Real estate record and builders' guide (v.49no.1242(Jan. 2 1892)-no.1267(June 25 1892))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 49, no. 1243: Page 37  

January 9, 1893

Record   and   Guide.


Fítzsimons & Smith have sold for P. J. Cuskley the flve-story brick
buildiug No. 2052 Ist avenuo, nortbeast cjrnor of lOOth streot, size 35.11x
60, for $-36,000.

Heury H. Dreyer bas sold for Cornet 61 Zimmerman the northwest
coruer of 114th streefc and 5fch aveaue, iiO.^ijXlOO, to Heary J. Fisher. of
the flrm of Fisher Brothers, decorators, ou private terms.

J. W. Stevens has sold for S. R. Donnellou to Adeliua Widmayer No.
167 West 8Sth street, a three-story dwelling, 17x50 and extension xlOO, on
private terras.

Win.S. Anderson &Co. have soldforMrs. F. Boehm to Mrs. R. Oettinger
No. 130 East 71th street, a threestory aud basement Ohio stone front
dwellÍDg, on lot 18 9xl(l'3.2, for about $19,000,

We are reliably luformed that the prioe of the niuo lots on the south
side of llOtb street, jusl east of 7th avenue, was $95,000, not $90,000 as
previously repoited.

D. WiIIis James has sold to T. E. D. Power for improvement, the four
lots on the southwest corner of Columbus avenue and 85th street.

D. Willis James has purcbased the three lols ou the snulh side of 85th
street, '250 feet east of Arasfcerdam avenue. Thi- gives Mr. James a plot of
fourteen lots, between Columbus and Amsterdam avenues, which he will
improve by the erection of three-story dwellings.

James M Hartsborne has sold to Tbomas Reynolds, No. 45 West 92dstreet,
a thrce-story auj basement brown stone dwelUug, 20x50x100.8, for $17,500.
Brokers, E. H. Ludiow & Co.

J. Watts De Peyster, it is said, has sold to Sarauel McMiUan the three
lots on the northeast corner of the boulevard and 107tb s'reufc.

Barauel McMilIan has sold the flve-stoiy flafc, on lofc 25x100, No. 208
West 54th street.


MacDonald Brothers havo leased for Mrs. Henry Gilsey to W. Jennings
Demorest, the balE block front, soulhwest corner of Broadway and '39th
street, with adjoiuiug property on 29th street, forforty-two yeeirs, with
renewals, at a rental of about $10,IX)0 per anuum for the flrst tweuty-one
years. Ifc is expected that uu elegant niue or ten-story ofHce building will be
erected on the site.

It was rumored late yesterday afternoon that Wm. Astor had leaiied tbe
southwest corner of .5th avenue and 31th street, his old residence, stand-
ing on a plot aboufc 100 feet square. The rumor was nofc generally believed
down towu, aud ifc was too late to obtain either conflrmatiou or denial of ifc
at Mr. Astor's office.

Ascher Weinstein has leased to Drew & May, the gas flxture manufact-
urere, the new five-story building, 20x93, now beiug erected at No. 306
East 19lh street, for ten years from May 1, 1893, at $3,200 per annum.


Reports reach us that speculators are busy traveling about Westchester
lown in search of acreage—which may be plotted and put on the market in
the spring. Only last week tbe Sherman Park sjndicate, wbich has beeu
60 succes^ful. took title (tbrough Lewis.Smadbeck) to 8% acres, for which
theypaidthe Findlay estate $10,500, lu the way of other sales we hear
that George F. Jarrelt has sold to Henry C. Mapes ihat part of the Aruow
estate remaiuiug unsold and comprising over ona huadred lots Mr. Jar-
rett made a nandsome profit ou his purchase, as he paid only $70,000 for tbe
190 lots originally purchasej. For seveoty-three uf thOĩe from $4 .'5 to
$1,875 apiece, a total of $69,800, was reahzed at auction last Juue, and now
Mr. Mapespays $70,500 for Ihe lemaiuder. Mauy more of these lots wovUd
have beeu sold earlier were it uot for Mr. Jarrett's absence abroad. The
lots Mr. Mapes secured are on Maiu street, Garrett and Aruow places,
Evadna, Halperin and Navy streets and Eastchester road,


Corwith Bros. have sold the three-story frame double teuement, 25x60x
100, No. 96 Eckford street, for Andrew Nisbet to Jeus. Paulsen for $7,450;
and the lot, 25x100, uortheust side of Diamond street, 50 feet south of
Nassau aveuue, for Sarah M. Disbrow to Patrick Connell for $1,(XX).

BeDJamin Siurges has sold for Frauk D. Smith his gore lot on Madison
Btreet, between Throop and Sumner aveuues', for $6,000.


1890.              1890-91.                 1391-92.

Jan. 2 to 8, Dec. 31 to Jan. T,        Dec. 30 to

iucius.                    inclus.      Jan. 6, inclus.

\umber............................                 410                        4'>3                        3T8

&,mount involved....................     81,943,173             $l,953,3u7              81,597,J45

ĩíumber Dominal..........-    ......                  98                        108                           101


Number............................                336                       393                       323

imount mvolved...................      $1,335,438            $1,360,898             $l,219,0il

Number at 5 per cent. or less........                236                       2U8                        1T4

Amotmt mvolved....................       81,040,477                 $813,520                  8U93,6U0


1690.                    1891.                  1891-93.

Jan. 3 to 9,           Jan. 1 to 8,          Dec. .11 to

iuclus.                   iDclus.       Jan. T, inclus.

Numberof bulldings...............                 7T                         41                          46

Estimated cost.....................        83^:9,100               $131,075                $186,260


Out Âmong the BuUdeifs.

The Melropolitan Realty Company intendsiobuild a thirteen-story base-
ment and sub-basement building for manufactnriug purposes, to have a
frontage of 50 feet on Williara street, 55 feet on Rose street aud 310 on the
Brooklyn BriJge, It is to be thoroughly fire-proof iu constiuctiou snd is
to bave Eour elevators and steam heat tbrougbout. Tbe construction is to
allow of a large window space, the number of windows shown on the ele-
vation beiug about 700. f lans are beiug drawu by W. Wheeler Smith
and the oost is estimate 1 at befcween $40u,000 and $500.000. L. H. Biglow
is preaident of tbe company anil Wm. H. Whiting, oí Ruland & Whiting,
geca-etary and treatiurer.

We are enabled to give advauce informatioû of an extensive and iniport -
ant improvemeut to be made in North New York bv Wm. O'Gorman, who
has bmlt about '350 houses ou WiUis, Alexander and Brook avenues, 13<!th,
139th, 14(ith, 141st aud 142d streets. Mr O'Gorman has had plans prepared
by Architect W. H. C Hornum £or ten five sfcory huff brick flats, to cover
the easterly frout on Willis avenue, betweeu l4lst aud 14-.'d streets. The
corner flals wiU be 26x90 each, with two families per floor, aud eight
ÍDSide single flats will be each 18.9 feet f ront. These flats will be first-class
throughout, with all moderu improvemeots. AU the flats will contain

S. A. Warner bas drawn plans for a six-story baseraent and suh-cellar
brick, iron aud stono buUding, to be built for G. G. Kip, at Nos. '34 and Î6
West 4th street. The builJing will be .50s82 in size, with terra ootta trim-
mings above the seconj story. The interior wUl be flu'shej io ash, and
araongother appointments will be electric light, elevator and steam heat,
the whole eslimatel to cost $75,000,

Henry Morgentbau proposes tobuild a three or £our-story business buUd-
iug, coverÍDg Nos. 235 to 245 Oth avenue, west side, betweeu 15th and 16th
streets. Tbe prelimina'-y sketches are now being prepared by Architecta
Buchman & Deisler. The front is to be of iron, brick and stone, aud the
building is to contain elevators, steam heat and other improvements, and
is to be coDstructed for a retail drj-goods or furniture business. The plot
is K 3.3x101) in size, with an "L," '35x100, ruuning through to and fronting
on 15th street. The c(<st is not yet ostimated. The buUdings now on the
site are to be torn dowu February 1st.

T. E. D. Power will buiIJ for D. WilUs Jaraes seventeen three-story stone
front dwellings on the fourteen lots south side of SHh street, 100 feet east
of Amsterdam avenue. The cost of the houses has notbeen estimated, but
tbey ure to coutain every improvement and they will be first-class in every
particular. Mr. Power wiU also buUd for his own account three improved
flve story flathouseson the four lots, southwest corner of Columbusavenue
aiid 85th street, which he purchased this week from Mr. James. J. G.
Prague will be the architect.

J. C. Burne will furuish plans for a two-sfcory extensîon, 20x20.10, to be
made to the building on the southeast coruer o£ 2d avenueand llSth street
at a cost of $7,000; for a one-story eitension, 19x26, to the building on the
nortbeast coruer of 2d avenue and 97th street, at a cost of $4,000; aad for
afour-stor^ extonsion to the buildiog on the northwest corner of ^d avenue
aud 83J street, 17x20, to cost $13,000. The owners of all the above build-
iugs are Sheehy Bros.

W. Jennings Demorest, ifc is said, will build a nine or ten-story offlce
buUdingonthesouthwest corner of Broadway aud 29th street, adjoining
the new Fifth Avenue Tbeatre building.

Edward Weuz is tbe architect for tho nine flve-story briek and brown
stone fronfc flats which, as noted in our.Iast issue, John C Barth wiU build
cn Central Park West, between 103d and 104th streets. The corner
houses will each be '37 5 «96, while the seveu ioside houses will be 21x83 feet
each. Thi houses will have staam heat and all the improvements and wUl
be flr.»t-class iu every particular.   Cost not estimated,

M. A. CoUeran will build sii flrsfcclass four-story and basement brown
stonedwelliugs ou the flve lots Bouth sideoE 70th street, 150 feet wesl of Cen-
tral Park Wcst.

Bernard Havanagh will improve the three lots on the south side of 70th
street, a75 feet west of Central Park West, probably by the erection of fonr
first-class four-story private dwelliugs.

Jaraes J. Coogau iuteuds to build a six-story business building, 48.3x
100 in size, on tho southwest coruer of 6tb avenue aud 15th street, wilh an
" L," 20x83.3 in siae, running through to 15tb street.

Out of TowB,

Bat Shore, L. I.—The plans of C. Powell Karr, who was oue of ten
corapetitoi's, have been selectod for the new public school building to
be erected here. The building will be a two-story structure, 125x75 in size
constructed of washed brick with rodded joiots, the wiadows to be trimmed
witb moulded jambs. Tbe roof will be of raetal tile, the stairs fire-prcof
the floors double and the ceilings of erabossed raetal, There will be sixteen
rooms with accommodatiou for 800 children. The plumoing, beating and
ventilating are to receive especial care and atfcention, and the cost of the
building Ls estimated at $'25,000.

Bbnsonhurst, L, I.—S. S. Covert has plans under way for a two-story
and attic frame dwelhng, 34x39 in size, to be built here for H. V. Wagoner,
at a cost of $6,000.

HiBERNiA, N. Y.—Geo. S. Drew, of New York, wUI have charge o£ the
remodeliog of the works of the Lard and Flouring MUIs at this plaoj. The
improvements consist in a complete overhauling of the buiMing, the intro-
ductiou o£ improved machinery, including saw aud oider milling plants
and the building o£ a new dam.

Important líew Buildings.

Plans were flled this week by Charlés P. H. Gilbert tor a six-story and base-
ment granite, brick and terra cotta storage warehouse to be built by H. Mur-
dock on the south side of 115th street, 145 feet east of 5lh avenue, for S. M.
and G T. Jackson. Tho building will be 50x90 iu size and oE sIow-burnÍDg
construction. A large entrance court for the loading and uuloading of
vans will be provided, and on each side ot this court wiU be the cflíices,
waiting-rooras, etc. Eaoh floor will beprotected with automatic sprinklers
with a new arraugemenfc at stairs and elevator to prevent the water from
reacbing the floor below. Fioight and passenger elevators, electric light
and steam beat wUl be províded, and the estimated cost is placed at

Among tbe plans filed tbis week for new buildrags are tbose of De Lemos
& Cordes for an eight story brick, iron and stone flre-proof office building
to cover the cutire plot, 50x72, at Nos. 51, .53 and .55 Frankliu street. Tbe
flrst floor will be arranged for stores aud theie with tbe upper stoi ies wiU
be trimmed in hardwooJs. Tbe stairs are tc be of iron and slate and the
roof of asphalt. In all appointments the buildiog wiU be strictly flrst>
class, costiog about $135,000.   Solomon Loeb is tbe Qwner.
  v. 49, no. 1243: Page 37