Rosenberg. Pitt
st, No. 5.   P. M.   2d mort.   Sept. 4, instaUs.


Wemer, Charles to Francis J. Schmid. Den¬
man st (150th st), n s, 125 e Courtlandt av,
25x118.5.   June 20, 3 years, 5 %.                  3,500

Watkins, Charles D, ta Lydia E. Endall. Il5th
st, 8 8,155 e 4th av, 17.10x100.2. Sept 2, 1
year.                                                                1,000

Weiss, Samuel W. mortgagor with Nettie
Kolben mortgagee. Extension of mort. at
reduced int.   Sept. 3.                                    uom

Yesky, Agusta to Bertha Frank. Lexington
av.   P.M.   Aug. 6, installs, 51                6,250

Zimmerly, Charles R. to John Ruck. (>7th st.
P. M.   July 1, 3 years, 5 %.                          3,800


August 28, 29, 30, September 1, 2, 3.

Allen, Martha M. wife of and Samuel S. to
Daniel Doody. 5ttth st, s s, 100 e 3d av, 20x
100.2.   Aug. 28, due Aug. 1, 1891.                 $700

Andress, Charles W. and Charles R. Mitohell
to E Gateson & Son. Bedford av, s w cor
Rodney  st,   133x100.    Aug. 26, 3 months.


Amold, EUza wife of and James to Wainwright
Hardy et aL exrs. James Thomson. Clymer
st, s s, 160 w Wythe av, runs south 71 x w^
0.4 X south 9 X west 19.7 x north 80 to st, x
east 19.11.   Aujg. 28, 5 years.                        1,000

Atkin, David to Thomas B. Gilford. Oth av, n
w cor 20th St. P. M. Aug. 25, due Aug. 28,
1891.                                                                 8,500

Barrett, Margaret K. to Jane E. Smith. Ash¬
ford st, e s, 107.6 s Fulton st, 25x100. June
7, due June 1,1892.                                           500

Beatty, James to William F. Corwith. Dobbin
st, e s, 350 n Nassau av, 25x100. Aug. 28, 3
years.                                                              3,400

BedeU, Hiram to John F. Edwards. HuU st,
n 8, 375 e Rockaway av, 18.9x100. Aug. 28,
due Sept 1,1891.                                               450

Benshausen, EUse C. to Cfaarles Rissler and
August Todebush. Palmetto st, nws. 250 n
e Irving av, 25x100. Aug. 25, 4ue .Ian. 1,
1891.                                                                3,800

Bootb, IsabeUe B. wife of and John N. to Adel¬
bert S. Nichols. Haucock st, s s, 36 w Patehen
av, 16x75.   Aug. 25, 4 months.                       417

Booth, Isabelle B. wife of and John N. to
Charles H. Reynolds. Decatur st. s e cor
Pntehen av, 22x82. Sub. to mort $5,500.
Aug. 25,1 year.                                             1,000

Same to same. Hancock st, s s, 20 w Patehen
av, 16x75.    Aug. 25, 1 year.                            800

Bossert, Jacob to Dime Savings Bank, WUl¬
iamsburgh. Knickerbocker av, w s, 50 n
Harman st, 25x100.  Aug. 5i9, I year, 5 %.   3,200

Sametosame. Knickerbocker av, w s, 75 n
Harman st, 25x100. Aug. 29,1 year, 5 %.   3,000

Same to same. Knickerbocker av, n w cor
Harman st, 25x100. Aug. 29,1 year, 5 %.   3,800

Same to same. Knickerbocker av, w s. 25 n
Harman st, 25x1*0. Aug. 2il, 1 year, 5 j.   3.200

Brermor, David to Leopold Michel. Humboldt
St.   P. M.   Aug. 8, 5 years or sooner, 5 i.


Britton, LeUa A. wife of and Oscar L. to John
W. Harman. Lincoln pl, s s, 172 e 6tb av,
18x100.   Aug. 27, 6 months.                          1,000

Brown, Isabella wifeof and WUliam to Thomas
Stephenson, llth st, n s, 161.5 e Stb av, 18x
100.   Aug. 87, due Nov. 1,1S93, 5 %.            4,500

Brown, George G. to Edward F. Linton. War¬
wick st P. M. Sub. to mort., $2,200. Aug.
29, installs.                                                     1,800

Brust, (George to Peter Kerner. Hamburg av,
n e 8,75 8 e Troutman st, 25x100. Aug. 30,
due Sept 1, 1893, 5 %                                     1,700

Bryant, l^omas B. to Title Guarantee and
Trust Co. Sumner av, s w cor Greene av,
100x105.   Aug. 29, demand, 5!(.                88,000

Burke, AUce wife of John to Rudolph F. Hert-
wig.   Franklin av.  ?. M.   Aug. 27i installs.


Baker, Anna M. to Frank !^. Sinn. Vander¬
bilt st, n 8, lote 38 map Windsor teiraCe, 25x
150, Flatbush.   July SO, 1 year.                   1,500

Baraum, Harriet A. wife of WilUam A. to
Emma R. Tappen, Gravesend, L. I. Paciflc
st, n 8,158.4 w Brooklyn av, 16.8x100.   Sept

2.3 years, 5 %.                                                5,.500
Breitkopf, Charles to Abbie C. Smith.   Cedar

St.   RM.   Aug. 25. instaUs.                           900

Brown, Thomas to Kate C. Henderson et aL
exrs. Isaac Henderson. 10th st, ns, 97.10e
Sth av, 273x92.6. Aug. 20, due Sept 1. 1891*-
5K %.                                                             11,200

Burroughs, WUliam H. and Edwin C. Low to
Isaac E. Bergen. 1st av, e s, at intersection
witb centre line bet 82d st and 83d st. New
Utrecht   P. M.   Sept 2, 5 years, 5 %.     17,500

Bauer, Augusta wife of and Henry C. to Leo¬
pold Michel. Stanhope st. P. M. Sept. 2,
due Sept 1,1891, 5 %,                                    1,600

Bernstein, Jacob to The Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
New York. Carroll st, n s, 140 w Columbia
st, 20x100.   Sept 3, 1 year.                          2,500

Blunt, Edmund to Charles and David Schwarte.
Nassau st, ns,'-50e alley nearly opposite to
north termination of Liberty st and extend¬
ing to High st, 25x100.   Sept 3, 5 years.    4,500

Same mortgagor with same as exrs Louis.
Schwarte mortgagee. Extension of mort.
Sept. 3.                                                             nom

Bond, Henrietta to Walter S. Hammett. Sack-
man St.   P. M.   Sept 2, insteUs.                 1,750

Cregan, William J. to Mary A. Corrigan.
Myrtle av, s e cor Washington av. P. M.
Sept 14, 5 years, 5 %.                                   15,000

ChurchiU, Susan A. to WiUiam R. Bennett,
Bay Ridge, L. I. 44th st, s w s, 300 s e I2th
av,  50x100, New Utrecht   Aug. 30,1 year.


Cohen, Kate to WiUiam H. Whitney. Sth st,
s w s, 193.1 n w 6tfa av, 16.8x95. June 2, de¬
mand.                                                                900

Conrady, WilUam to Henry Nieiand. Marion
St.   P.M.   Aug. 28, 3 years, 51                 1,500

Cook, George H. to Edward C. Center. Dean
st, n 8, 470 e Franklin av, 70x100. Aug. 17,
due Aug. 1,1891, 5 %,                                   10,000

Crosby, William J. to WUliamsburgh Savings
BaiUi. Linwood st, e s, 120 n Ridgewood av,
20x110.11x20x110.10. Aug. 27,1 year, 5 %. 1,700

Cavanagh, James to Margaret J. Maurice.
North 2d st s s, 85 e Roebling st, 110x90. Sept
2, installs, 5 %,                                               13,500

Corey, Benjamin T. to Bemhard H. Bulling.
Arlington av, s s, 108.4 w Essex st, 16.8x90.
Sept 2,3 years, 5 f                                       1,750

Same to same. Arlington av, s s, 91.8 w Essex
st, runs south 80 x west 8.4 x south 10 x west

8.4 X south 90 to av, X east 16.8.   Sept 2, 3
years, 5 %,                                                        1,750

ComweU, Theodore I. W. to John P. Cranford
and David H. Valentine. Prospect pl, n s,
705 w Franklin av, 62x131. Aug. 22, 1
year.                                                                   400

Cummings, Mary C. widow to Louise Brenner.
Wyckoff st, 8 8,144 w Nevins st, 20xl00x21x
100.   Aug. 29, due Jan. 1^1891.                       250

DaUey, Thomas to James W. McDermott and
ano. exrs. John J. Murray. North Oxford
St.     P. M.     Aug. 25, due Sept 1,1893, 6 %.


Danziger, Adolf to Johanna Horowitz. John¬
son av.   P. M.   Aug. 27, instaUs.                3,250

Davis, Charles E. to Hennan J. Hoff. Shep¬
herd av, e 8, 75 s Sutter av, 25x100. Aug. 19,
due Sept 1,1895.                                            1,500

De Zavala, Henry to Stephen B. Sturges. Gold
st, w 8, 479.4 s WUloughby st, 16.2x115.6.
Aug. 26, demand.                                          13,000

Dolde, Catharine wife of and Lewis to East
Brooklyn Savings Bank. Oakland st, w s,
220 n Norman av, 25xl(H). Aug. 29, 1 year,
5 %,                                                                   3,250

Donlon, Rosanna widow, Sarah, James, Mary
and Edward heirs James Donlon to Starr
Brinckerhoff. Hicks st, s s, 50 w Luquer st,
25x100.   Aug. 28,3 years.                                500

Donohue, Thomas to James Keenan. Marion
st, s 8, 50 w Rockaway av, 125xll0x—x71 6.
Aug. 25,1 year.                                              3,000

Same to Edwin Beers and Rufus Ressequie.
Patehen av, w s, extends from McDonough
st to Macon st, 200x80.   Aug. 25,1 year.   5,000

Donop, Alwin to Joseph Th^L Main st, e s,
100.3 s Plymouth st, 20x104. Aug. 28, due Dec.
15, 1S93, 5 %.                                                    3,500

D'Oiiofrio, Fortunato to William Ziegler. Lote
767 and 768 block 22 map mort^gee, Flat¬
bush.   P. M.   July 31, 2 years, 5%,               342

Draser, Charles to Rachel Martense. Herkimer
st, 8 s, 49 w Cooper pL mns west 24 x south
ISz west 24znorth^ tost, z east 48. Aug.
14, due Nov. 1,1893, 5 %,                              . 2,500

Dyatt, William to John McCormick. Pulaski
St.  P. M.   Aug. 29, due Sept 1, 1893, 5 %. 2,800

Same to Elizabeth A. Caverly. Same property.
Aug. 29, installs.                                            1,400

DoimeUy, Johanna to Catherme F. McGrath.
SOtb St. n e s, 100 n w Stb av, 20x100.2. Sept
2, due Sept 1,1891.                                          100

Dippold. GtecHTge to The Title Guarantee and
Trust Co. Kent st, s s, 250 e Manhattan av,
25x100.   Sept 2, 3 years, 5 Jt                       l.OOO

Duffy, Mark to Patrick Walsh. Kent st P.
M.   Sept 2, 5 years, 4 {.                              2.000

Edinger, Eaizabetb, Caroline Brandan and
WiUielmina 8. Vache to Frederick Schwend-
ler. Sumpter st, n s, 200 e Howard av, 25z
100.   Bub. to mort.   Aug. 30,5 years.           200

ElUott, Jr., Joseidi to People's Trust Ca Bay
29tb st, n w 8,180 n e Boiaon av, 100x96.8,
Bensonhurst.  Aug. 21,1 year, 5;(.           8^


  v. 46, no. 1173: Page 316