Real estate record and builders' guide (v.46no.1164(July 5 1890)-no.1189(Dec. 27 1890))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 46, no. 1173: Page 318  


Record and Guide

September 6,1880

The tni>tie.-< (}f tlu-
liMii   to Josiah ().
Ward.    Thatford  av.
5 'xIUO.    Aug. ■>, :; yeai-.-

Thiiiipson.   Anton
};ii Mil. Dudley S. (
^•. I'^i.:! e Jen me st.

tan av. mns north 54.11 x west 2.9 x north
145 to Huron st, x west 33 x south 143.10 x
scu^heast to point 150 w Manhattan av and
.54.11 n India st, x south 54.11 to India st, x

east JT ;».   Aug. 'JT, 3 years, 5 %.                 11,000

Sharp, John A. to Ea^t River Savings Inst.
Hancock st, ns, :;:Ja e Marcy av, 40x100; Jef-
fei;on av, s s, 310 e Marcy av, 40x100. Aug.
•io, 1 year, 5 'i.                                               12,000

8riiail, Henry to Adelaide A. Uillyer euard.
Oecr;;e H.' Hillyer. ^Sr»en(x■l■ st, e s, 111.10 s
Mvrtle uv, nins south 200 x east KjO x north
.") I X tast 100 to Waltvorth st, xnorth 17 x
West li!0 X north .'5". x eust IdO to \V"alworth
st, X north 100 x west liOU. Aug. 'JT, 1 rear,
5«.                                                              "21.000

Spaeth, Frank aiul John Se-iRor to Mills P.
ti.'ilicr. WiUoughby av, s e s, 200 n e Ham¬
burg iiv, •J.5x 100.   Aug. :ir., 5 years, 5 jJ.     :.,8U0

Stey, John to (ierinaii Savings Bank, Iirook-
l\n. Isllary si, n s, 2hO e Nostrand av, 2()x
b 0.    Auk. ^^^. due D.c 1, 1 '>'.' i, ->;;.             1 ,:;00

Slevv,n-t, Alexander to Tbe People's Tnist Co.
15av;jsthst. s e s. 100 swsiithst, UOaW.H,
Ht'iisonhuist.    Aug. :.'l, I ycnr, .5 5.             L.^OO

Same to Jnmes D. Lynch, fsaine i)r(>i;ei'ty.
Auj;. -M, demand, 5^.                                           l.ICO

Stuhr, Isalella to AriioM H. Wagner. Bain-
briilgc St.    1'. M.    Aug. :i;», due Sept. 1, IS'.tJ,

:>-;.                                                                                                       1,000

Toaldi, Margaret to .Mary E. Poije. State :.t
1'. M.    Aug. 30, due Sept I, 1K»5, 5 f,.        7,000

Same to Fnflerick L. Dibble. Same proi>ei-ty.
Aug. ;;>, diu-JIar.  1, lSi)3, .5';.                      l,.50O

i baron, John \V. to Carl Krickel. Stanhope
St.    1'. M.    Aug. :;'.», .5 years, .5 ;,;.                    1,000

Sibley, Albert to Ilownul M. Smith trustee for
The lU'dford Bank. McDoin xv^\i i^t, n s, 1?-'
w Italph av, .5(')XlOii: McDonough sr, u s, '.^r,5.4
w llalpli av, TifixltiO; Bain ri(1-,e st, n s. Bi.O
VV Ralph av, ]>^xl''U; llaisey sf, n s, 25 w
Siiuiuerav, 2('xl()(); Ji Iferson av, n s. 4:! e
'llmpkins ;»v, IDxSO.o; Chauncey st, s s, 20^
p I Inward av, :.'i'xl(<'. Sub. to mo.ts. Aug.
-.'s, instiilN.                                                           Ki.OOO

Smith, Adri-ina to .lo-eph M. Pilcber.
Chauncey st, s s, Is e Saratoga av, U>xl(M>.
Std(. to iisoits.    Au;^. ~^, 2 mouths.               2,475

Tejither, Saniuol to The Brooklyn -Mutual Build¬
ing und I.oiiu .A-scc. Linden st, n s, .5S) w
\iitral nv, 4-5xl(Mi. Aug. ■.'.». installs, ."> ^. 3,000
ron;^ri'^;Ui<'n Ohef Scho-
Wnrd ^ua'd. Isabel G.
luO s Belmont J>v,
A. lo L.jui>a G. Gregory
(irpgory. New Lois av, u
.'l.lxs:! .5x21'xO'^'4. Aug.
IS,;; years                                                             I,(.50

Same ti) l.<jn;s-t (I. (Gregory, South Orange, Ts'.
.1. New Lolb.iv, n s, t,;"i,3 e .'erom^ st, 21.ix
s:;,.5i,2('x'.t0.2.    Aug. is, 3 years.                        7.50

'I honiiiMii, William O. io The Union Dime
.■•.'iviii;:s liif-t., New York. Prospect pl, n s,
I 111 e lingers uv, runs north lO'J.ti x east 25,1!
X south '.'.<i X east, 4.() x south 100 to Prospect
pl, X wcrl :Jn.     Aug. .5, due Nov. 1, 1891, 5 i.


Same to .sune. Pi osjie't pl, n s, .50 e Rogers
.'iv, :; lois, eaeb :;uxl(It.t). :'. morts., eacb
!?lo,iHh).    Aug. .5, due Nov. 1,1S93, U%.     30,000

Toiiipkiis, hni.Ilia H. wile of Theodore La B.
foOeerge W. Will-;. Driggs st, e s, 42.:> s
North Uh St. T,t.:;iro, tonuerly ::l»4 5tb st.
Aug. *.'.), 2 v,;irs.                                                 l,.5O0

Toinliu, Frank S. to Kebrcca F. Forman.
liei-ry st.    P.  M.    Sept. 2, installs, .5 ';.          SOO

Tomlinson. Kdwiii S. to ("bailes A. Ford.
Adams >t.    P. .\I.    Sept. 2. 1 year, :> %.      K,0(K)

Twyeffort. Caroline L. wife of Louis' P. form¬
erly Kltinlnrt to i'.niigrani, Indust. Savings
Hank. llam-fK-k st, n s. 1:!0 e H,dford av,
20i2o0 to Jetter.ou St.    Sept. ;;, I      2,f)00

Van ItMir-en, .lacub to James I). Lynch, hlth
st, n e s, 21)0 se 24tii av, t.i'ixlOO, KeusoiiLurat.
Aug. 21, deiiiuud, :'•;,,                                           t»,50

Sani'j tl) siiine. s.M h st, s w .s, 100 s e 2.';d av, 00
xIOO, ben-ouhiir:1.    Aug. 21, demand, U %.   800

Same to Friiplt's Tiiist Co. Same projierty.
Aug 21, I year. .5;.                                           '..'jlOO

.Same to same, bith st, n e s, 2(,0 s e Ith av, tiO
xl'».).   Aug. 21, 1 year, 5 %.                              -jjoO

\'iekeis, George to Elizabeth t'ruft, Cranford,
N. J. Sutter av, n s, (W e lierriman st, 20x
't'.    Aug. 20, 3 yeai-s                                        .500

\'oigt, Jacob to Aiiiiiiie Jo.siab. Essex st. P.
M.    Sub. to mort. -sl 9L0.     .Aug. l**, installs.


Willans, George to William E. Valentine,
Jamaica, L. I. Vernon av, n s. His.'.) vv
Throop av, l\9xl00. Aug. 2s, due Sept. 1,
1Sa5,5 5f.                                                         4,000

Walker, Sydney F. to Harry A. C. Hines.
Hawthorne st, Flatbush. i*. M. Sept. 2, 5
years, 5 %.                                                      6,000

\\ ulker, Andrew E. to Greenpoint Savings
Bank. Oakland st, w s, 29.".0 n Van Cott av,
2:5x100.    Sept 2, 1 year, 5 %.                        3,.500

Wicks, William E. to Rudolph Reimer.
Miller av, w s, 100 n Fulton st, :i.»xI0O. Sub.
to mort -*2,7.50.   Aug. 30, demand.               7.50

Wilson, Simon E. to Richard L. Fleet,
Huntington, L. I. Oiboin st. w s, 125 s
Belmont av, 2.")XlC0.    Sept. 2, 3 jeais.      1,.500

Same to same. Osborn st, w s, 100 s Belmont
av, 2.5x100.   Sept. 2, Syears.                         500

Wi'iter, El za M. to Robert L. Moores and
Charles A. Le Quesne. Putnam av. P. M.
Sept 2, due Dec. 1. 1-00.                             2,500

Wolimano, Raimocd to Alfred Beinhouer.
Atlantic av, s w cor Butler av, 25xlOU.9x25x
lOO.e.   Sept 2, 5 years, no interest.               810

Yodyvzus. Matthias to Paul Weidman. Grand
fit   V,}^.  Aug. 29, installs, 5 ^;              1,200



August 29 to September 4—inclusive.

Bonner, Rot>ert to Frederic Bonner.                $(X)0

Cohn, Sigmund to John Giefers and Mary

his wife.                                                          1,450

Crawford, Andrew to George Crawford. nom
Dworsky, Abraham J. to Fi itz Fedderke. 4,0(X»
Dickel, Conrad to VVilliam F'rotzmanu.          1,700

Dempsey, Wildaiii to Lea Wolff trustee.           JHtO

Eddy, Sarah J. extrx. James Eddy to Solo¬
mon Schwarz.                                                7,500
Embree, Robert C. exr.  Jacob W. Morris

to .\litcbel Valentine.                                    8,.500

Ely, Abner L. to Augusta Jay.                        ti.OOO

Gold.stone, Dora to Levi N. Hersbfield.            5,.50O

Hall, Thomas R. A. lo William Hall's Sons, nom
Home Insurance Co. to John Arnow.               !»,225

Hauxbuist, Phiueas R. to Frederick F. Van

Keuren.                                                                   nom

Heine. Marie to Racbel Weinman.                   3,000

Same to Eliza (Tuggenbeimer.                               604

Hvatt, George E. to Charles Lanier trustee, uoni
Hutttr, lieopold to Ijfnatz Si^hultz.                   4,000

Jencks, Francis M. to'Nelaon M. Whipple. nom
Kernochan, James P. as trustee to Mai y L.

Barbey.                                                                 12,000

Klein, Benedict A. to Jonas Wtiland Bern-
hard Mayer.                                                    nom
Same to same.                                                     nom
Knickerbocker Tju»t Co. admr. of Edwaid
T. Martin to Knickerbocker Trust Co.
guard, of David, Mulford, Floyd T. and
Jerome P. Martin.                                          nom
Kurzman, Seymour P. to Jacob Bergman,   nom
Lockwood. John E. trustee Samuel F. Lock-
wood dec'il to Francis L. Street.                 nom
Murray Hiil Nat  Bank New York  and
William A. Darling as President to Mor¬
ris S. Wise.                                                      nom
Marx, Salomon to Dennis Loonie.                 6,000
Popkin, Leah to Daniel aud Levy Roth¬
stein.                                                                1,500
Rohrs, Frederick to Simon Adler and Henry

8. Herrman.                                                   6,000

Ronan, Thomas to Henry A. Bade.                 2,517

Street, Francis L. to John E. Lockwood

trustee of Adelaide L. Lockwood.              10,000

Sullivan, Margaret to Emma C. Orr.                300

The l^awyers' Title Ins. Co., New York, to

Walter N. Hallgarten.                                 10,117

Title Guarantee aud Trust Co. to John J.

Taylor trustee John J. Taylor dec'd.           0,000

Tiueman, Charles to Jeremiah C. Lvons. 4,.500
Underbill, W. Wilson admr. Isa K. Under¬
bill to United States Fire Ins. Co.              5,121
Varnum, James M. and Richard M. Hari¬
son to Frederick F. Van Keuren.                 nom
Vogel. Gustav to Lizzie Braender.                   nom
Wunnenberg, Esther to Susan E. Bainton. 3,000
Warner, John W. to William Moores. 3,000
Winslow, Edward t<> Mitchel Valentine.     12i:>52

Weidman, Paul to Catheriue Dick.                2.000

Same to same.                                                    8,0C0
Wills, George W. to The Taylor  &" Fox

Realty Co.                                                       1,500


August 28 to September 3—inclusive.
Bergen, Tunis G. and ano.   exrs.   Garret

Bergen to Tunis G. Bergen.                               nom

Beinbauer, Elizabeth to Alfred Beinbauer.   |ti.50
Bogert, David A. to Mary Bancus.                       400

Hossert, I.rf>uis to Jobn Wilson.                           3,000

Cronin, Williani F. to Carrie A. Waite.        nom
Clement,   Nathaniel   H.   to    Edward   J.

O'Flyn.                                                                      3,2.50

Couch, Natl'alia late Kreuder to Thomas J.

Betts.                                                                         2,882

Francis, Isabella G. to Helena F. Hewlett,

Manba.sset, L. J.                                                    2,.500

French, John H. and Minnie C. to William

C. O'Keefe and James H. McKenna.             nom

(Jutby, Jacob to Cbarles Ullrich.                          3i 0

Howell, Francis A.  admr. Walter Howell

to Florence Howell.                                              nom

Horton, Benjamin D. to Florence Howell.    1,000
Holloway. Edwin to Elizabeth Wright.              200

Same to same.                                                                8«J0

Horowitz, Joannes to Jacob Bossert.                3,2.50

James, Darwin R.   to  Anna   E.   Crump,

Montclair, N. J.                                                      nom

James, Mary E. wife at Darwin K. to Anna

E. Crump, Montclair. N. J.                            20,000

Linton, Edward F. to Lawreuce Hurlburt.     325
fjongman, Samuel to Thomas Burke.               ],.500

fiang, Joseph to Mary C. Reynolds.                 1,410

Lynch, James D. to George W. PearsalL           660

Pearson, Jobn T. to exrs. of the estate of

David F. Seals.                                              I,2f0

Rockwell, Mary T. to Clark T. Hamilton.       500
Rohr, Anna E. to Max  Brill  and Henry

Roth.                                                                  700

Same as admrx. Guido Rohr to same.            1,250

Roth, Henry to Louis Bossert.                        1,000

Roth, Hsnry and Max Brill to Louis Bos¬
sert                                                                 1,000
Schlegel, George to Jobn Schlegel. 5,000
Sibley, Albert to George G. Ddlmer.              nom
Smith, Georee H. to A. Stewart Walsb. 1,773
Schneider, Henry to Elise A. 8. Covert. 5,150
The German Savings Bank, Brooklyn, to

Jessie Rea.                                                         300

Title Guarantee ard Trust Co. to Brooklyn

Trust Co.                                                         6,500

Same to same.                                                    6,500

Same to Wilbam M. Ingraham.                      5,000

Same to Henry E.  Merriam trustee for

Maria H. Crane.                                            5,000

Same to Bushwick Savings Bank.                 4,000

Same to Mary A. Barrett                                8.000

Sune to same.                                                    8,000

Tyler, WiUitm A. to Heur;^ B. Jobmos.     1,000



Aug. and Sept.

30 Amberg. Henry H—Charles Rieger.  $1,381 52
30 Althof,    Charles-'Herman    Wron¬
kow.............................     2,318 72

2 Appo, Kt John—W A Russell.......       139 45

2  Angell,   William   D—W   G   Jones

..............................costs         23 30

3   Angevine, William—W D Garrison.          49 89

4  Albert, George—Emilie Grob.......         80 72

4 Arent, Anthony—Ben jamin Altman       189 14

30 Bogart. John-J B Kimber.........         96 38

30 Ban-, George D—Ferdinand Strauss       r?9 45

30 Boyd, Samuel A—H J Ehlers......       411 55

2 Boege, Charles—Charles Loudovici.       312 82

2  Bamth, Henry—H E Frankenberg.       185 48

3  Bnrriello,      Gelsomino — Gio/anni

Muzzio...........................         37 69

3 Bosdevex, Edmond F—E H Coster.       3e3 61

3 Bochert, Julius—Anna M Zettinger.       120 70

3 Bensel, Edwin B—W H Emerson.  .       281 94

3  Bostwick, William L-Bank of North

America..........................     1,896 77

4   Bnins, Herman—H C Webb.......         16S 46

4 Beemer, John A—C L Lum.........          79 00

4  Behrens, Peter—Joseph Walker____        245 16

5  Hohlen, Herman C, Jr-Joshua Rich       213 63
5 Baruth, Henry—Thomas Sullivan...       289 16
5 Braendly, Jean J—G W Sheldon...       532 94
5 Bailie, William J—D G Yuengling,

Jr, Brewing Co...................       327 74

2 Cbaskin, Arthur—Matthew Byrnes,

Jr................................       143 44

2 Calder, Alexander—W F Clemmons    1,1-50 75

2 Chace, Earl B—T G Knight........       533 25

2         the same------tfae same..........       431 76

3  Corrigan, Saul—Levy Harris......       103 62

3 Cook, Charles Ford—Herman Ben-

,lix...............................     1,'^13 77

3 Cory, Nathaniel T—Merchants Nat

Bank of New Bedford............       546 81

3  Cornell, Alonzo B—Bank of North

America..........................     1,S96 77

^guE^^^AlBOAmend....         97 59

4  Coyle, Patrick J—Jacques Nickels..        104 9i)

4  Card, Clark S-G W Card..........       516 90

5  Casey, Thomas—Empire State Brew¬

ing Co............................        75 16

5 Comegys, Henry  C — John   Dela-

buniy............................   20,376 97

•2S De Voll, Charles H—James Boys
(through a mistake in transposition
last week a second judgment for
$624.9B erroneously followed '"Em-


3 Dorsey, John J—Nathan Gutmann.       228 96

3  del Moute. Leon—John Patterson..        3(»3 21

4  Deutsch, Ixmis—J B Kilhp........       173 59

4 Devlin. James—Wm De Lamater...       220 tO

4 Donaldson, Julius A-M H Hard...       7fi9 05

4  Devlin, John B-F W Weiss........       549 93

5  Disney, William A, Jr—D A Mc¬

Leod.............................       174 52

5=^Donnell, Robert W—Slate  Bank of

Kansas...........................       307 Zi

5 Davis,  Abram—J   Ottman  Litho¬
graphing Co......................       2.54 27

3 Evarts, Charles M—Merchants Nat

Bank of New Bedford............       .146 81

5 Edwards, Henry T—L D Hatton...       IJC 20

30 Fleming, James—Charles Rieger...        138 5a
30 Farrington,   Daniel — J   J   Boothe

..............................costs         a3 .54

2  Friedman, Ijouis—Johu Katka.....        192 35

3   Fulton, Robert—J E Daly........ .        554 42

3 Fealey, Margaret.—Marcus Murray.        153 74

3  Fiedler, Albert—C H Howell.......        150 11

4  Fulton, Robert—John Simmons-----        100 01

5          thesame-----J B Moors.........     1,313 !98

5 Friedmann, Fritz—Lucian Wolf—       381 33

5 E*^^''' i""^*? \ John Blauvelt....         61 61
Ft ster, Anna S (

30 Onin, Moritz—Leopold Brand......        149 70

30 Goldstein. Jacob—Lewis Fischer—        172 75

2  (• rimes, James—W M Sayer, Jr___       967 03

2*Garrettson, M Augusta—W F Clem¬
mons ...........................     1,150 75

2+Goldstein, David—Amelia Botkow-

sky...............................         84 92

3  Gottschalk, Bernard W—GS Drach¬

man............................         12 50

3+Goldgrube, David H—W J Airy....         70 41

3 Gabnel, Christian—Morris Levy....         73 09

3 Gordon, Harry—Alois Kohn........       144 ai

3  Gies, Fianz-AG HupfeL..........       4il 61

. Gouldsbury, Richard i R A Steven-

* GouWsbury, Jobn F   (   son........       173 03

4  Grim&o, James—P L Ronalds.......     2,126 52

4  Gilbert, Herman F—C F Terhune..    5,030 71

5  Gwyer, Eug-ne El—henry Welsh...    5,131 83
30 Hansbergfcr, Loui'i-W J Madden...

••••.........................costs       233 e&

2 Henschel, Max—Jobn Quijn, trustee         77 50

2  Hill, William H—Leopold Hellman.       16-3 74
2+Houser, Adair—D J McGowan.....       130 50

Hays, Simon       i

3  Hays, Maurice S J-1 M Sloman......     2,748 36

Hays, Henry S    )

3       theseme------AJKatz..........     1,484 80

» HaztiU, Wiliiam H—George Ebrec.     1,897 31
3 Harrmgtoa, Timotby—Nathan Gut-

jQjm..............................       390 79

3 Beincer, Jobn—PaasaicBoUisgtfill

QOmkmi   II111 • < I'll 11 MiniM 11 < >           92; <)"

  v. 46, no. 1173: Page 318