Real estate record and builders' guide (v.46no.1164(July 5 1890)-no.1189(Dec. 27 1890))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 46, no. 1175: Page 376  


Record and Guide.

September 20, 1890

runs west SOx north 113.1 to said tumpike,
X east 53.9 to Railroad av, x south 130.10.
A\\^, I, 5 years.                                            1,500

Kelley, Mark and Sarah F. his wife to Granite
Stale Provident Assoc. Ovington av, s w cor
Oth av, .54.5xl53.10x.54.5xl.54.1. Sept 2, in¬
stalls.                                                              1,800

Kelty, Mary E. wife of and James T. to Bed¬
ford Co-operative Building Loan Assoc.
Washington av, e s, 2.5.1 s Pacific st, 18.3x53.1
x17.7s6i..5.    Sept 8. installs.                          500

Kropp, Sopbia wife of Heimann H. to Orphan
Asvlum Society of Brooklyn. Raymond st.
P. M.   Sept 15, due Sept 1, 1803, 5 «.       1..500

Krey. William E. to Thomas H. Radcliffe.
McDonough st.   P. M.   Sept. 3, 3 years, 5 %.


Lane, Kit-hard R. to Kate Williams. Patehen
av. No. 185, e s, 43 s Hancock st, 19x80.
Sept 15, 3 years. 5 f.                                    2,.500

I.,evin, Baraet to Christopf F. Popf. Tliatford
av.   P. M.   Sept 15, 2 months.                     300

Lusoh, Charles F. to Margaret McLaughlin.
St Marks av. n s, 430 w Carlton av, 31x131.
Sept. 17. <; months.                                       1,000

Lutz, Frank to William J. Courtney. Spencer
st    P.M.   Sept 16,1 year, 5 «.                 1,000

Laderer, George and Barbara his wife to
Christian C. Miller and Amelia his wife.
Ewen st, w s, 97.9 n Varet st, 16.4x—x—x—;
Interior gore, begins on centre line bet Varet
and Moore sts. 33.8 w Ewen st and 100 n
Varet st, runs west 38.1 x south 35.9 x north¬
east 53.3.   Sept. 15, 3 years, 5 %.                 4,000

Latta, Adam G. to Samuel Lee. Schermer¬
hom st. P.M. Sept 11, diU'Sept 1, 1893.
5:?.                                                                  4.000

Lowenhaupt, John P. to Federal Co-operative
Building and f<oan Assoc. Belmont nv. P.
M.   Sept 15, installs.                                   3,7.50

Lindsay, George H. to Garret L. Hardy, John
11. Voorhees, Mariin N. Payne and WiUiam
S. WandeL Montrose av and Old Bushwick
av.   P.M.   Sept 15, 5 years, 5 «?.               6 000

Lart rence, James A. to The Franklin Trust
Co. guard, for Evelyn M. A , Henry A., Ed¬
ward M. and Lawrence C. Dalley. Decatur
st, n 8,31.10 w Stuyvesant av. 4 lots, each
IS.NxlOO. 4 mort J., each $7,000. Sept. 13. 8
years, 5^.                                                     38,000

Same to same. Decatur st, n w cor Stuyvesant
av, 31.10x100.   Sept. 13, 3 years, 5 ^.        10,000

Lee, Mary J. widow to tieorge H. Perry.
Ralph st, ss. 103.6e Central av, 30.10x100.
Sept. 9, due Jan. 1, 1^91.                                  7."*

Liese, Alma 0. to Joannes C. Vfiorbies Olst
st, n 8, 340 w lltfa av, 40x100, New Utrecfat
Sept 11, Syears.                                              600

Lincoln, Annie E., Cohasset, Mass., to Thomas
Taylor. Lafayette av, s s, 145 w Sumner av,
30x100.   May 39,1 year.                              1,000

Macedo, William A. to Tbe Prospect Home
Building and Loan Assoc. Blake av, n s, 100
e Shepherd av, 25x100.   Sept 9, installs.   1,350

Martens, Henry to Samuel Peden. Quincy st
P. M.   Sept 10, due Sept 11. isas, 5 %.     3,.50O

Mar, Annie wife of and Harris to Penry E.
Haydock. (Jsborn st, e s, 100 n Blake av, »5x
10 r.   Sept. ll,due Jan. 1, IsiHi.                   1,.5(J0

Mason. Mary E. wife of and Isaac D. to Earl
A. Gillfrspie, Woodhaven, L I. Thatford av,
e s. ISO n Glenmore av, 33xl0o. Sept. ■>. 1
year.                                                                  5.50

McGuinniss, Patrick F. to William Quinlan.
Java .St. ss, :;3.">e Oakland st, 35x100. Sept
13, 4 years, .5 %.                                                 70,5

McDicken, Jane to Bernard lievino. Patehen
av. s e cor Halsey st, 100x310. Sub. to mort.
f.-.t.StK).   Sept 13, 1 year.                            1,7.50

San.e to Bernard Levino, Horatio S. Stewart,
Alfred Van Deriverken and George C. Cran-
f'rd. Sameproperty. Sub to mort $39,S00.
Sept 13, 1 year.                                             3,750

Same to Frank Bailey. Same property. Sept
13, demand.                                                  39,800

Mcfieady, Joseph F. to Mary Heyser. Ver¬
mont st.   P.M.   Sept 11, 3 years.              1,100

McKenzie, Marian L. to Frances J. Bennett.
Livingston st, nes. 100s e Hanover pl, 30x
135 to Grove pl.   Sept. 5, 5 months.             4:J6

McManus, James to Freeman Clarkson and
ano. exr. Eilje II. Steers. Prospect pL P.
M.    Aug. 3.5, due Sept 1, 1893, 5 %.            1,W)0

Mc'arriek, Mary L. to James G. Roberts.
Macon St. s s,'.fJ.Oe Reid av. P. M. Sept.
1.5, Syears.                                                      1,900

McGinty, Catherine to Marshall N. Tucker and
Charles N. Brewster. 63d .st, ns, 160 e 13tb av,
40x35 to land of New York & Sea Beach R.
R. Co.. New Utrecbt   Sept. 11,4 years.      800

MoUer, Charles H. to Daniel K. De Beixedon.
Herkimer st, s a, 64ii w Nostrand av, 20x93.9.
iept. 17, 3 years, 5 %.                                     1,500

Montgomery, Emily F. and wife and Qeorge
C, ParkviUe, L. I., to Nassau Land and Im¬
provement Co. 16th st, s s, 157.10 w Sth av.
P. M.   Sept 15. 2 years. 5 «.                        1,300

Same to The Title Guarantee and Trast Co.
Same property.   Sept 15, 3 years, 5 %.      3.000

Moore, Emma F. wife of and George L. to
Elisba P. Cronkhiie. Stuyvesant av, n 'a
cor Oreene av, .50x100. Sub. to mort. $2,000.
Sept 16. due .^ov. 1.5,1890.                          l,.5O0

Morton, William S. and Charles W. to Melvin
}je Grand and Henry M. Pardonne. Chauncey
st, s s, 3(;s e Saratoga av, 95x100. Sept 16,
due Nov. ir., ]8.m.                                         2,500

Mouhroy, Susanuuh to Taroline E. Simmons.
7lL av.    P. M.   Seitt 16, 1 year, 5 %.          3,500

Metz, Charles J. to WiUiam Beet SSth st P.
M.   Sept 1, due Nov. L 1895.                      1,550

MUes, Helen to Charles H. Dusecl-ury. Dean
gt. 8 8,188 w Stone av, 43.6x107.3. tiejpt. 12.
SywWf                                                    1|00Q

Miller, Celestine E. to James W. Dearing. 3d
av and Warren st. P. M.   Sept 16, due Sept.

IS, im',, s %.                                                    1,800

Miller, Frederick to Jame» D. Rankin and
James Ros.s. Macon st, n s, 100 e Patehtn
av, 5 lots, together 99.11x100. 5 morts., each
$1,000.   Sept 11, lyear.                              5,000

Moores, Robeit L, and Cbarles A. Le Quesnes
to Henry W. Putnam. Putnam av, n s, 140
e Howard av, 40x100.   Sept. 13, 3 ycai-s, 5 %.


Same to Henry W. Putnam. Putnam av, u s,
180 e Howard av, 40x100. Sept. 13, 3 years,
5 %.                                                                 1.5,000

Moll, August to Mary C. Reynolds. Eastern
Parkway, n s, .50 e Schenck av, .50x110. Sept.
13, due Sept 1,1893.                                      3.500

Monson, Thomas to William Corrigan. 19th st.
P. M.   Sept 13, installs, 5 %.                           500

Montfort, Jc>hn M. to George M. Miller. Lin¬
wood st   P. M.   Sept. 15, due Dec. 18, 18!»0.


Morey, Anna S. wife of Charles S. to David S,
Beasley. Van Buren st. P. M. Juiy 31, due
Jan. 31,1891.                                                         tiOO

Mosby, Julius A. M. to Robert L. Moores and
Cbarles A. Jje Quesne. Putnam av. P. M.
Sept 10,1 year.                                                500

Nowak, Martin to John T. Lord et aL exrs.
Samuel I.«rd. North Henry st. P. M. Sept.
3,dueSept 1,1S93.                                          400

Netz, .Tobn R. to William Bedford. Frost st.
P.M.   Sept 16, 5 yeai-s.                               1,.500

Northridge, Thomas H. to Edwin D. Walton.
Pacific st, s s, 9.5 e Columbia st, 19x50. Sept.
11, 3 years, 5^.                                               3,000

Nevin, Kate E. wife of and James to Kate M.
Whiteley trustee Mary F. Farrar. Nassau st,
8 ecor DufBeld st, 26X87x25.11x87.
mort. $8 000.   Sept 16, 1 year, 5 %.             1,(HX)

Same to WUliam D. Bruns, Jr., and ano. exrs.
Lena K. Bruns. Sameproperty. P. M.
Sept 16, Syeare, 55J.           .                         8,000

Offerman, Carsten to Daniel R. Miller. Lin¬
coln pl, 8 8 110 w 7th av, -30x100. Sept 13, 3
years, 5 %.                                                       4,000

Och«, Charles to Joseph T. Gately and Jobn
Smith. Dupont st, s s. /J45 e Franklin st, 35
^100.   July 1,3 years.                                        »500

Ogden, J. Edward to Catharine Grinnon.
Gi-eene st. s s, 195 e FrankUu st, 75x100. Aug.
30, due July 1, 1893, 5 f.                               3,700

O'HaUoran, Sarah J. to The Title Guarantee
and Trust Co. Navy st, w s, ItJO n Bolivar
st, 3.5xl0<l.   Sept 13, 3 yeai-s.                          600

O'Mara, Micbael to Josiah Morgans. Chauncey
st, s s, 335 e Stuyvesant av, 135x100. Sept 10,
demand.                                                          8,750

Same to same. Same property. P. M. Sept 10,
demand, 5 %.                                                   6,000

Same to Henry H. Thorpe. Jefferson av. P.
M.   Sept. 3, 6 months.                                   1,000

O'NeiU, Catharine to West Brooklyn Land and
Improvement Co. 46th st, NewUtrecht P.
M.   Sept 9, due Sept. 6, 1895, 5 %,              1,680

Phelan, Timothy to Kings Co. Savings Inst.
Bedford av, nws, 47.6 s w North 8th st, 33.6
xlOO.   Sept 13, 1 year, 5 %.                          4,000

Palmer, Elizal)eth to WiUiam M. Gibson. Reid
av. es, 100 n Greene av, 30x100. Sept 16, 3
years. 5 %.                                                       1,350

Pratt, Edwin H. to The Title Guarantee and
Trust Co. Halsey st P. M. feept 15, lyear,
S%.                                                                   3,.500

Same to Charles G. Cozine. Same property..
P.M.   Sub. to mort    Sept 15, installs.   4,600

Prehn, Henry M. to The East Brooklyn Co-op¬
erative Building Assoc. East Sth st, Flat¬
bush.   P. M.   Sept 15, installs.                  2,000

Purpura, D'-menico to William J. Morrison.
45th St.   P. M.   Sept. 15, 1 year.                   835

Preston, Mary E. to Kings Co. Co-operative
Building and Loan Assoc. Sumpter st, n s,
50 e Saratoga av, ISJdxlOO.   Sept 17, installs.


Reimann, Alice M. to Jacob Van Deursen,
Gravesend, L. I. 84th st, Bensonhurst-by-
the-Sea.   P.M.   Sept 6. installs., 5 Jf.       l,.50O

Rodgers, James H. to Union Dime Savings
Inst., New York. Lafayette av, n e tor
Steuben st, lOOxUJO.3. Sept 16, due Nov. 1,
1893, 5 %.                                                        80,000

Rampmaier, Charles to Mirtin Ibert Patehen
av, 8 e cor Bainbridge st, 23x75. Sept 1, 5
yeare, 5 jt                                                        1,000

Rantus, James to Reljecca A. Woods. Bergen
s-t. P. M. Sub. to mort $1,000. Sept 13, 3
yeare.                                                                 400

Same to Rebecca A. Woods. Same property.
Sept 13, installs.                                            1,000

Rei'i, Jobn to George H. Roberts. Main road
or Flatbush av, e s, 185 s Diamond st, 85.8 x

360.5x85.5x365.3, Flatbush. ------, due Sept 1,

I'-OS.SJS.                                                         5,000

Ross, James H. to Noah Tebbetts.   Bushwick
av, n w cor Eldert st, 30x8L6.   ML $11,000
bept. 9, 3 yeare, 5 %.                                    l.'v,000

Saine to Paul W. Ledoux. Sameproperty. Sept
9, 3 years, 5 Jt                                                4.000

Same to Noah Tebbetts. Sameproperty.
Sept 9, 3yeais, S%.                                      7,000

Richmoud, Hattie M. wife of and George H.
to Edward P. Day. 5rt.h st. P. M. July 15,
due Nov. 1, 1897.                                            3,000

Sandberg, Louis and Gretchen Fritsche to Max
Gleissoer. Bartlett st. P. M. Sept. 13,
installs, 5^.                                                    2,600

Schmitz, Henry to Bertha Wagner and George
Gutting. Flushing av, n s, 175 e Vandervoort
pl, 25x118.7r3S.9xr3l.6. Sept 12, due Bept
1,1895, 5 i.                                                    1,950

Shannon, Tbomas to P, Ballantine Sc Sons.
Harriam st. No, 129, n e cor flicks st.   Lease.
1   Sept. 12, note.                                          3,750

Shaw, Henry T. to Greenpoint Savings Bank.
India st, s s. 100 w Manhattan av, 25x100.
Sept 11,1 year.                                                500

Sheridan, Patrick to WiUiamsburgh Savings
Bank. President st. s w s, 433 s e Sth av, 19.3
XlOO.   Sept 11, lyear, 5 55.                        12,000

Skivens, Henry to Mary A Ijawton. Wyona
st, w s, 1.50 n Belmont av, 25x100. Sept. 10.
8 yeare, b^ %.                                                2,000

Smith, Adriana wife of James to Silas Con¬
dict. tJth av, s w cor 31st st, 35x100. Aug.
25, demand.                                                     2.400

Same to same. Same property. Aug. 25, de¬
mand.                                                              3,100

Spalding, William A. to Joachim Brummel.
Atlantic av. No. 393. P. M, Sept 13,5 yeare,
5 %.                                                                   4,100

Stuart, Isabella wife of and John to Adeline J.
McKinlay. Van Siclen av. P.M. Sept. 11.
5 years, 5 %.                                                     3,000

Saddington, Adaline B. to The WiUiamsburgh
Savings Bank. Hancock st, s s, 153 w Tbroop
av, ISxiro.   Sept 13, 1 year, S%,                5,500

Saint Finbarrs Roman Catholic Church at
Bath, L. I., to Tbe Emigrant Indust. Sav¬
ings Bank. Ratb av, nes, 1.55.3 s e New Ut¬
recht road, 75x28.5.7x75x284.8; Browns pl, n
e s, lots 32 and 33 map Bath House, —x287.4x
140.1x3*5.7x140, New Utrecht Sept 15, 1
year, 4^ ^..                                                      3.=i00

Sauer, Conrad and Annie C. his wife to Jugen
Luis. Thames st, s s, 335 e Bogart st, 49.6x
—j6'<.3x10O.   Sept 16, 3 years.                       200

Shepherd, William C. to Alsop V. Green. Es¬
sex St.   P. M.   Sept 15, install.".                 1,075

Steininger, Katharina to Loftis W. Berry.
Morgan av, w s, 25 s Hairison pl, 25x100.
Sept 13, 3 yeare, 5 %                                      3,500

Sullivan, John to l.iOttie A. Foper. Watkins
st, w s, 200 s Livonia av, 40x100. Aug. 33, 5
years.                                                                        'MM

Stevens, George H. to Mary M. Stephenson
gnard. Charles Stephenson. Halsey st, s s,
340 e Lewis av, 3 lots, each 30xlOo. 2 morts..
each $4,500.   Sept. 11, 3 yeare, 5 ^.              9,000

The Leibinger & Oehm Brewing Co. to Her¬
mann B. Scharmann. Bogart st, n w cor
Vai-etst   P.M.   Sept 11, 5 yeare.            6,000

Travis, George E. to The Bushwick Savings
Bank. Grand st, s s, 180 e Ewen st, 30x100.
Sept. 12,1 year, 5 %.                                      6,000

Tyler, Susan to The Dinre Savings Bank of
Brooklyn. Gold st, e s, 195 s Myrtle av, 19x
85.   Sept 12, 1 year.                                        .500

Tyler, Joel F. to Silas Ludlnm. Decatur st, s s,
425 w Reid av, 2 lots, each 16.9x100. 2 morts.,
each $3,750.   Sept 13, 3 yeare, 5 J.             7,500

Ssmoe to Janet P. Ludlam. Decatur st, s s,
458.3 w Reid av, 16.10x100. Sept 13,3 years.
5 i.                                                                   3,750

Vogel, Selma wife of and Henry to WiUiam
laytin t!t al. trustees WilUam Laytin dec'd.
Sackett st, s w s, Uti.S n w Court st, 16.8x
100.   Sept 4, 1 year, 5 %.                              3,500

Vogt, Henry to Otto Herder. Ashford st, w s,
300 11 Liberty av.   P. M.   Sept.  10, 5 yeare.


V^an L^an, Christine to Title Guarantee and
Trust Co. Keap st, s s, 169 e Marcy av, 19x
100.   Sept 17, 3 years, 5 %.                           6,000

Welke, Hugo to Title Guarantee and Trust Co.
Eldert st   P. M.   Sept. 15.1 year, 5 %.     3,500

Same to John G. Cozine and James Gascoine.
Smiie property. P. M. Sub. to last mort.
Sept. 15, installs.                                               !»00

Wolf, William to I.,ottie A. Soper. Williams
av, e s, 100 s Glenmore av, 35x100. Sept. 9,
1 year.'                                                                400

Woods, Rebecca A. wife of and Alexander to
John E. Lovelv. St. Marks av, n s, 165.6 e
Troy av, 44.6x137.9.   Sept. 13, 3 yeare.      1,000

Zielinski, Pelagia to George Orlowski, Bond
st, south cor Livingston st, 35x65x25.4x65.
Sept 11,5 yeare, 5 %.                                     3,500



September 12 to 18—inclusive.
Aaron, Lcuis to Max Isaacs.                          $2,000

Braman, Hiram V. V. and Irene B. exrs.
Elizabeth A. T. Phelps to Jrent B.
Braman.                                                           nom

Brush, James E. and Mary H. trastees of
Almira J. Southard to Almira J. South¬
ard,                                                                   nom
Butler, Charles E. trustee of Georgiana L.

Heckscher to John G. Heckscher.                 nom

Bemard, Samuel to Newman Cowen.            9,500

Same to same.                                                  40,000

Same to same.                                                  20,000

Cohen, Jacob to Lena Laue.                            5,500

Coben, Adolph to Sender Jarmulowsky.        nom
Crosby, EUzabeth M. to Josepha M. Young

'extrx., &c., of Edmund M. Young.           26,500

Chrystie,  WUliam   F.   exr.   Frances F.

Chrystie to Louisa S. Freeman.                   3,000

Decker, John W. to R. Clarence Dorsett      nom
Davis, Julia and ano. admrs. Jacob Davis

to Harris Elias and Samuel J. SUberman. nom
Ely-Goddard, Alice S. formerly Whitney

to Frederic de P. Fester.                             10,000

German-^ merican P,eal Estate Title Guar¬
antee Co. to Margaret Cleland.                    7,000
Gillies, George M to Janet Gillies et al.

exra. Jame»> Gillies.                                        4,000

Guggenheimer,    Randolph   to    Salomon

SKrx.                                                              2,000

Same to same.                                                    2,000

GuggenL^mer, Eliza to same.                           604

Heckscher, John Q. to Charles E. Butler

trustee of Josephine Bedlow.                   10,000
  v. 46, no. 1175: Page 376